Private Military and Security Companies in International Law
Corinna Seiberth
Not Available
The Right Not to Be Displaced in International Law
Michèle Morel
International Labour Law
Barbara J Fick
Beyond Responsibility to Protect
McCoubrey Centre for International Law
International Law
Matthew McManus
Crimes Against Humanity
Nergis Canefe
In Stock
£76.50 £85.00
International Environmental Law
Donald K Anton
Fighting for Justice
Elizabeth GibsonMorgan
International Human Rights in Post-Colonial Africa
Santino Ayuel Longar Dau
National Human Rights Institutions in Europe and Latin America
Jan Wouters and 2 more
National Human Rights Institutions in Europe
Jan Wouters and 1 more
Territoriality and International Law
Marcelo G Kohen
International Law and Migration
Vincent Chetail
International Family Law
Ann Laquer Estin
Global Health Law
Gian Luca Burci
Refugees from Armed Conflict
Vanessa Holzer
Law on the Use of Force and Armed Conflict
Robert Cryer and 1 more
Theory and Philosophy of International Law
Andrea Bianchi
International Humanitarian Law
John Cerone
International Polar Law
International Space Law
Frans G von der Dunk
Jurisdiction Over Antitrust Violations in International Law
Cedric Ryngaert
Global Governance
Axel Marx and 1 more
The International Court of Justice
William Schabas
Democracy and International Law
Gregory H Fox and 1 more
The Effectiveness of International Criminal Justice
Law of the Sea
Donald Rothwell
International Law Aspects of the EU's Security and Defence Policy, with a Particular Focus on the Law of Armed Conflict
Frederik Naert
Transnational Law of Sports
James A R Nafziger
Legal Status of Non-Governmental Organizations in International Law
Ingrid Rossi
International Courts and Tribunals
Reframing Human Rights and Trade
John Morijn
Classics in International Investment Law
August Reinisch
Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organisations
Jan Wouters
The Law and Politics of International Organizations
Kenneth W Abbott
Indigenous Rights Entwined With Nature Conservation
Ellen Desmet
The UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
Toshiyuki Kono