Food Industry in Brazil
Walter Belik
Not Available
Learning from Failed Stabilization
Carlos Winograd
Trade Liberalisation and Manufacturing in Bolivia
Rhys Jenkins
Health, Hygiene and Sanitation in Latin America, C.1870 to C.1950
Christopher Abel
Britain and Latin America
Louise lEstrange Fawcett and 2 more
The Brazilian Fiscal System in the 1990S
Mauricio Coutinho
The Viva Rio Movement
Hilda Maria Gaspar Pereira
The Paraguayan War
Leslie Bethell
Customary Law and Democratic Transition in Guatemala
Rachel Sieder
Reforming the State
Maria DAlva G Kinzo
Health Care in Colombia, C.1920 to C.1950
Corporatism Revisited
Nikki Craske
New Regionalism and Latin America
Leonardo Campos Filho
The Origins of the Peasant-Contra Rebellion in Nicaragua 1979-87
Salvador Martí i Puig