Nightmares of the Lettered City
Juan Pablo Dabove
Not Available
The Optic of the State
Jens Andermann
The Andes Imagined
Jorge Coronado
Transition Cinema
Jessica Stites Mor
Narrating Narcos
Gabriela Polit Dueñas
Rethinking Community from Peru
Irina Alexandra Feldman
After Human Rights
Fernando Rosenberg
Comics and Memory in Latin America
Jorge Catalá Carrasco
Adjusting the Lens
Freya Schiwy
Appropriating Theory
José Eduardo González
In Search of the Sacred Book
Aníbal González
Concrete and Countryside
Carmelo Esterrich
New World Postcolonial
James Fuerst
Ana Forcinito
Polyphonic Machine, The
Niall HD Geraghty
Open Invitation, The
Failure of Latin America, The
John Beverley