An Introduction to Political Economy
Vincent Bladen
Not Available
The Lone Shieling
GH Needler
Essentials of Price Theory
Burton Keirstead
The Theory of Potential and Spherical Harmonics
Wolfgang J Sternberg and 1 more
History of Agriculture in Ontario 1613-1880
Robert Jones
A Legacy of Lyrics
Florence Hester Edgar
Education for Tomorrow
Richard M Saunders
English Merchant Shipping 1460-1540
Heather Whiteside
Bensley's Practical Anatomy of the Rabbit
Edward Craigie
The German Novel, 1939-1944
H Boeschenstein
The Excavation of Ste Marie I
Kenneth Kidd
Sonnets of Louise Labé
Louise Labé
Constitutional Amendment in Canada
Paul GérinLajoie
The Progressive Party in Canada
WL Morton
The Infinite Moment and Other Essays in Robert Browning
William O Raymond
The Public Purse
Norman Ward
Democratic Government and Politics
James Corry and 1 more
The Theory of Functions of a Real Variable (Second Edition)
Ralph Jeffery
Twenty-Five Years of Child Study
Karl Bernhardt and 5 more
Henderson's Materia Medica
James Ferguson and 1 more
The Celestial Cycle
Watson Kirkconnell
The Canadian Grain Trade 1931-1951
Duncan MacGibbon
A History of Victoria University
Charles Bruce Sissons
Saints in Politics
Enrest Howse
Oakville and the Sixteen
Hazel Matthews
University College
Claude Bissell
Chronic Alcoholism and Alcohol Addiction
R J Gibbins and 2 more
Forest Regeneration in Ontario
RC HOSIE and 1 more
The Meaning of Income in the Law of Income Tax
Francis Eugene LaBrie
The Letters of Sara Hutchinson
Kathleen Coburn
Canadian Municipal Government
Kenneth Crawford
Out of the Earth
GB Langford
Sir Edmund Head
Donald Kerr and 1 more
The Crisis of the West
Dorothy Thompson
Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta
William Mann
Rions Ensemble
Harold Humphreys and 1 more
Round About Industrial Britain, 1830-1860
Charles Fay
The Witenagemot in the Reign of Edward the Confessor
Tryggvi J Oleson
North American Moose
Randolph Peterson
The Colonial Office and Canada 1867-1887
David Farr
Aspects of Racinian Tragedy
John Lapp
Tariff Procedures and Trade Barriers
George Elliott
Life and Labour in Newfoundland
Pioneer Public Service
John Hodgetts
The Baptists in Upper and Lower Canada Before 1820
Stuart Ivison and 1 more
Forests and French Sea Power, 1660-1789
Trigonometric Series
Customs Administration in Canada
Edward Blake, Irish Nationalist
Margaret Banks
The Government of Nova Scotia
Our Living Tradition
FrançoisRené de Chateaubriand
Friedrich Schlegel
Hans Eichner
Monetary and Fiscal Thought and Policy in Canada, 1919-1939
The Valley of the Trent
Edwin Guillet
The Snakes of Ontario
EBS Logier
The Proterozoic in Canada
James E Gill
Studia Varia
EGD Murray
The Indians of Quetico
Emerson Coatsworth
The National Policy and the Wheat Economy
Vernon Fowke
The Odonata of Canada and Alaska
Edmund Walker
Bank of Canada Operations and Policy
Edward Neufeld
Inventories and the Business Cycle
Clarence Barber
The University and Business
Douglas Grant
Our Debt to the Future
The Organic Psychoses
John Dewan and 1 more
The Eighth President of the University of Toronto
Faculty of Information Studies
The Undergraduate Essay
Robin Harris and 1 more
The Paul's Cross Sermons 1534-1642
Millar MacLure
Science and the Creative Spirit
Arthur Morton
The Foundations of Geometry
Gilbert de Beauregard Robinson
Three Centuries and the Island
Graham Hubbard and 1 more
On Understanding Russia
F James
The Canadian Northwest
Frank H Underhill
The Security of Infants
Betty Flint
The Ethical Idealism of Matthew Arnold
William Robbins
The Liberal Party in Alberta
LG Thomas
The Social Credit Movement in Alberta
John Irving
Manufacturing Process in Canada
Kenneth Livingston and 1 more
Canadians and Foreign Policy
Quaker Ways in Foreign Policy
Robert Byrd
100 to Dinner
Elspeth Middleton and 2 more
Thomas WM Cameron
Calculus (Third Edition)
The Politics of Education
Frank MacKinnon
Memory, Learning and Language
William Feindel
A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada / Bibliographie De L'Enseignement Supérieur Au Canada
Canadian Dualism
Mason Wade
Millar MacLure and 1 more
Social Purpose for Canada
Michael Oliver
Current Law and Social Problems, II
Ronald MacDonald
Soils in Canada
Robert Legget
Canada and the New International Economy
Carlton University
A Laboratory Outline for Elementary Organic Chemistry
FR Lorriman and 1 more
The Jews in Manitoba
Arthur A Chiel
Canadian Issues
Robert M Clark
Urbanism and the Changing Canadian Society
SD Clark
New Horizons for Canada's Children/Horizons Nouveaux Pour Les Enfants Du Canada
B Heise
The Problem of the Unity of the Sciences
Robert McRae
The Conscription Crisis of 1944
Robert Dawson
Andrew SassKortsak
The New University
Murray G Ross
The French Shore Problem in Newfoundland
Frederic F Thompson
The Valley of Vision
Peter Fisher
The Universal Self
Agnes MacKay
British Emigration to British North America
Helen Cowan
The Ancient Culture of the Bering Sea and the Eskimo Problem No. 1
Henry Michael and 1 more
Mossie Kirkwood
The Struggle for Survival
Forrest LaViolette
The Art of the Possible
James Eayrs
Les Universites Canadiennes Aujourd'hui / Canadian Universities Today
George Stanley and 1 more
French Existentialism
Frederick Kingston
The University as Publisher
Eleanor Harman
Cabot to Cartier
Bernard Hoffman
The Cicindelidae of Canada
JB Wallis
Robert McDougall
The Canadian General Eelection of 1957
John Meisel
Tradition in Exile
John Matthews
A Century of Challenge
Friston Eugene Gattinger
Procedure in the Canadian House of Commons
WF Dawson
Electrophysiology of Extraocular Muscle
Goodwin Breinin
The University and the New World
Howard Jones and 2 more
Canadian Population and Northern Colonization
Indian Rock Paintings of the Great Lakes
Selwyn Dewdney and 1 more
The Demand for Canadian Imports 1926-55
Murray Kemp
Studies in Siberian Ethnogenesis No. 2
Henry Michael
The Employment Forecast Survey
Douglas Hartle
The Developing Canadian Community
A World of Love and Mystery
Walden Scott Cram
Canada in a Changing World Economy
Harry Johnson
The Tectonics of the Canadian Shield
John S Stevenson
Conference on Statistics 1960
EF Beach and 1 more
The Town of York 1793-1815
Edith Firth
Design for Learning
Northrop Frye
A Decade of Alcoholism Research
Robert E Popham and 1 more
The Economics of Subsidising Agriculture
Gavin McCrone
The Iroquois Book of Rites
Horatio Hale and 1 more
Studies in Analytical Geochemistry
Denis M Shaw
The Canadian Diplomat
Marcel Cadieux
The Political Process in Canada
JH Aitchison
The Politics of John W. Dafoe and the Free Press
Geoffrey C Kellow and 1 more
Marine Distributions
Maxwell Dunbar
The General Practitioner
Kenneth Clute
The Pioneer Farmer and Backwoodsman
The Government of Manitoba
Murray Donnelly
Pioneer Days in Upper Canada
Changing Legal Objectives
Cases and Materials on Contracts
JB Milner
The Economic Effects of Disarmament
The Economic Intelligence Unit
Community Planning
The Changing Conditions of Politics
James Corry
Ethnic Origins of the Peoples of Northeastern Asia No. 3
A Bibliography of the Hungarian Revolution, 1956
Ivan Halasz de Beky
William Lyon Mackenzie King, Volume II, 1924-1932
H Neatby
Grant MacEwan
The Great Migration (Second Edition)
Current Law and Social Problems, Volume III
EE Palmer
Studies in Siberian Shamanism No. 4
Wealth, Income, and Intangibles
JE Sands
Canadian Political Science Association Conference on Statistics 1961
William Hood and 1 more
School Broadcasting in Canada
Richard Lambert
Recent Progress in Microbiology VIII
N E Gibbons
Essays in English Literature from the Renaissance to the Victorian Age Presented to A.S.P. Woodhouse
Pedophilia and Exhibitionism
JW Mohr and 2 more
Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada 1895-1900
Vladimir Kaye
Count Frontenac
William Le Sueur
Zola Before the Rougon-Macquart
Raymond Tanghe
Madeleine Pellerin
The Vast Design
Edward Engelberg
The Archaeology and Geomorphology of Northern Asia
Geochronology in Canada
Freleigh Osborne
The Idea of Art as Propaganda in France, 1750-1799
James Leith
The Valley of the Six Nations
Charles M Johnston
The Seed of Wisdom
WS McCullough
The Career of Arthur Hamilton Gordon
JK Chapman
The Research Compendium
Margaret Avison and 2 more
Imagination and the University
Jacob Bronowski and 3 more
A Naturalist's Guide to Ontario
William Judd and 1 more
The Private Member of Parliament and the Formation of Public Policy
Robert Kelson
The San Juan Water Boundary Question
James O McCabe
The Future of Canadian Federalism/L'Avenir Du Federalisme Canadien
PaulAndre Crepeau and 1 more
The Return of Eden
The Irish Question 1840-1921
Nicholas Mansergh
Twelfth Night and Shakespearian Comedy
Clifford Leech and 1 more
Canada's Past and Present
Canada and Imperialism 1896-1899
Norman Penlington
Representative French Poetry (Second Edition)
Victor E Graham
Social Welfare in Ontario 1791-1893
Richard Splane
Richard Jefferies
William Keith
John Rae Political Economist: An Account of His Life and A Compilation of His Main Writings
R Warren James and 1 more
The Modern Senate of Canada 1925-1963
Frank Kunz
The Soviet Far East in Antiquity
The New-Born: A Practical Guide
JBJ McKendry and 1 more
The Modern Mexican Essay
Jose Luis Martinez and 1 more
Supplement 1965 to A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada / Supplément 1965 De Bibliographie De L'Enseighnement Supérieur Au Canada
Robin Harris
A Laboratory Guide to the Anatomy of The Rabbit
Pioneer Travel in Upper Canada
The Suburban Society
Mark MacGuigan
Continental Drift
G D Garland
Studies of Rheumatoid Disease
Canadian Rheumatism Association
Bibliography of Hungarian Dictionaries, 1410-1963
The Arctic Frontier
The Sixth Sense
Robert Finch
Welfare and Wisdom
John Morgan
The Political History of Newfoundland, 1832-1864
Gertrude E Gunn
Industrial Relations
John Crispo
The Child and the Institution
Pioneers of Canadian Science / Les Pionniers De La Science Canadienne
George Stanley
Canadian-American Planning
University of Windsor
The Clear Spirit
Mary Q Innis
The Intercity Electric Railway Industry in Canada
John Due
On Higher Education
DF Dadson
Room to Grow
Denis Kozlov and 1 more
The Protective Tariff in Canada's Development
JH Dales
The Control of Infections in Hospitals
W Harding Le Riche and 2 more
The World of Dante
S Bernard Chandler and 1 more
Essays on Private Law
Ian Baxter
Cases and Materials on Creditors' Rights
Patterns of Commitment in American Literature
Marston LaFrance
Paris 1900
Richard Mandell
History and Chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Donald Redford
New Designs for Learning
Water Resources of Canada
Claude Dolman
Systems and Computer Science
John Hart and 1 more
Economic Growth in Canada
N Lithwick
Euripidean Drama
Desmond Conacher
Appalachian Tectonics
Thomas Clark
Natural Resources and Public Property Under the Canadian Constitution
Gerard La Forest
Lieutenant Zagoskin's Travels in Russian America 1842-1844
Federal Royal Commissions in Canada 1867-1966
George Henderson
The Judicial Committee and the British North America Act
GP Browne
Quiet Evolution
Bacteriology Primer in Air Contamination Control
Van Kingsley
The Harmony of Verse
WC Morton
The Nibelungenlied
DG Mowatt and 1 more
The Comic Art of Laurence Sterne
John M Stedmond
Roads to Maturity/Vers La Maturité
Margery King
A Bibliography of Electronic Music
Lowell Cross
A Slice of Canada
Old Norse-Icelandic Studies
Oral Formulaic Language in the Biblical Psalms
Robert Culley
Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts
John Robson
The Lichen Genus Cladonia in North America
John W Thomson
Agenda 1970
Trevor Lloyd and 1 more
Contemporary Problems of Public Law in Canada
Otto Lang
Mechanics of the Solid State
FJP Rimrott and 1 more
Trade Liberalization and the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry
William Haviland and 2 more
Teachers of the Foothills Province
John Chalmers
Studies in the Eighteenth Century
RF Brissenden
The Story of Canadian Roads
Essays on German Literature
Michael Batts and 1 more
The Jesuits' Estate Question, 1760-1888
Roy Dalton
Safeguarding Canada 1763-1871
J Hitsman
Trade Liberalizaton and the Canadian Furniture Industry
David Bond and 1 more
The History of the Pioneer German Language Press of Ontario, 1835-1918
Herbert Kalbfleisch
The Language of the Book of Songs
WACH Dobson
The Czechs and Slovaks in Canada
John Gellner and 1 more
Pioneer Arts and Crafts
The Lives and Times of the Patriots
Wages, Prices, Profits, and Economic Policy
The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition 1875-1914
Derek H Aldcroft
The Strength of the University
The Political Economy of the Canadian North
Kenneth J Rea
The Improvement of Mankind
The German Novel and the Affluent Society
Wilfried van der Will and 1 more
The Hydrologic Cycle and the Wisdom of God
YiFu Tuan
Man and His World/Terres Des Hommes
The Noranda Lectures Expo 67
Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts
DIB Smith
Performance of Concrete
EG Swenson
Regionalism in the Canadian Community, 1867-1967
The Code and the Cataloguer
Katharine Ball and 2 more
Empire and Nations
Harvey L Dyck and 1 more
Pioneer Settlements in Upper Canada
English Enterprise in Newfoundland 1577-1660
Gillian Cell
The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures, 1504-1700
Alfred Goldsworthy Bailey
Doctors and Doctrines
Bernard Blishen
The Last Cannon Shot
Jacques Monet
Dimensions of Urban Social Structure
Frank Jones
An Annotated Bibliography of Smollett Scholarship 1946-68
Donald Korte
Social Work in the Hospital Organization
Margaret Brock
Residential Water Demand and Economic Development
Terence Lee
Canadian Economic Policy and the Impact of International Capital Flows
Richard Caves and 1 more
British Universities
Dante Alighieri and 1 more
Description and Measurement of Bilingualism
Louis Kelly
The Garden and the City
Maynard Mack
The Franchise and Politics in British North America 1755-1867
John Garner
Muskeg Engineering Handbook
Ivan MacFarlane
A Global Corporation
Toward Unification in Psychology
Joseph Royce
Words & Occasions
Rt Hon Lester B Pearson
The Soviet Wood-Processing Industry
Brenton Barr
Only to Serve
Georges Vanier
A Jamaican Plantation
Michael Craton and 1 more
Politics in Sierra Leone 1947-1967
John Cartwright
Francis Eterovich and 1 more
The Grasping Imagination
Peter Martinus Buitenhuis
Shock Tubes
Irving Israel Glass
Permafrost in Canada
Roger Brown
Nursing Education in a Changing Society
A Leader and a Laggard
Roy George
Being a Parent
Karl Bernhardt
The Czech Renascence of the Nineteenth Century
Peter Brock and 1 more
Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age
Milton Alexander Buchanan
The University of Saskatchewan
WP Thompson
The Politics of Architecture
Anthony Jackson
The Origins of Culture & Anarchy
Fred G Walcott
Old English Literature
Fred Robinson
The Methodological Heritage of Newton
Robert Butts and 1 more
Canada and the Canadian Question
Carl Berger
Calderon De La Barca Studies, 1951-69
Jack Parker and 1 more
On Canada
Hans Christian Andersen and the Romantic Theatre
FJ Marker
Theatre and Nationalism in 20Th-Century Ireland
Robert ODriscoll
The Story of Toronto
GP deT Glazebrook
Le Province De Quebec
André Beaulieu and 3 more
A History of Dentistry in Canada
Donald W Gullett
Books on Asia from the Near East to the Far East
Ecology and Physiology of Parasites
A Murray Fallis
Moral Education
Clive Beck and 2 more
Agent, Action, and Reason
Robert Binkley and 2 more
An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature
Nathaniel Culverwell
French Individualist Poetry 1686-1760
Robert Finch and 1 more
Letters to Limbo
Robert Borden
A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada Supplement 1971 / Bibliographie De L'enseignement Superieur Au Canada Supplement 1971
Taxonomy of Fungi Imperfecti
Bryce Kendrick
The Expansion of the Educational System
WG Fleming
The Administrative Structure
Minetown, Milltown, Railtown
Rex Lucas
Town and Country Planning in England and Wales
John Cullingworth
Commonwealth Policy in a Global Context
Paul Streeten and 1 more
The Life Puzzle
AG CairnsSmith
Etudes Sur La Geographie Du Canada
Fernand Grenier
The First Falls on Monday
Arthur Murphy
The Atlantic Provinces
Alan Macpherson
Experimentation and Simulation in Political Science
JA Laponce and 1 more
Guide to the Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union 1917-1967
Robert McNeal
Shakespeare 1971
The City Below The Hill
Herbert Brown Ames
Schools for Ontario
David Cameron
The Things That Are Caesar's
Brian Heeney
A New Theory of Value
Robin Neill
The New Zealand Legislative Council
William Jackson
'Romantic' and Its Cognates
Canadian-Soviet Relations Between the World Wars
Perspectives on Modernization
Edward Harvey
Direct Foreign Investment in Asia and the Pacific
Peter Drysdale
Tuscan and Etruscan
Herbert Izzo
The Bunkhouse Man
Edmund Bradwin and 1 more
The TRACE Econometric Model of the Canadian Economy
Nanda K Choudhry and 3 more
Modern Fiscal Issues
Richard Bird and 1 more
Canada in a Wider Economic Community
H Edward English and 2 more
The Rapids
Alan Sullivan
Creative Canada
University of Victoria and 2 more
Immune Reactions and Experimental Models in Rheumatic Diseases
Duncan A Gordon
The Lordship of Ireland in the Middle Ages
JF Lydon
The Social History of Canada
Michael Bliss
Urban Systems Development in Central Canada
Larry Bourne and 1 more
The Atmospheric Environment
Andris Auliciems
Schedule Effects
R M Gilbert and 1 more
Eric Dunning
The Politics of Canadian Broadcasting, 1920-1951
Frank Peers
The Homesteaders
Robert JC Stead
Wool, Cloth, and Gold
John Munro
Household Words
Anne Lohrli
Federalism and Policy Development
J Stefan Dupre and 3 more
Studies in the Eighteenth Century II
A Celebration of Ben Jonson
William Blissett and 2 more
Paediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology (As Applied to Atopic Disease)
Carlton George Smith
The Advocate
Charles Heavysege
The Chaining of Prometheus
F Hayes
The U.E
William Kirby
The Letter Bag of The Great Western
Thomas Haliburton
Industry and Humanity
William King
Selected Works of Giuseppe Peano
Hubert Kennedy
Thunder Bay District, 1821 - 1892
Canada Investigates Industrialism
Gregory S Kealey
The Canadian Public Service
The Denison Family of Toronto
David Gagan
The New Christianity
Salem Bland
Bibliography and Research Manual of the History of Mathematics
Kenneth May
A Dutch Homesteader On The Prairies
Willem de Gelder
The Cryptogram
James De Mille
My Lady of the Snows
Margaret Brown
Among the Forest Trees or, A Book of Facts and Incidents of Pioneer Life in Upper Canada
Joseph Hilts
The Season-Ticket
Cold Iron and Lady Godiva
The Cromaboo Mail Carrier
James Thomas Jones
The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon (Miss R.E. Mullins)
Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
A Canadian Bankclerk
John Preston Buschlen
The Civil War
Abraham Cowley
The Valley of the Lower Thames 1640 to 1850
Fred Hamil
A Theatre for Spenserians
Judith Kennedy and 1 more
The Dynamics of Right-Wing Protest
Michael B Stein
The Prison and the Pinnacle
Balachandra Rajan
Free Trade and Frustration
Karl Helleiner
Narrative Modes in Czech Literature
Darrell Varga and 1 more
A Triune Concept of the Brain and Behaviour
Paul MacLean
The Letters of Thomas Hood
Peter Morgan
A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953 With Biographical Index (2E)
Bruce Peel
The Orators in Cicero's Brutus
GV Sumner
An Unamuno Source Book
Mario Valdes and 1 more
The Lady of the Ice
Selections from Canadian Poets
Edward Dewart
The Economics of Adam Smith
Samuel Hollander
The Form of Cities in Central Canada
Larry Bourne and 2 more
The Measure of the Rule
Robert Barr
Anaesthesia and Resuscitation
Roderick A Gordon
The Woman Suffrage Movement in Canada
Catherine L Cleverdon
The Queen V Louis Riel
Michael Bliss and 1 more
Goethe's Poetry for Occasions
Ernest Oppenheimer
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 1
The Rural Tradition
Some Facets of King Lear
Rosalie Colie and 1 more
Imperial Economic Policy 1917-1939
Ian Drummond
Milton and the Sons of God
Ronald MacDonald and 2 more
The Poems of Archibald Lampman
Archibald Lampman
A Dictionary of the Chinese Particles
Angéline De Montbrun
Laure Conan
Old English Studies in Honour of John C. Pope
John Collins Pope
Sovereign Equality Among States
Robert Klein
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 4
The Energy Question Volume One: The World
Edward Erickson and 1 more
The Energy Question Volume Two
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 2
Richard Gregor
The Vigil of Quebec
Fernand Dumont
Critical Approaches to Rubén Darío
Keith Ellis
The Magpie
Douglas Durkin
Weighting Evidence in Language and Literature
Gompers in Canada
Robert Babcock
Perspectives on the Social Sciences in Canada
Tom N Guinsberg and 1 more
The Imagination of Maurice Barres
Philip Ouston
The Roman Catholic Church and the North-West School Question
Manoly Lupul
The Diplomacy of Constraint
Denis Stairs
The Poetical Works of Alexander McLachlan
Douglas Lochhead and 1 more
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Ethology and Psychiatry
Norman F White
From Adam Smith to Maynard Keynes
Urban Futures for Central Canada
Larry Bourne and 3 more
Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 5
Donald Schwartz
Conservation by the People
AH Richardson and 1 more
Proceedings of the Tenth Canadian Cancer Research
PG Scholefield
The Adult and the Nursery School Child
Margaret Fletcher
The Relation Between Physical and Mental Illness
Michael Eastwood
Edmund Walker and 1 more
Courts and Trials
Martin L Friedland
Neural Integration of Physiological Mechanisms and Behaviour
Gordon Mogenson and 1 more
Economic Analysis of Environmental Policies
Donald Dewees and 2 more
The Search for English-Canadian Literature
Carl Ballstadt
Harry Somers
The English Ministers and Jacobitism Between the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745
Paul S Fritz
The Niagara Escarpment
William H Gillard and 1 more
The Moselle
Jean Cermakian
Nicholas Karamzin and Russian Society in the Nineteenth Century
JL Black
The White Savannahs
WE Collin
The Mackenzie-McNaughton Wartime Letters
Mel Thistle and 1 more
The Polish Memoirs of William John Rose
Daniel Stone
The Renaissance of Canadian History
Lewis H Thomas
The Owl and the Nightingale
Kathryn Hume
Collective Bargaining in the Essential and Public Service Sectors
Morley Gunderson
Compassionate Landscape
SP Rosenbaum
The Bird's Nest Fungi
Harold Brodie
The Canadian Brothers; or, The Prophecy Fulfilled
John Richardson
A Theory of the Expenditure Budgetary Process
The Search for an Ideal
SED Shortt
Property Crime in Canada
Kenneth Avio and 1 more
Studies in the Eighteenth Century III
RF Brissenden and 1 more
The North-West Mounted Police and Law Enforcement, 1873-1905
Rod Macleod
Characterization of the Electrical Environment
David Bodle and 3 more
James and John Stuart Mill / Papers of the Centenary Conference
John Robson and 1 more
The First Day of Spring
Raymond Knister
Milton and the Puritan Dilemma, 1641-1660
Arthur Barker
Tariff and Science Policies
DJ Daly and 1 more
William Lyon Mackenzie King, Volume III, 1932-1939
New Provinces
The Effects of Energy Price Changes on Commodity Prices, Interprovincial Trade, and Employment
James R Melvin
The Land of Open Doors
J Burgon Bickersteth
The Slovak National Awakening
Peter Brock
A History of Higher Education in Canada 1663-1960
The Haunted Wilderness
Margot Northey
Literary History of Canada
Carl Klinck and 5 more
Dene Nation
Mel Watkins
The Canadian State
Leo Panitch
Bentham on Liberty
Douglas Long
The Indians of Canada
Diamond Jenness
The Lear World
John Reibetanz
Hobbes and America
Frank Coleman
The Government Party
Reg Whitaker
Provincial Public Finance in Ontario
David Foot
Canadian Serials Directory / Repertoire Des Publications Séries Canadiennes 1976
Martha Pluscauskas
The Canoe and White Water
CES Franks
Timothy Warren Anglin, 1822-96
William Baker
Governmental and Intergovernmental Immunity in Australia and Canada
Colin McNairn
The River Barons
Gerald Tulchinsky
The History and Literature of the Palestinian Jews from Cyrus to Herod 550 BC to 4 BC
The Diplomacy of Modernization
Stephen James Randall
The Aquatic Explorers
Kenneth Johnstone
Canadian Agricultural Policy
Vernon C Fowke
The Struggle for Responsible Government in the North-West Territories 1870-97 (2Nd Edition)
Interpretation of Narrative
Ernst Cassirer
David Lipton
The Half-Way Pacifist
Reginald C Stuart
Anthony Dawson
Give Us Good Measure
Arthur Ray and 1 more
The Prosecutor
Brian A Grosman
The Enduring Word
Arnold Edinborough
Measuring Health
Anthony Culyer
The Soviet Theory of Development
Hisham M Ramadan and 1 more
The Modern Composer and His World
John Beckwith and 1 more
The Economic Constitution of Federal States
Albert Breton and 1 more
Reformers and Babylon
Urban Housing Markets
Larry S Bourne and 2 more
European Settlement and Development in North America
James R Gibson
New Hope for Deprived Children
Powers, Possessions and Freedom
Alkis Kontos
Irish Settlements in Eastern Canada
John Mannion
The Public Eye
The State and Enterprise
Tom Traves
The Child in the City (Vol. II)
William Michelson and 2 more
The Child in the City (Vol. I)
Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada / Then and Now
Eric Morse
Contemporary Quebec Criticism
Larry Shouldice
The Principle of Federation by P.J. Proudhon
Richard Vernon
Inquiring Spirit
Karl Philipp Moritz
Annie Howells and Achille Fréchette
James Doyle
Revolution and Survival
Richard Debo
Sir Robert Filmer and English Political Thought
'Betwixt Jest and Earnest'
Raymond Anselment
The Dangers of Nuclear War
Franklyn Griffiths and 2 more
Promoters and Politicians
Brian Young
The Stoic Strain in American Literature
Duane MacMillan
The Rock Observed
Patrick OFlaherty
The Upper Canada Trade 1834-1872
Douglas McCalla
Soviet Literature in the 1970S
Norman Shneidman
The Rhetoric of Valéry's Prose Aubades
Ursula R Franklin
The Jewish Emergence from Powerlessness
Yehuda Bauer
A Question of Physics
Paul Buckley and 1 more
The Silenced Theatre
Marketa GoetzStankiewicz
Canada's Flying Heritage
Frank Ellis
Creation and Recreation
C P Stacey
Unemployment and Labour Force Behaviour of Young People
Frank Denton and 2 more
Canadian Selection
Isabel McLean and 1 more
From Arsenic to DDT
Paul Riegert
Towards a Constitutional Charter for Canada
Albert Abel
Old Trails and New Directions
Carol Judd and 1 more
The Rancheros of Pisaflores
Frans J Schryer
The Chinese Novel at the Turn of the Century
Milena DolezelovaVelingerova
The League for Social Reconstruction
Michiel Horn
The First World War in German Narrative Prose
Charles N Genno and 1 more
Big Daddy
Timothy Colton
The New North-West
Carl Dawson
The Idea File of Harold Adams Innis
William Christian
Knight of the Holy Spirit
Joy Esberey
The Sash Canada Wore
Cecil J Houston and 1 more
The French Fictional Journal
Valerie Raoul
Newfoundland in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
James Hiller and 1 more
A Woman With a Purpose
Veronica StrongBoag
A Darkened House
Geoffrey Bilson
Canadian Books for Young People/Livres Canadiens Pour La Jeunesse, 3E
Irma McDonough
The Arts in Canada
William Keith and 1 more
John Prince 1796-1870
R Alan Douglas
The Transformation Process in Joyce's Ulysses
Jr and 1 more
The New Sciences Organizations
Alberto Guerreiro Ramos
Energy and the Quality of Life
Clifford Hooker and 3 more
Canada and the Age of Conflict
The Regional Decline of a National Party
David E Smith
A Bibliography of Higher Education in Canada Supplement 1981 / Bibliographie De L'enseignement Supérieur Au Canada Supplément 1981
Robin Harris and 3 more
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts/Académie Royale Des Arts Du Canada
Evelyn de R McMann
Homo Erectus
Becky A Sigmon and 1 more
A Source Book of Royal Commissions and Other Major Governmental Inquiries in Canadian Education, 1787-1978
Cary F Goulson
The Politics of Federalism
Chris Armstrong
Eastern and Western Perspectives
David J Bercuson and 1 more
The Young Vincent Massey
New Liberalism
A Native Heritage
Leslie Monkman
Equivocal Predication
Heather AR Ross Asals
Distribution of Income and Wealth in Ontario
Charles Beach and 2 more
Christening Pagan Mysteries
The Ordering of Justice
Patricia M Baranek and 1 more
A Reader's Guide to Canadian History 1
DA Muise
The Rising in Western Upper Canada 1837-8
Colin Read
Massa's Short History of the Muscovite Wars
G Edward Orchard
The Ethical Poetic of the Later Middle Ages
Judson Boyce Allen
The Structures of Sidney's Arcadia
Nancy Lindheim
Trade Unions in Canada 1812-1902
Eugene Forsey
The Shaping of Peace
John Holmes
The Poetry of Francisco De La Torre
John Hughes
The Smaller Infinity
Patricia Monk
Dostoevsky, Grigor'ev, and Native Soil Conservatism
Lauro Martines and 1 more
A Peculiar Kind of Politics
Desmond Morton
Wordsworth's Metaphysical Verse
Lee Johnson
The Narcissistic Text
Brian Fitch
A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English
Edith Fowke and 1 more
A Guide to Old English
Bruce Mitchell and 1 more
Inside Out
Robert Bogdan and 1 more
The Creation of Regional Dependency
Ralph Matthews
City Politics in Canada
Warren Magnusson and 1 more
Short Stories
AM Klein and 1 more
The Rise and Fall of the Toronto Typographical Union, 1832-1972
Sally Zerker
Modernity and Responsibility
Eugene Combs
A Year at Hartlebury, Or, The Election
Benjamin Disraeli and 1 more
Barbara Pentland
Timothy McGee and 1 more
The Argentaye Tract
Alan Manning
The Cast of Character
Warren Ginsberg
A Theory for All Music
Jay Rahn
The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses
Gary Botting and 1 more
Interferenze Lessicali
Luisa Karumanchiri
Encyclopedia of Ukraine. Vol.1 A-F
Volodymyr Kubiiovych and 3 more
Mirror Up to Shakespeare
Jack Cooper Gray
The Politics of Industrial Restructuring
Rianne Mahon
First People, First Voices
Penny Petrone
Royal Inscriptions on Clay Cones from Ashur Now in Istanbul
Veysel Donbaz and 1 more
Mount Allison University, Volume I
John Reid
Greek and Roman Mechanical Water-Lifting Devices
John Oleson
Words Like Arrows
Shirley Kumove
General Preface and Life of Dr John North
Peter Millard
E.H. Norman
Roger Bowen
The Court of Sapience
Elizabeth Ruth Harvey
Surrealism and Quebec Literature
André Bourassa
Dante's Fearful Art of Justice
Anthony Cassell
The Old World and the New
Walter E Riedel
Alternative Voices
The End of History
Barry Cooper
The World of the Irish Wonder Tale
In Defence of Canada Vol IV
The Quest for Justice
Menno Boldt and 2 more
My Orchestras and Other Adventures
J David Finch and 1 more
'Honest Enough to Be Bold'
Charles Humphries
Essays on Chaucerian Irony
Earle Birney and 1 more
The Making of a Peacemonger
Sheila M Neysmith and 3 more
The Text of Paradise Lost
RG Moyles
The Beginnings of the Book Trade in Canada
George L Parker
The Government Generation
Doug Owram
Polyethnicity and National Unity in World History
William Hardy McNeill
Towards a History of Literary Composition in Medieval Spain
Colbert Nepaulsingh
Hugh MacCallum
José Bergamín
Nigel Dennis
Sir Charles God Damn
The Imperial Canadian
The Coming of French Absolutism
Daniel Hickey
The Creation of a National Air Force
William AB Douglas
The Road Back
JW Pickersgill
Essays on Modern American Drama
Dorothy Parker and 1 more
Steel City
M J Dear and 2 more
The Fiercest Debate
C Kyer and 1 more
German Expressionist Prose
Augustinus Dierick
The Nature of Early Greek Lyric
Robert L Fowler
A Portrait of Richard Graves
Clarence Tracy
The Poetry of Life
Ronald Tetreault
The Politics of Agricultural Policy-Making in Canada
Grace Skogstad
The Interregional Effects of Canadian Tariffs and Transportation Policy
Certain Sermons or Homilies (1547) and a Homily Against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion (1570)
Ronald Bond
Women's Work, Markets and Economic Development in Nineteenth-Century Ontario
Marjorie Griffith Cohen
The Case of Valentine Shortis
Canadian Economic History
W T Easterbrook and 1 more
Many Glancing Colours
Kenneth McKay
Dear Bill
John Lennox and 1 more
Plato Baptized
Suzanne Conklin Akbari
A Path Not Strewn With Roses
Anne Rochon Ford
The Cold Light of Dawn
Richard Jarrell
Encyclopedia of Ukraine
Volodymyr Kubijovyc
The Master Spirit of the Age
J Rodney Millard
Musical Canada
Our Man in Moscow
Robert Ford
The Evolution of International Trade Agreements
Gilbert R Winham
The Structure of Urban Systems
John Marshall
Behind the Jester's Mask
Raymond Morris
Playing God
John Elliott Jr
Toynbee Reappraisals
CT Mcintire and 1 more
The Mind of Aristotle
John M Rist
The View from Minerva's Tower
Eleanor Patricia Vicari
Internationalism Under Strain
Cranford Pratt
Dolls of Canada
Jerome Barlow and 2 more
The Canadian Fur Trade in the Industrial Age
Denis W Johnston
Theology and the Dialectics of History
SJ and 1 more
Cry of the Eagle
David Young and 2 more
The Erasmus Reader
Desiderius Erasmus and 1 more
Early Stages
Anne Saddlemyer
Living and Working With Schizophrenia
Joel Jeffries and 3 more
The Comedy of Entropy
Patrick ONeill
Street Kids
Daniel J Sahas
Poetry By Women to 1900
Gwenn Davis and 1 more
The Nature of Their Bodies
Wendy Mitchinson
The Search for Political Space
Warren Magnusson
The CTR Anthology
Alan Filewod
Options for a New Canada
Ronald Watts and 1 more
The Queen's People
Peter Carstens
In the National Interest
Norman Swartz
Doctors in Canada
Canada's Ukrainians
Lubomyr Luciuk and 1 more
The Nursery World of Dr. Blatz
Jocelyn Raymond
The Borders of Nightmare
Michael Hurley
Restructuring Canada's Health Systems: How Do We Get There From Here?
Raisa Deber and 1 more
Ukrainian Literature in the Twentieth Century
George Luckyj
How to Break Bad News
Rob Buckman and 1 more
The Loner
Peter Waite
The Social Context of the Chronic Pain Sufferer
Ranjan Roy
Realist Criminology
John Lowman and 1 more
The Least Detrimental Alternative
Paul Steinhauer
Sweatshop Strife
Ruth Frager
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£26.99 £29.99
Drama by Women to 1900
The Rebirth of Anthropological Theory
Stanley Barrett
The Disruption of the Feminine in Henry James
Priscilla Walton
A Frenchman in Search of Franklin
Emile Frédéric de Bray
The Myth of Deliverance
The Natural Alien
Neil Evernden
The Shape of the City
John Sewell
Business Taxation in Ontario
Allan Maslove
Women Challenging Unions
Linda Briskin and 1 more
The Charlottetown Accord, the Referendum, and the Future of Canada
Kenneth McRoberts and 1 more
Letters of Love and Duty
Carl Ballstadt and 2 more
The Atlantic Provinces in Confederation
Ernest Forbes and 1 more
The Patriots and the People
Allan Greer
The Legacies of Fear
F Murray Greenwood
Saint John
Thomas Acheson
Lifting a Ton of Feathers
Paula Caplan
Danylo Husar Struk
Shakespeare's Comic Commonwealths
Hopkins, the Self, and God
Walter Ong
Reading and Variant in Petronius
Wade Richardson
The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold; Or The Modern Oedipus
DL Macdonald and 1 more
Protecting Rights and Freedoms
Philip Bryden and 2 more
The Achievement of Josef Skvorecky
Sam Solecki
The Franco-Calgarians
Robert A Stebbins
Sexual Equality
Ann Robson
The Missing Child in Liberal Theory
John ONeill
The Caribbean Diaspora in Toronto
Frances Henry
A.M. Klein
Didi Herman
Richard Mulcaster
William Barker
Eldon House Diaries
Boundaries of the City
William W E Slights
The Crucible of War, 1939-1945
Brereton Greenhous and 2 more
The U-Boat Hunters
Marc Milner
The Barbarism of Reason
Asher Horowitz and 1 more
Ron Webb and 2 more
The Greening of Canada
GBruce Doern and 1 more
The Limits of Affluence
James Struthers
From Arm's Length to Hands-On
Canada Dry
William E Conklin
Beyond Political Correctness
Stephen Richer and 1 more
The Stranger Who Bore Me
Karen March
Making It Their Own
Lisa Phillips Valentine
The Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots and Affixes
Donald G Frantz and 1 more
The Sound of War
Peter Stursberg
Victorian Periodicals and Victorian Society
J Don Vann and 1 more
Knowledge, Experience, and Ruling
Marie Campbell and 1 more
The Bloomsbury Group
Constitutional Law in Theory and Practice
David Beatty
Russian Literature, 1988-1994
Feminism in Women's Detective Fiction
Glenwood H Irons
Social Working
Gerald de Montigny
Taking a Stand
Timothy McGee
Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells
Bernard Shaw and 1 more
Critical Issues Editing Exploration Text
Germaine Warkentin
The North Atlantic Triangle in a Changing World
BJC McKercher and 1 more
The Citizen's Wage
James G Snell
George Grant
Theory Rules
Jody Berland and 2 more
Signs Grow
Jill Vickers and 2 more
Towards an Intellectual History of Ukraine
Ralph Lindheim and 1 more
George Grant and the Subversion of Modernity
Jeffrey Simpson
Cargo of Lies
I Bless You in My Heart
The American Dream in Nineteenth-Century Quebec
Robert Major
A Samaritan State? External Aid in Canada's Foreign Policy
Keith Spicer
The God Within
Emil Fackenheim
A Kind of Life Imposed on Man
Paul A Marshall
Fiction Updated
CalinAndrei Mihailescu and 1 more
The Law Society of Upper Canada and Ontario's Lawyers, 1797-1997
Christopher Moore
The Olive-Tree Bed and Other Quests
M Owen Lee
A Nature Guide to Ontario
Winifred Wake
Harm Reduction
Patricia Erickson and 3 more
Fishers' Craft and Lettered Art
Richard C Hoffmann
Kathleen A Lahey
The French-Canadian Idea of Confederation, 1864-1900
A I Silver
Ocean Bridge
Carl Christie
The Praier and Complaynte of the Ploweman Vnto Christe
Nicholas De Maria Harney
Selected Letters of Margaret Laurence and Adele Wiseman
Douglas Parker
The Gold Crusades
Richard Simeon and 1 more
The Federal Court of Canada
Ian Bushnell
Ian Bushnell and 1 more
Teachers in Trouble
Stuart Piddocke and 2 more
The Corporation and Its Stakeholders
Max Clarkson
Chamber Music
R J P Kuin
Twisting in the Wind
Jerome E Bickenbach
The Canadian Sansei
Tomoko Makabe
The Workers' Revolt in Canada, 1917-1925
Craig Heron
The New England Knight
Emerson Baker and 1 more
Prince Edward Island Sayings
TK Pratt and 1 more
T K Pratt and 1 more
The Myth of Green Marketing
Toby Smith
Thinking About Criminology
Simon Holdaway and 1 more
Peter Ennals and 1 more
The Family Squeeze
Suzanne Kingsmill and 1 more
The Practice of Field Instruction in Social Work
Bohdan Nahaylo
On the Case
Franca Iacovetta and 1 more
The ESL Classroom
Brian Morgan
Indians in the Fur Trade
Arthur Ray
Living With Brain Injury
Sonia Acorn and 1 more
The Caddisfly Family Phryganeidae (Trichoptera)
Glenn B Wiggins
W.L. Mackenzie King
The Vertical Mosaic Revisited
Rick HelmesHayes and 1 more
The Making of Sir Philip Sidney
Marie L Campbell and 1 more
The Making of High Performance Athletes
Debra Shogan
The Measure of Democracy
Daniel Robinson
Whose Property?
Christopher Tyerman
Making Sense of Sentencing
David P Cole and 1 more
Gendering the Nation
Kay Armatage and 3 more
Kay Armatage
CB MacPherson
The Future of Social Democracy
Peter H Russell
The Old Stones of Kingston
Margaret Angus
Kegan Paul - A Victorian Imprint
The Montreal Forties
Brian Trehearne
A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751-1800
Marie Tremaine
A Guide to Planning and Support for Individuals Who Are Deafblind
John McInnes
Enemies Within
Franca Iacovetta and 2 more
Who Owns Domestic Abuse?
Ruth Mann
Natalia Ginzburg
Angela M Jeannet and 1 more
Capitalizing Knowledge
Barbara J Austin
David Whitehead and 1 more
Beasley's Guide to Library Research
Richard Sigurdson
A Guide to Writing in the Sciences
Andrea Gilpin and 1 more
The Rebels
Daniel R Wolf
The Art of Nation-Building
H V Nelles
Northrop Frye and the Poetics of Process
Marlene Shore
Ontario Since Confederation
EdgarAndre Montigny and 1 more
The Labyrinth of Technology
Willem H Vanderburg
The Unfinished Mechanics of Giuseppe Moletti
Walter Laird
Closely Guarded
Douglas C Harris
Antimodernism and Artistic Experience
Lynda Lee Jessup
Science and Ethics / La Science Et l'Éthique
Patricia A Demers
Misunderstanding Cults
Benjamin Zablocki and 1 more
Grettir's Saga
ERuth Harvey and 1 more
Lisa M Mitchell
Conscience and Its Critics
Edward Andrew
Take One's Essential Guide to Canadian Film
Wyndham Wise
Introduction to Psychology and Law
James RP Ogloff and 1 more
Odysseys Home
Margaret E Beare
Portuguese Women in Toronto
How Theatre Educates
Kathleen Gallagher and 1 more
The Girl from God's Country
Biographical Index of Artists in Canada
Breaking the Bargain
"Enough to Keep Them Alive"
Hugh Shewell
Eric Arthur and 1 more
Modern Drama
Richard Paul Knowles and 2 more
Candid Eyes
Jim Leach and 1 more
The Force of Culture
Karen A Finlay
The Decameron First Day in Perspective
Elissa B Weaver
Durable Peace
Taisier Mohamed Ahmed Ali and 1 more
The Politics of the Visible in Asian North American Narratives
Eleanor Ty
Reflections on Native-Newcomer Relations
J R Miller
'Enough to Keep Them Alive'
Hugh E Q Shewell
Royal Spectacle
Onno Oerlemans
Glenn B Wiggins and 2 more
Mothers of the Municipality
Judith Fingard and 1 more
Consensual Fictions
Wendy Jones
Canada and the First World War
Robert Craig Brown and 1 more
Inventing Sam Slick
Michelle P Brown and 1 more
Baby Boomer Health Dynamics
Re-Imagining Policing in Canada
John Borrows
Global Health Governance
Bob Hesketh
Dorothea B Heitsch and 1 more
Perilous Realms
Marjorie Burns
The Kantian Imperative
Sean Hawkins
Paul Saurette
The Workers' Festival
Craig Heron and 1 more
Dictionary of Basilian Biography
P Wallace Platt
'Hang Onto These Words'
Antonia Mills
In Translation
Gabrielle Roy and 2 more
Pictures Bring Us Messages / Sinaakssiiksi Aohtsimaahpihkookiyaawa
Alison Brown and 1 more
Nation and History
Peter Brock and 2 more
The Artist as Monster
William Beard
Recognizing the Aboriginal Title
Unsettling Partition
Continuity and Change in Canadian Politics
Hans J Michelmann and 1 more
Managing to Nurse
Janet Rankin and 1 more
£29.70 £33.00
Towards Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare
Nancy Freymond and 1 more
Thomas Hardy Reappraised
Northrop Frye and 1 more
The Other Quebec
John Irvine Little
A Vision of the Orient
Jonathan Wisenthal and 4 more
Historical Identities
Paul James Stortz and 1 more
Between Caring & Counting
Michael McKinnie
To the Past
Ruth Sandwell
Kenneth Hewitt and 1 more
Diaspora in the Countryside
Robert Casillo
Penny Gurstein and 1 more
Call Me Hank
Keith Thor Carlson and 1 more
The Filled Pen
PK Page
The Empirical Gap in Jurisprudence
Daved Muttart
£57.60 £64.00
An Atlas of the Geology and Mineral Deposits of Ukraine
Leonid Galetskyi and 1 more
Negotiating Demands
Lisa Chilton
A Glorious and Terrible Life With You
Ricardo J Quinones
Margaret Burgess
The Importance of Insight
John J Liptay and 1 more
The Writing on the Wall
Hilda GlynnWard
Kaiser and Führer
Robert Waite
Creating Knowledge, Strengthening Nations
Glen Jones and 2 more
Gold-Hall and Earth-Dragon
Alvin Lee
The Tumble of Reason
Ajay Heble
The Roots of Ukrainian Nationalism
Paul Robert Magocsi
The Boys of the Archangel Raphael
Konrad Eisenbichler
Sons of the Empire
Robert MacDonald
The Allegory of the Church
Calvin Kendall
The Idea of Enlightenment
Robert Bartlett
Circumpolar Health Atlas
T Kue Young
The Tightrope Walker
Anne Wilkinson
Delaware-English / English-Delaware Dictionary
Robert OKell
The Sleep of Others and the Transformation of Sleep Research
David Michael Hertz
The Capacity To Judge
Jeffrey McNairn
The Heresy of Wu Han
Clive Ansley
An Algonquin Maiden
Graeme Mercer Adam and 1 more
Science in Canada
JD Babbitt
A Short Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry
JB Bessinger
William New and 7 more