Hydrogen Technology
Aline León
Not Available
Wind Energy Systems for Electric Power Generation
M Stiebler
Algae Energy
Ayhan Demirbas and 1 more
WOLEDs and Organic Photovoltaics
WOLEDs and Organic Photovoltaics Workshop and 1 more
Ocean Wave Energy
João Cruz
Manfred Stiebler
Advanced Methods of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling
Jaroslaw Milewski
Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2010
International Symposium of Global COE and 1 more
Passive Methods as a Solution for Improving Indoor Environments
José A Orosa García and 1 more
Multi Criteria Analysis in the Renewable Energy Industry
Jose Ramón San Cristóbal Mateo
Alternative Energy Sources
Efstathios Michaelides
Seawater Desalination
Andrea Cipollina and 2 more
Zero-Carbon Energy 2011
Global Warming
Ibrahim Dincer and 3 more
Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2009
Takeshi Yao
Challenges and Solutions for Climate Change
Wytze van der Gaast and 1 more
Wind Power Systems
Lingfeng Wang and 2 more
Green Manufacturing
D A Dornfeld
Decreasing of Fuel Consumption and Emissions
Michael PaloczAndresen
Vivian W W Yam
House Rating Schemes
Maria Kordjamshidi
Photovoltaic Industrial Systems
Elena Papadopoulou
Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2012
Thomas Bauer
Introduction to Hydro Energy Systems
HermannJosef Wagner and 1 more
Greening Airports
Milan JaniÔc
Marcello de Falco and 2 more
PEM Fuel Cells With Bio-Ethanol Processor Systems
Marta S Basualdo and 2 more
Analysis, Control and Optimal Operations in Hybrid Power Systems
Nicu Bizon and 2 more
Sustainable Bioenergy and Bioproducts
Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan and 2 more
Green Tribology
Michael Nosonovsky and 1 more
Wind Energy Conversion Systems
SM Muyeen
Offshore Wind Energy Cost Modeling
Mark J Kaiser and 1 more
Andrea Monti
The Power Makers' Challenge
Martin Nicholson
Zero-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2011
International Symposium of Global COE
Sustainability in the Chemical Industry
Eric Johnson
Environmental Silicate Nano-Biocomposites
Luc Avérous and 1 more
Introduction to Wind Turbine Aerodynamics
Alois Schaffarczyk
Dielectric Spectroscopy in Biodiesel Production and Characterization
Silvia Daniela Romano and 1 more
Rural Electrification Through Decentralised Off-Grid Systems in Developing Countries
Subhes C Bhattacharyya
Solid Oxide Fuels Cells: Facts and Figures
John TS Irvine and 1 more
Decreasing of Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Gas Emissions in Transportation
Pretreatment Techniques for Biofuels and Biorefineries
Zhen Fang
Sustainability of Biofuel Production from Oil Palm Biomass
Keat Teong Lee and 1 more
High Concentrator Photovoltaics
Pedro PérezHigueras and 1 more
Managing Indoor Environments and Energy in Buildings With Integrated Intelligent Systems
Triantafyllia Nikolaou and 4 more
Solar Photovoltaic System Applications
Parimita Mohanty and 2 more
Clean Rail Transportation Options
Ibrahim Dinçer and 2 more
Enriched Methane
Marcello de Falco
Virtual Biorefinery
Antonio Bonomi and 3 more
Sustainability in Manufacturing Enterprises
Ibrahim Garbie
Algae Biotechnology
Faizal Bax and 1 more
Yasar Demirel
In Stock
£89.99 £99.99
The Economics and Policy of Solar Photovoltaic Generation
Pere Mir Artigues and 1 more
Methodologies for Service Life Prediction of Buildings
Ana Silva and 2 more
Smart Energy in the Smart City
Rocco Papa and 1 more
Photovoltaics for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries
Tania Urmee and 2 more
Community Energy Networks With Storage
Kaveh Rajab Khalilpour and 1 more
Energy, Transportation and Global Warming
Panagiotis Grammelis
Advances in Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants
Md Rabiul Islam and 2 more
Waste Energy for Life Cycle Assessment
Ayhan Demirbas
Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems
Gerasimos Rigatos
Green Fuels Technology
Carlos Ricardo Soccol and 3 more
Life Cycle Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources
Anoop Singh and 2 more
Floating Offshore Wind Energy
João Cruz and 1 more
Modeling and Control of Sustainable Power Systems
Lingfeng Wang
Power Converters for Medium Voltage Networks
Triboelectric Nanogenerators
Zhong Lin Wang and 4 more
Electric and Hybrid Buses for Urban Transport
Bogdan Ovidiu Varga and 2 more
Building Refurbishment for Energy Performance
Anna Magrini
Lithium-Ion Battery Materials and Engineering
Malgorzata K Gulbinska
Green Energy and Efficiency
Alberto Ansuategi and 2 more
Mini-Grids for Rural Electrification of Developing Countries
Subhes C Bhattacharyya and 1 more
Electromagnetic Foundations of Solar Radiation Collection
Alan J Sangster
Innovations for Sustainable Building Design and Refurbishment in Scotland
Branka DimitrijeviÔc
Use, Operation and Maintenance of Renewable Energy Systems
Miguel A SanzBobi
Large Scale Renewable Power Generation
Jahangir Hossain and 1 more
Renewable Energy Integration
Contemporary Slovenian Timber Architecture for Sustainability
Manja Kitek Kuzman and 1 more
Magnetocaloric Energy Conversion
Andrej Kitanovski and 5 more
Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases
Zhongchao Tan
Renewables in Future Power Systems
Fabian Wagner
Decarbonising Cities
Vanessa Rauland and 1 more
Energy Management of Internet Data Centers in Smart Grid
Tao Jiang and 2 more
Sustainable Future Energy Technology and Supply Chains
Federica Cucchiella and 1 more
E-Mobility in Europe
Walter Leal Filho and 1 more
Wind Turbines in Cold Climates
Lorenzo Battisti
Improving Sustainability During Hospital Design and Operation
Stefano Capolongo and 3 more
Sustainability Improvements in the Concrete Industry
Carlo Pellegrino and 1 more
Green and Smart Buildings
Nilesh Y Jadhav
Rechargeable Batteries
Zhengcheng Zhang and 1 more
Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles
Bogdan Ovidiu Varga and 3 more
Sustainable Hydrogen Production Processes
José Luz Silveira
Energy Sustainability Through Green Energy
Atul Sharma and 1 more
Ibrahim Dincer and 2 more
Airborne Wind Energy
Uwe Ahrens and 2 more
Operation Characteristics of Renewable Energy Sources
Stanislav Misak and 2 more
Construction Biotechnology
Volodymyr Ivanov and 1 more
Intelligent Envelopes for High Performance Buildings
Guedi Capeluto and 1 more
Concentrating Solar Thermal Technologies
María Isabel Roldán Serrano
Green Biocomposites
Mohammad Jawaid and 2 more
Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions
Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions Conference
Energy Efficient Solvents for CO2 Capture by Gas-Liquid Absorption
Wojciech M Budzianowski
Intelligent Network Integration of Distributed Renewable Generation
Nadarajah Mithulananthan and 2 more
Società Italiana di Estimo e Valutazione
Avinash K Agarwal and 3 more
Hydrogen Generation from Ethanol Using Plasma Reforming Technology
JianHua Yan and 1 more
Smart Energy Grid Design for Island Countries
FM Rabiul Islam and 2 more
Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability and Pavements
Complex Systems and Social Practices in Energy Transitions
Nicola Labanca
Thermodynamics for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Wojciech Stanek
Biohydrogen Production from Organic Wastes
Jianlong Wang and 1 more
Carbon Footprint and the Industrial Life Cycle
Roberto Alvárez Fernández and 2 more
Sustainable Indoor Lighting
Paola Sansoni and 2 more
Catalysis for Green Energy and Technology
Samira Bagheri
Application of Thermo-Fluid Processes in Energy Systems
M Masud K Khan and 2 more
Advanced Smart Grid Functionalities Based on PowerFactory
Francisco GonzalezLongatt and 1 more
Green Urea
Noorhana Yahya
Increased Biodiesel Efficiency
Magno Trindade
Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) in Trentino Alto Adige
Laura Maturi and 1 more
Nanocatalysts in Environmental Applications
Samira Bagheri and 1 more
Passive Energy Strategies for Mediterranean Residential Buildings
Aurora MongeBarrio and 1 more
Wind Energy Exploitation in Urban Environment
Lorenzo Battisti and 1 more
Adriano Bisello and 3 more
Simulation-Based Analysis of Energy and Carbon Emissions in the Housing Sector
Michael Gbolagade Oladokun and 1 more
Effective Daylighting With High-Performance Facades
Kyle Konis and 1 more
Sustainability, Green IT and Education Strategies in the Twenty-First Century
Tomayess Issa and 2 more
Using Energy Crops for Biofuels or Food
Annoula Paschalidou and 3 more
Principles of Solar Gas Turbines for Electricity Generation
Amos Madhlopa
Low Carbon Energy Supply
Atul Sharma and 2 more
Ecosystem Services for Spatial Planning
Silvia Ronchi
Energy Performance in the Australian Built Environment
Priyadarsini Rajagopalan and 2 more
Carbon Utilization
Malti Goel and 1 more
Avinash Kumar Agarwal and 3 more
Heat Pumps
Walter Grassi
Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV)
Harry Apostoleris and 2 more
Electrical Power Engineering
Vasily Y Ushakov
Greenhouse Gases and Clay Minerals
Vyacheslav Romanov
Energy Efficiency in the Minerals Industry
Kwame AwuahOffei
The Nexus
Introduction to Wind Energy Systems
Building a Passive House
Stefano Piraccini and 1 more
Solar Drying Technology
Om Prakash and 1 more
Recent Advancements in Materials and Systems for Thermal Energy Storage
Andrea Frazzica and 1 more
Heat Storage
Ibrahim Dinçer
Advances in Solid Biofuels
Elias Christoforou and 1 more
Advanced Solar-Distillation Systems
G N Tiwari and 1 more
Anti-Reflection and Light Trapping in C-Si Solar Cells
Chetan Singh Solanki and 1 more
New Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling
Giorgio Mannina
Ibrahim Dincer and 1 more
Modeling Energetic Efficiency of Biofuels Production
Andrzej Wasiak
Modeling, Design, Construction, and Operation of Power Generators With Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Jakub Kupecki
Green Technologies for the Oil Palm Industry
Dominic CY Foo and 1 more
Energy from Microalgae
Eduardo JacobLopes and 2 more
Wind Energy Meteorology
Stefan Emeis
Andrea Frazzica
Sustainable Energy Technology and Policies
Sudipta De and 3 more
Modeling, Identification and Control Methods in Renewable Energy Systems
Nabil Derbel and 1 more
Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Systems and Sustainable Energy Technologies
Riccardo Basosi
Solar Resources Mapping
Jesús Polo and 2 more
Spent Nuclear Fuel and Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Systems
Vinod Kumar Verma and 1 more
Priyadarsini Rajagopalan
Oxyfuel Combustion for Clean Energy Applications
Medhat A Nemitallah and 2 more
Integrative Approach to Comprehensive Building Renovations
Vesna Zegarac Leskovar and 1 more
Fundamentals of Biofuels Engineering and Technology
Cataldo De Blasio
Solar Desalination Technology
Anil Kumar
Nanoporous Materials for Gas Storage
Katsumi Kaneko and 1 more
Energy and Environmental Strategies in the Era of Globalization
Muhammad Shahbaz and 1 more
Advanced Energy Efficiency Technologies for Solar Heating, Cooling and Power Generation
Xudong Zhao and 1 more
Advances on Computational Intelligence in Energy
Tutut Herawan
Green Building in Developing Countries
Zhonghua Gou
Modern Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Photovoltaic Energy Systems
Ali M Eltamaly and 1 more
Utilising Biomass in Biotechnology
Helen Treichel and 5 more
The Sun and Photovoltaic Technologies
Tomislav Pavlovic
Environmentally-Benign Energy Solutions
Energy Conversion Efficiency of Solar Cells
Takashi Kita and 2 more
Xudong Zhao
The Economics and Policy of Concentrating Solar Power Generation
Pere MirArtigues and 2 more
Application of Bamboo in Building Envelope
Zujian Huang
Innovations in Sustainable Energy and Cleaner Environment
Ashwani K Gupta and 4 more
Ibrahim Dincer
Sirichai Koonaphapdeelert and 2 more
Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
Djamila Rekioua
Solar Energy Conversion Systems in the Built Environment
Ion Visa and 3 more
Waste Management in the Palm Oil Industry
Phaik Eong Poh and 3 more
Optimization of the Fuel Cell Renewable Hybrid Power Systems
Nicu Bizon
Advanced Technologies for Solar Photovoltaics Energy Systems
Saad Motahhir and 1 more
Application of Liquid Biofuels to Internal Combustion Engines
SooYoung No
Green Computing in Smart Cities: Simulation and Techniques
Balamurugan Balusamy
Advances in Air Conditioning Technologies
Chua Kian Jon and 3 more
Electric Vehicles
Nil Patel and 3 more
Clean Energy Opportunities in Tropical Countries
Shaharin A Sulaiman
Yaar Demirel
Adriano Bisello
Data Science-Based Full-Lifespan Management of Lithium-Ion Battery
Kailong Liu and 2 more
Advanced Manufacturing in Biological, Petroleum, and Nanotechnology Processing
Augustine O Ayeni and 2 more
Climate Change and Green Chemistry of CO2 Sequestration
Malti Goel and 3 more
Thermal Insulation and Radiation Control Technologies for Buildings
Jan Kony
Energy Conversion
Johannes Kiefer and 1 more
Bioenergy and Biochemical Processing Technologies
Biofuel Production Using Anaerobic Digestion
S Kaliappan and 1 more
Electric Vehicle Integration via Smart Charging
Vahid Vahidinasab
Energy and Exergy for Sustainable and Clean Environment, Volume 2
V Edwin Geo
Urban Regeneration Through Valuation Systems for Innovation
Francesca Abastante
Green Energy
Iwona Bak and 1 more
Sustainable Production of Biofuels Using Intensified Processes
Juan Gabriel SegoviaHernández and 3 more
Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
Lalit Pandey
Handbook of Low Temperature District Heating
Roberto GarayMartinez
Values, Cities and Migrations
Grazia Napoli
The Effects of Dust and Heat on Photovoltaic Modules: Impacts and Solutions
Amir AlAhmed
Uwe Ahrens
Positive Energy Buildings
Rita Lavikka
Smart Technologies for Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Parul Agarwal
Energy-Efficient Systems for Agricultural Applications
Muhammad Sultan
Equity in Health and Health Promotion in Urban Areas
Alessandra Battisti
Electric Vehicles and Renewable Generation
Luis Baringo and 2 more
Synergy Development in Renewables Assisted Multi-carrier Systems
Majid Amidpour
The Coming of Age of Solar and Wind Power
Tariq Muneer and 2 more
Protection of Wind Turbine Generators Using Microcontroller-Based Applications
Nagwa F Ibrahim and 3 more
Sustainable Solar Electricity
Antonio Urbina
Potential of Low-Medium Enthalpy Geothermal Energy
Elisabet Palomo and 2 more
Facilitated Transport Membranes (FTMs) for CO2 Capture: Overview and Future Trends
Sarah Farrukh
Heat Energy Recovery for Industrial Processes and Wastes
David BorgeDiez and 1 more
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Technologies for the Removal of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds
Mohammadreza Kamali and 3 more
Sea Water Desalination in Microgrids
Enrique RosalesAsensio and 3 more
Digital Economy, Energy and Sustainability
Mohammed El Amine Abdelli
Design Optimization of Renewable Energy Systems Using Advanced Optimization Algorithms
Venkata Rao Ravipudi and 1 more
Renewable Energy from Bio-resources in Malaysia
Hafiza Shukor
Transportation in a Net Zero World: Transitioning Towards Low Carbon Public Transport
Kathryn G Logan and 2 more
Computational Intelligence Techniques for Green Smart Cities
Mohamed Lahby
Climate Resilient, Green and Low Carbon Built Environment
A K Jain
Biomass-Based Functional Carbon Nanostructures for Supercapacitors
Santosh K Tiwari
Congress on Research, Development, and Innovation in Renewable Energies
Mayken EspinozaAndaluz
Solar-Pumped Lasers
Dawei Liang and 3 more
Solar Energy
Malti Goel and 2 more
Hydrogen for Future Thermal Engines
EfstathiosAl Tingas
Recent Advancements in Polymeric Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Ram K Gupta
Energy Storage Systems
José Manuel Andújar Márquez and 2 more
Renewable Energy for Buildings
Milad SadatMohammadi and 4 more
Novel Highly Flexible Modular Power Electronics for Energy Storage and Conversion Systems
Nima Tashakor
Electric Vehicle Integration Via Smart Charging
Vahid Vahidinasab and 1 more
Photocatalytic Activities for Environmental Remediation and Energy Conversion
Hairus Abdullah
Smart Grids
Alfeu J Sguarezi Filho and 3 more
Autonomous Vehicles for Public Transportation
Calin Iclodean and 2 more
Solar Chimney Applications in Buildings
Long Shi and 1 more
The Emergence of Agrivoltaics
Dimitris A Chalkias and 1 more
Insulation Aging Phenomenon in Green Energy Systems
JiaWei Zhang and 4 more
Photovoltaic Thermal Collectors With Nanofluids and Nano-PCM
Ali H A AlWaeli and 3 more
Emerging Technologies for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Christopher H T Lee
Climate Action and Hydrogen Economy
Energetic Characterization of Building Evolution
Jefferson Eloy TorresQuezada
Sustainable Engineering
Israel Sunday Dunmade and 2 more
David Borge Díez and 1 more
Mohammadreza Kamali
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biomass Utilization and Sustainable Energy; ICoBiomasSE 2023; 4-5 September; Perlis, Malaysia
International Conference on Biomass Utilization and Sustainable Energy
Mohammed El Amine Abdelli and 1 more
Biogas Technology in Southeast Asia
Pruk Aggarangsi and 3 more
Green Hydrogen in Power Systems
Vahid Vahidinasab and 2 more
Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
Distributed Energy Resources
Weijun Gao
Mayken EspinozaAndaluz and 3 more
Santosh K Tiwari and 2 more
Ashok Kumar Jain
Dawei Liang and 4 more
Removing Barriers to Environmental Comfort in the Global South
Laura MarínRestrepo and 4 more
Circular Economy for Renewable Energy
Viktor Koval and 1 more
Advances in Clean Energy and Sustainability
International Conference on Advances in Energy Research
Energy and Environmental Aspects of Emerging Technologies for Smart Grid
Surender Reddy Salkuti
Indirect Dew-Point Evaporative Cooling
Jie Lin and 1 more
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Technologies
Ali Ahmadian and 2 more
Alois Peter Schaffarczyk
Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Applications for Sludge Valorization
Muaz Mohd Zaini Makhtar and 2 more
Wind Power Technology
Self-Powered Internet of Things
Muhammad Moid Sandhu and 3 more
Life Cycle Analysis of Renewable Energy Systems
Eduardo Martínez and 3 more
Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems
Junrui Liang and 1 more
Nils Bullerdiek and 2 more
Renewable Energy Technologies
Marko Batic and 2 more