Healing in the Theology of Saint Ephrem
Aho Shemunkasho
Not Available
Blessed is He who has brought Adam from Sheol
Thomas Buchan
Bishop Lists: Formation of Apostolic Succession of Bishops in Ecclesiastical Crises
Robert Williams
Bishop Lists
Teacher of Holiness: The Holy Spirit in Origen's Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans
Maureen Moser
Teacher of Holiness
Standing At Lyon
Elizabeth Goodine
Simple and Bold: Ephrem’s Art of Symbolic Thought
Kees den Biesen
Simple and Bold
St. Cyril of Alexandria, A New Testament Exegete
Lois Farag
Aphrahat the Persian Sage and the Temple of God
Stephanie Jarkins
The Mark of Cain and the Jews
Lisa Unterseher
John Rufus and the World Vision of Anti-Chalcedonean Culture
JanEric Steppa
Teachings on the Prayer of the Heart in the Greek and Syrian Fathers
Jill Gather
Salvation in Christ According to Jacob of Serugh
Thomas Kollamparampil
The Mystery of Anointing: Hippolytus' Commentary on the Song of Songs in Social and Critical Contexts
Yancy Smith
The Center and the Source
Michael Svigel
Hippolytus of Rome
T Schmidt
Lactantius the Theologian
Anthony Coleman
“One of Life and One of Death”
Shawn Wilhite
Against “Irenaean” Theodicy
David Hionides
Universal Salvation and Freedom of Choice according to Origen of Alexandria
Lee Sytsma
Petition and Performance in the Apologies of Justin Martyr
Brandon Cline
Athanasius' Use of the Gospel of John
Wijnand Boezelman
Ausonius Grammaticus
Lionel Yaceczko
Hippolytus of Rome's Commentary on Daniel
On Knowing God
Jacobus Kobus Kok and 2 more
Nilus of Ancyra