The Social Construction of Climate Change
Mary E Pettenger
Not Available
Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics
Miranda A Schreurs
Environmental Skepticism
Peter Jacques
Global Energy Governance in a Multipolar World
ies Lesage and 1 more
Africa's Health Challenges
Andrew Fenton Cooper and 3 more
The Legitimacy of International Regimes
Helmut Breitmeier
Corporate Responses to EU Emissions Trading
Jon Birger Skjærseth and 1 more
Andrew F Cooper
The EU as International Environmental Negotiator
Tom Delreux
Governing Global Desertification
Pierre Marc Johnson
Renewable Energy Policy Convergence in the EU
David Jacobs
The Global Governance of Climate Change
John J Kirton and 1 more
A World Environment Organization
Frank Biermann and 1 more
Henrik Selin
The Global Governance of Genetic Resources
Florian University of São Paulo and 1 more