The United Nations General Assembly
M J Peterson
Not Available
The United Nations Security Council
Edward C Luck
The Group of 7/8
Hugo Dobson
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Ian Taylor
World Health Organisation
Kelley Lee
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Craig N Murphy and 1 more
The United Nations and Human Rights
Julie A American University and 4 more
Transnational Organized Crime
Frank University of Cambridge and 1 more
Global Institutions and the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Franklyn University of Warwick and 1 more
The UN Secretary-General and Secretariat
Leon Princeton University and 1 more
Global Governance, Poverty and Inequality
Rorden University of New South Wales and 2 more
The Idea of World Government
Alistair University of Manchester and 1 more
The International Trade Centre
Stephen Browne and 2 more
The Organization of American States (OAS)
Mônica Herz
Responsibility to Protect
Rama Department of Politics and International Relations and 1 more
African Economic Institutions
Kwame Akonor
The UN Human Rights Council
Bertrand Ramcharan
The Security Governance of Regional Organizations
Emil J Kirchner
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Alexander University of Oxford and 5 more
Global Health Governance
Sophie Queen Mary University of London and 1 more
International Organizations as Self-Directed Actors
Joel Oestreich
The Forum on China- Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)
Ian University of St Andrews and 1 more
The Millennium Development Goals and Beyond
Rorden University of Manchester and 1 more
Trade, Poverty, Development
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
Lawrence Saez
The Migration Industry and the Commercialization of International Migration
Thomas GammeltoftHansen
Feminist Strategies in International Governance
Gülay Caglar
The Group of Twenty (G20)
Andrew F Cooper and 1 more
The Council of Europe
Martyn Royal Holloway and 2 more
Reducing Armed Violence with NGO Governance
Rodney Bruce Hall
Integrating Africa
Martin Welz
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
Susan V Scott and 1 more
Corporate Social Responsibility
Oliver F and 1 more
Gülay Caglar and 2 more
The International Politics of Human Rights
Monica Serrano
Non-Governmental Development Organizations and the Poverty Reduction Agenda
Jonathan RMIT and 1 more
UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)
Richard Institute of Development Studies and 1 more
Post-2015 UN Development
Stephen Browne
21st Century Democracy Promotion in the Americas
Jorge Heine and 2 more
Wartime History and the Future United Nations
Daniel Plesch and 1 more
Wartime Origins and the Future United Nations
Dan Plesch
Rising Powers, Global Governance and Global Ethics
Jamie Gaskarth
The NGO Challenge for International Relations Theory
William E DeMars
Global Poverty
David University of Manchester and 1 more
International Judicial Institutions
Richard J Fordham University and 3 more
Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms, Strategic Framing, and Intervention
Melissa Labonte
Contemporary Human Rights Ideas
Global Corporations in Global Governance
Christopher University of Lancaster and 1 more
The African Union
Samuel M Makinda and 2 more
Women and Girls Rising
Ellen Chesler
Global Consumer Organizations
Karsten Ronit
Human Development and Global Institutions
Richard Department of State and 2 more
The International Committee of the Red Cross
David P Forsythe and 1 more
Displacement, Development, and Climate Change
Nina Hertie School of Governance and 2 more
UN Peacebuilding Architecture
Cedric Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and 1 more
Challenges of Constructing Legitimacy in Peacebuilding
Daisaku University of Tokyo and 1 more
The Security Council as Global Legislator
Vesselin Popovski
Private Foundations and Development Partnerships
Michael Moran
Making Global Institutions Work
Kate University of Hawaii at Manoa and 1 more
Rules, Politics, and the International Criminal Court
Yvonne Dutton
Global Governance and Transnationalizing Capitalist Hegemony
The BRICS and Coexistence
Cedric de Coning
Transformations in Trade Politics
Silke Trommer
Summits & Regional Governance
Gordon Mace
UN Peacekeeping Doctrine in a New Era
Obstacles to Peacebuilding
Graciana Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies and 3 more
United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations
Khalil Hamdani and 1 more
Who Participates in Global Governance?
Molly Temple University and 1 more
International Institutions of the Middle East
James University of Leeds and 1 more
International Organizations and Military Affairs
Hylke Maastricht University and 1 more
Millennium Development Goals
Sakiko The New School and 2 more
Global Governance and China
Scott Kennedy
British Media and the Rwandan Genocide
John Nathaniel UNDG and 1 more
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Turan Kayaoglu
Expert Knowledge in Global Trade
Erin Hannah
The United Nations as a Knowledge System
Nanette Svenson
The Politics of International Organizations
Patrick Griffith University and 1 more
UN Security Council Reform
Peter Nadin
Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention
Elizabeth University of Washington Tacoma and 1 more
The Arctic Council
Douglas Nord
NGOs and Global Trade
Global Business Associations
Karsten University of Copenhagen and 1 more
The Politics of Expertise in International Organizations
Annabelle LittozMonnet
The IMF, the WTO & the Politics of Economic Surveillance
Martin Edwards
Inside the United Nations
Gert Rosenthal
Understanding the Humanitarian World
Daniel Maxwell and 1 more
Daniel G Maxwell and 1 more
Negotiating Trade in Uncertain Worlds
Clara Weinhardt
Global Think Tanks
James G University of Pennsylvania and 2 more
James G McGann and 1 more
The Use of Force in UN Peacekeeping
The League of Nations
M Cottrell
Brazil as a Rising Power
Kai Michael Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro PUCRio and 1 more
Regionalism Under Stress
Detlef German Institute for Global and Area Studies GIGA Nolte
Human Rights and Conflict Resolution
Claudia Fuentes Julio
International Secretariats
Bob Radboud Universiteit Nijmgen and 1 more
Bob Reinalda
River Basin Organizations in Water Diplomacy
Anoulak Mekong River Commission and 1 more
Mass Atrocities, the Responsibility to Protect and the Future of Human Rights
Simon Adams
Sovereign Rules and the Politics of International Economic Law
Marc Froese
A League of Democracies
John J Fordham University and 1 more
UN Global Compacts
Nicholas R Micinski
Nicholas R The Graduate Center and 1 more
UNHCR as a Surrogate State
Sarah American University and 1 more
The UN Military Staff Committee
Alexandra Novosseloff
Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms
John Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and 1 more
Human Rights and Justice
The IMF, the WTO & The Politics of Economic Surveillance
Martin S Edwards
Global Trends and Transitions in Security Expertise
James McGann
Towards a Global Consensus Against Corruption
Mathis Lohaus
Small Countries, Big Diplomacy
Alounkeo Kittikhoun and 2 more
Alounkeo Kittikhoun and 1 more
Contemporary Preventive Diplomacy
Clara Maastricht University and 1 more
Humanitarian Negotiations with Armed Groups
Ashley Clements
Negotiations in the World Trade Organization
Michal Institute of Political Studies at Charles University and 1 more
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Richard Woodward
Anoulak Kittikhoun and 1 more
Protecting the Internally Displaced
Phil Orchard
Accessing and Implementing Human Rights and Justice
Kurt Mills and 1 more
Moral Obligations and Sovereignty in International Relations
Andrea Paras
A Development Economist in the United Nations
Richard Jolly
Why International Organizations Hate Politics
Marieke Sciences Po Grenoble and 3 more
Trade Interests and UN Funding
Pawel Gmyrek
Diaspora Organizations in International Affairs
Dennis Ruhr University Bochum and 1 more
Richard University of Sussex and 1 more
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Julian LindleyFrench
Richard Coventry Business School and 1 more
Global Climate and Energy Governance
Harald L Heubaum
Network Governance of the UN Human Rights Council
Anatoly Bielefeld University and 1 more
Global Environmental Institutions
Elizabeth R DeSombre
United Nations Sanctions Regimes and Selective Security
Thomas Kruiper
The United Nations Trusteeship System
Jan University of Seattle and 1 more
Interstate Conflicts and the International Civil Aviation Organization
Michal Marcin Kobierecki
Realism and Global Governance
Jennifer Sterling Folker
Institutions of the Global South
Jacqueline Anne BraveboyWagner