Textes Réfléchissants
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Essays on French Comic Drama from the 1640S to the 1780S
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A Mirror on the Rhine?
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William Gallois
Situating Mallarmé
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Playing Simplicity
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Visions / Revisions
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Le Mâle En France, 1715-1830
Katherine Astbury and 2 more
The Novels of Madame De Souza in Social and Political Perspective
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Sculpture as a Problematic Art During the Ancien Régime
Anne Betty Weinshenker
George Sand
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Rêves De Citoyens
Helder Mendes Baiao
Journalisme Et Fiction Au 18E Siècle
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Diderot's Endgames
Derek F Connon
Consumable Metaphors
Ceri Crossley
Ezequiel Adamovsky
Sarah Capitanio
Critique, Critiques Au 18e Siècle
Robin Howells
Balzac and Violence
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Ce Salon ? quoi tout se ram?ne
Preserving the Provinces
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L'ecriture Du Regard Dans La Représentation De La Passion Amoureuse Et Du Désir
Sandrine Léopold
The Paris Fine Art Salon/Le Salon, 1791–1881
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«The Return of the Repressed»: Uncovering Family Secrets in Zola’s Fiction
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The Dark Side of Diderot
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A Class Apart
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Writing the Self, Writing the Nation
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Amongst Women
Giada Alessandroni
Reecritures 1700-1820
MarieEmmanuelle PlagnolDiéval and 1 more
Anecdotes, Faits Divers, Contes, Nouvelles 1700-1820
Philip Robinson
Jules Valles and the Narration of History
Rachel Langford