British Privateering Enterprise in the Eighteenth Century
David J Starkey
Not Available
Parameters of British Naval Power 1650-1850
Michael Duffy and 1 more
The Rise of the Devon Seaside Resorts 1750-1900
John F Travis
Man and the Maritime Environment
Stephen Fisher
Pirates and Privateers
David J Starkey and 2 more
Recreation and the Sea
Cockburn and the British Navy in Transition
Roger Morriss
Exploiting the Sea
David J Starkey and 1 more
Robb Robinson
Power and Politics at the Seaside
Nigel Morgan and 1 more
Coastal and River Trade in Pre-Industrial England
David Hussey
The Glorious First of June 1794
Michael Duffy and 2 more
Ebb Tide in the British Maritime Industries
A G Jamieson
British Shipbuilding and the State Since 1918
Lewis Johnman and 1 more
Shipping and Military Power in the Seven Years War
David Syrett