Gorbachev and His Revolution
Mark Galeotti
Not Available
The Early Modern European Economy
Peter Musgrave
Germany from Reich to Republic, 1871-1918
Matthew S Seligmann and 1 more
The Great Depression in Europe, 1929-1939
Patricia Clavin
James D White
Warfare in the Nineteenth Century
David Gates
Philip II
Patrick Williams
The Making and Breaking of the Soviet System
Christopher Read
Crown and Nobility in Early Modern France
Donna Bohanan
The Habsburg Monarchy, 1490-1848
Paula S Fichtner
Richelieu and Mazarin
D J Sturdy
Sweden in the Seventeenth Century
Paul Douglas Lockhart
From Reich to Revolution
Peter H Wilson
Beyond Calvin
Graeme Murdock
The French Revolution, 1789-1804
Nigel Aston
European Communism
Ronald I Kowalski
European Communism 1848-1991
Governing Tsarist Russia
Peter Waldron
Catholic Germany from the Reformation to the Enlightenment
Marc R Forster
The Zenith of European Monarchy and Its Elites
Nicholas Henshall
Europe's Long Twelfth Century
John D Cotts
War and Revolution in Russia, 1914-22
The First World War
A W Purdue
Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-89
Kevin Sheffield Hallam University and 1 more
Kevin McDermott
Geoff Swain
The Long European Reformation
Peter G Wallace
Peter George Wallace