Perspectives on European Politics and Economics
Gerald M. Mahoney
Not Available
Flexicurity and Political Philosophy
Andranick S. Tanguiane
Eastern and Central Europe
Salvatore D. Eanuzzi and 1 more
European Union
Eugenio Favero and 1 more
A Resilient European Food Industry in a Challenging World
George Baourakis
Politics and Economics of Central and Eastern Europe
Joseph E. Peeters
Pan Liarnkovas
Economic and Political Issues in Europe
Guglielmo Pedrotti and 1 more
Daniel I. Gruev and 1 more
Labor Market in the Baltic Region
Paul M. Wheaton
Muslims in Europe
George T. Rankin and 1 more
Nordic Countries
Mathias L. Pedersen and 1 more
European Energy Security
Radcliff E. Phillips and 1 more
European Integration
David Ramiro Troitino
Prison Effectiveness and Reoffense Reduction
Albert M. Sinclair
Democratic Credentials of the European Union
Evonne Graham
Democratization in Ukraine, Georgia, and Belarus
Elisabeth Olhouser
Encyclopedia of the United Kingdom
Erika M. Ruiz
The Master and Its Servants
Maria Vivod
Virginia E. Adams
The Current Nordic Welfare State Model
Noralv Veggeland
The European Union
Aubrey Bishop
The European Union and the Global Financial Crisis
Graeme Baber
Finland in Focus
Vincent Bradley
National Parliaments and the European Parliament
Dawn Mitchell
Frane Adam
Political Migrations in Poland in the Period of World War II
Piotr Eberhardt
Vesna StankoviÔc PejnoviÔc and 1 more
Wilbert Strickland
The United States of Europe in Place of the European Union
Georgios I. Zekos
Administrative Strategies of Our Time
Internationalisation of Human Resource Management
József Poór
The Eurozone Enlargement
Yoji Koyama
European Union Impact on Central Asia
Vladimir Paramonov and 3 more
Intelligence and Security Challenges of the European Migrant Crisis
Teodora Ivanusa and 4 more
English Industries of the Middle Ages
L. F. Salzman
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
Edward Potts Cheyney
Selected Speeches on British Foreign Policy 1738-1914
Edgar R. Jones
A History of Police in England
W. L. Melville Lee
Bronius Kazlauskas
The European Union and Its Debt Crises
John N. Kallianiotis
Monetary Unions
Slawomir Bukowski
Ukraine--Background, US Policy and Security Concerns
Library of Congress
Ulyana Asya Romanov
Sophie Clarke
Europe and Africa
Anis H. Bajrektarevic and 1 more
Adventures With the Connaught Rangers, 1809-1814
William Grattan
A Modern History of Sociology in Italy and the Various Patterns of Its Epistemological Development
Guglielmo Rinzivillo
Alaina Warner
Tedo Zhordania
Ketevan Nadiraze
An in Depth Look at Hungary
Esperanta Rompa
Igor Janev
The United States of Europe
Bülent Sarper Agr
Raluca Moldovan
Sergei Sergeevich Zhiltsov
Italy and the European Union
Bruno Mascitelli and 1 more
Elias A. Thygesen
Rethinking the European Union
Dace Ozols