Environmental Geophysics
Dieter Vogelsang
Not Available
Sediments and Toxic Substances
Wolfgang Calmano and 1 more
Recycling and Resource Recovery Engineering
Richard I. Stessel
Groundwater and Subsurface Remediation
Helmut Kobus and 2 more
Geochemical Approaches to Environmental Engineering of Metals
Rudolf Reuther
Wastewater Management for Coastal Cities
Q.M. Lu and 9 more
Mercury in the Biogeochemical Cycle
Marc Lucotte and 4 more
Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Environmental Science
Wim Salomons and 3 more
Chemistry of Marine Water and Sediments. Environmental Science
Antonio Gianguzza and 2 more
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Fluxes and Processes Environmental Science
A. Tremblay and 3 more
Eutrophication Management and Ecotoxicology. Environmental Science
Martin C.T. Scholten and 4 more
Nature Conservation Environmental Science
Dan Gafta and 1 more
Stakeholder Dialogues in Natural Resources Management Environmental Science
Susanne Stoll-Kleemann and 1 more
Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins Environmental Science
Teja Tscharntke and 4 more
Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering
ITEE International ICSC Symposium and 1 more
Sediment Dynamics and Pollutant Mobility in Rivers
Bernhard Westrich and 1 more
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
M. De Lara and 1 more
Climatic Changes and Water Resources in the Middle East and North Africa
Fathi Zereini and 1 more
Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea
Lars Håkanson and 1 more
Climate Change and Crops
S. N. Singh
Progressive Development
Arie S. Issar
The Fish Production Potential of the Baltic Sea
Lars Håkanson and 2 more
Forests to Climate Change Mitigation
Md. Danesh Miah and 2 more
Managing European Coasts Environmental Science
Jan E. Vermaat and 3 more
Remediation of Abandoned Surface Coal Mining Sites Environmental Engineering
Alena Mudroch and 3 more
Tools and Criteria for Sustainable Coastal Ecosystem Management Environmental Science
S.N. Singh
Mechanics of Wind-Blown Sand Movements. Environmental Science
Xiaojing Zheng
Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering
Ioannis N. Athanasiadis and 3 more
Soil Erosion Environmental Science
Jürgen Schmidt
Climate and Land Degradation. Environmental Science
Mannava VK Sivakumar and 1 more
Sediment Dynamics and Pollutant Mobility in Rivers Environmental Science
Bernd Westrich and 1 more
Jorge Marx Gómez and 4 more
Turning Hydropower Social Environmental Science
Anders Hjort-af-Ornas
Modelling Environmental Dynamics Environmental Science
Martin Paegelow and 1 more
Environmental Policy Analyses Environmental Science
Peter Knoepfel
Sustainable Land Use in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia Environmental Science
Franz J. Heidhüs and 7 more
Towards a Cleaner Planet Environmental Science
Jaime Klapp and 2 more
Climatic Changes and Water Resources in the Middle East and North Africa. Environmental Science
Energy Flows, Material Cycles and Global Development
Georg Schaub and 1 more
Macro-Engineering Seawater in Unique Environments Environmental Science
Viorel Badescu and 1 more
Marine Ecological Geography
D. IA Fashchuk
Multiphase Flow and Transport Processes in the Subsurface Environmental Engineering
Rainer Helmig
Microbial Degradation of Xenobiotics
Shree N. Singh
Large-Scale Constructions in Coastal Environments Environmental Science
Manfred Vollmer and 1 more
Mercury in the Biogeochemical Cycle Environmental Science
Marc Marcotte and 4 more
Decommissioning Offshore Structures. Environmental Engineering
D.G. Gorman and 1 more
Heavy Metals Environmental Science
Wim Salomons and 2 more
Acidic Mining Lakes Environmental Science
Walter Geller and 2 more
Geochemical Approaches to Environmental Engineering of Metals. Environmental Science
Wastewater Management for Coastal Cities Environmental Engineering
Automobile Exhaust Emission Testing Environmental Engineering
H. Klingenberg
Air Quality Control Environmental Engineering
G. Baumbach
Estuaries of South America Environmental Science
Gerardo M.E. Perillo and 2 more
Biogeodynamics of Pollutants in Soils and Sediments Environmental Science
Wim Salomons and 1 more
Recycling and Resource Recovery Engineering Environmental Engineering
Air Pollution Control Equipment Environmental Engineering
Louis Theodore and 1 more
Environmental Geophysics Environmental Engineering
Groundwater and Subsurface Remediation Environmental Engineering
Radioactivity Transfer in Environment and Food
Fokion K Vosniakos
Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests Under Global Change Environmental Science
Teja Tscharntke and 5 more
Arid Lands Water Evaluation and Management. Environmental Science
Robert Maliva and 1 more
Novel Biomaterials Environmental Science
Shalini Srivastava and 1 more
Acidic Pit Lakes Environmental Science
Walter Geller and 3 more
The Fish Production Potential of the Baltic Sea Environmental Science
Progress of Geo-Disaster Mitigation Technology in Asia. Environmental Science
Fawu Wang and 4 more
Fluid Dynamics in Physics, Engineering and Environmental Applications. Environmental Engineering
Jaime Klapp and 3 more
Floods and Landslides
Riccardo Casale and 1 more
Environmental Technologies and Trends Environmental Engineering
Ravi K. Jain and 4 more
Artificial Neuronal Networks Environmental Science
Sovan Lek and 1 more
Urban Airborne Particulate Matter Environmental Science
Energy Flows, Material Cycles and Global Development Environmental Engineering
On the Frontiers of Climate and Environmental Change Environmental Science
Ole Bruun and 1 more
Dmitry Ya Fashchuk
Capacity Building for the Planning, Assessment and Systematic Observations of Forests Environmental Science
Karan Deo Singh
Advances in Wind Energy Conversion Technology. Environmental Engineering
Mathew Sathyajith and 1 more
Mercury from Gold and Silver Mining Environmental Science
Luiz D.de Lacerda and 1 more
Novel Measurement and Assessment Tools for Monitoring and Management of Land and Water Resources in Agricultural Landscapes of Central Asia. Environmental Science
Lothar Mueller and 2 more
Environmental Compartments Environmental Science
Egbert K. Duursma and 1 more
Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics
Jaime Klapp and 4 more
Shree Nath Singh
Soil Enzymology in the Recycling of Organic Wastes and Environmental Restoration. Environmental Science
Carmen Trasar-Cepeda and 4 more
Physics of Semiconductor Devices Environmental Engineering
V. K. Jain and 1 more
Sand Mining
D. Padmalal and 1 more
Microbial Degradation of Synthetic Dyes in Wastewaters. Environmental Science
Platinum Metals in the Environment. Environmental Science
Transport at the Air-Sea Interface Environmental Science
Christoph S. Garbe and 2 more
Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Europe
Reinhard A. Klenke
Capacity Building for the Planning, Assessment and Systematic Observations of Forests
On the Frontiers of Climate and Environmental Change
Ole Bruun
Biological Remediation of Explosive Residues
China Low-Carbon Healthy City, Technology Assessment and Practice
The Impact of Mining on the Landscape
Renata Dulias
Landslides in Cold Regions in the Context of Climate Change
Wei Shan
Macro-engineering Seawater in Unique Environments
Viorel Badescu
Sustainable Air Pollution Management Environmental Science
Ramesha Chandrappa and 1 more
Landslide Disaster Mitigation in Three Gorges Reservoir, China
Fawu Wang and 1 more
The Carpathians
Jacek Kozak and 3 more
Approaches to Study Living Foraminifera
Hiroshi Kitazato and 1 more
Novel Measurement and Assessment Tools for Monitoring and Management of Land and Water Resources in Agricultural Landscapes of Central Asia
Lothar Mueller
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Asia and the Pacific Islands
Agamuthu Pariatamby
Information Technology in Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering
Burkhardt Funk and 2 more
Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change. Environmental Science
Sunil Nautiyal and 4 more
Making Transparent Environmental Management Decisions Environmental Science
Keith M. Reynolds and 2 more
Food Waste and Sustainable Food Waste Management in the Baltic Sea Region
Walter Leal Filho and 1 more
Microbial Degradation of Synthetic Dyes in Wastewaters
Selected Topics of Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Jaime Klapp
The Greenhouse Gas Balance of Italy Environmental Science
Riccardo Valentini and 1 more
Low-Carbon City and New-Type Urbanization Environmental Science
Songlin Feng and 4 more
Aeolian Processes as Dust Storms in the Deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan
Gulnura Issanova and 1 more
Perspectives in Environmental Toxicology
Kavindra Kumar Kesari
Bioremediation and Sustainable Technologies for Cleaner Environment
Marimuthu Prashanthi
Geohazard-Associated Geounits Environmental Science
L. A. Rivard
Microbe-Induced Degradation of Pesticides
Integrated Waste Management in India
An Introduction to Disturbance Ecology
Corrado Battisti and 2 more
Recent Advances in Fluid Dynamics with Environmental Applications
GNSS Environmental Sensing Environmental Science
Joseph Awange
Recycling and Reuse Approaches for Better Sustainability. Environmental Engineering
Nilgün Balkaya and 1 more
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics Volume 2 Environmental Engineering
Liangtong Zhan and 2 more
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics Volume 3 Environmental Engineering
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics Volume 2
Liangtong Zhan
Man-Made Ecology of East Kazakhstan. Environmental Science
Sairan Bayandinova and 2 more
Environmental Geoinformatics Environmental Science
Joseph Awange and 1 more
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics Volume 1
Sustainable Development of Water and Environment
Rong Sun
Geoinformatics and Modelling of Landslide Susceptibility and Risk Environmental Science
Sujit Mandal and 1 more
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019)
Zhaojun Wang
Municipal Landfill Leachate Management
Maryam Pazoki and 1 more
Economic and Ecological Implications of Shifting Cultivation in Mizoram, India
Vishwambhar Prasad Sati
Soil and Recycling Management in the Anthropocene Era
Gero Benckiser
Bioremediation and Green Technologies
Prashanthi Devi Marimuthu
Socio-economic and Eco-biological Dimensions in Resource use and Conservation
Niranjan Roy
Spatial Modeling in Forest Resources Management
Pravat Kumar Shit
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition) Proceedings of 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2), Tun
Mohamed Ksibi
Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Technology in Japan
Sotaro Higuchi
Field Margin Vegetation and Socio-Ecological Environment
Sunil Nautiyal and 2 more
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture: Challenges and Prospects for the Blue Bioeconomy
Alexander Geraldovich Arkhipov
Soil Health and Environmental Sustainability
Trends and Contemporary Technologies for Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes
Sushma Dave
Clean Coal and Sustainable Energy
Junfu Lyu
Han-Yong Jeon
Advanced Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation of Water Comparative Study of Water Pollution Index during Pre-industrial, Industrial Period and Prospect of Wastewater Treatment for Water Res
Swapnila Roy
Global Arsenic Hazard
Nabeel Khan Niazi
Advances in Research on Water Resources and Environmental Systems
International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Earth Resources
Recycled Materials in Geotechnical and Pavement Applications
Amin Chegenizadeh
Advances in Geospatial Technology in Mining and Earth Sciences
Long Quoc Nguyen and 3 more
Proceedings of the 2022 12th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering (ICESE 2022)
Xueming Chen
Advanced Technology for Smart Environment and Energy
Jamal Mabrouki and 3 more
Environment and Sustainable Development
Keiji Ujikawa
Environmental Pollution Governance and Ecological Remediation Technology
Junwen Zhang and 2 more
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering
International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering
Proceedings of 2022 4th International Conference on Environment Sciences and Renewable Energy
International Conference on Environment Sciences and Renewable Energy
Remediation of Chromium-Contaminated Soil
Weichun Yang
Proceedings of 2023 International Conference on Green Building
International Conference on Green Building
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research - ICRER 2022
International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering
International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Earth Resources and 2 more
Geospatial Practices in Natural Resources Management
Solid Waste Management
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Resources and Environmental Research - ICRER 2023
Sustainable Development With Renewable Energy
Nídia S. Caetano
The 6th International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Management
Water Resource and Environmental Management (Symposium)
Environmental Science and Technology II
International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental Science and Technology
Pollution and Its Minimization
International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention
Environmental Radon
Sukanya S. and 1 more
Sustainable and Cleaner Technologies for Environmental Remediation
Aravind Jeyaseelan and 2 more
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Management
Innovative Approaches in Environmental Health Management
Sylvester Chibeuze Izah and 1 more