Emotional Lexicons
Ute and 4 more
Not Available
Learning How to Feel
Ute Director and 5 more
Civilizing Emotions
Margrit Senior Researcher at the Center of the History of Emotions and 1 more
Beyond Melancholy
Erin Senior Lecturer and Fellow and 3 more
The History of Emotions
Jan Plamper
Emotional Cities
Joseph Ben Assistant Professor of History and 2 more
Feeling Things
Stephanie Research Fellow and 2 more
Imagining the Witch
Laura Lecturer in Early Modern History and 2 more
The Game of Love in Georgian England
Sally Vice Chancellors Research Fellow in History History of Art and 1 more
Love, Honour, and Jealousy
Niamh Lecturer in Modern European History and 2 more
Emotions in a Crusading Context, 1095-1291
Steve Spencer
The Emotions of Internationalism
Ilaria Lecturer in Modern History and 2 more
Emotional Arenas
Mark Associate Professor of History and 2 more
Feeling Revolution
Anna Wellcome Trust Research Fellow and 2 more
Monique Professor of Historical and Cultural Anthropology and 2 more
Katie Deputy Director of ARC Centre of Excellence in the History of Emotions and Associate Professor in History and 1 more
The Emotional Economy of Holidaymaking
Yaara Historian and Sociologist of Tourism Consumption and Emotions and 1 more
German Angst
Frank Professor of History and 3 more
Sally Holloway
The History of Cancer and Emotions in Twentieth-Century Germany
Bettina Heisenberg Fellow and 2 more
Thinking About Tears
Marco Associate Professor in History of Philosophy and 2 more
The Emergence of a Hero
Andrei Zorin
Stephen J Spencer