Digital Sensations
Ken Hillis
Not Available
High Techne
R L Rutsky
What's the Matter With the Internet?
Mark Poster
Pierre Lévy
Bodies in Technology
Don Ihde
Cybering Democracy
Diana Saco
Cognitive Fictions
Joseph Tabbi
Connected, or, What It Means to Live in the Network Society
Steven Shaviro
Eugene Thacker
Avatar Bodies
Ann Weinstone
Déjà Vu
Peter Krapp
Vilém Flusser and 1 more
The Souls of Cyberfolk
Thomas Foster
Lara Croft
Astrid DeuberMankowsky
Electronic Monuments
Gregory L Ulmer
Wireless Writing in the Age of Marconi
Timothy C Campbell
Alexander R Galloway
Avatars of Story
MarieLaure Ryan
Cyberspaces of Everyday Life
Mark Nunes
Database Aesthetics
Victoria Vesna
The Exploit
Alexander R Galloway and 1 more
Digitizing Race
Lisa Nakamura
Small Tech
Byron Hawk and 2 more
Digitize This Book!
Gary Hall
Digital Baroque
Timothy Murray
Philip Armstrong
Kate Mondloch
Does Writing Have a Future?
Into the Universe of Technical Images
Vilém Flusser
Anke K Finger and 2 more
Digital Art and Meaning
Roberto Simanowski
Noise Channels
Gameplay Mode
Patrick Crogan
Digital Memory and the Archive
Wolfgang Ernst and 1 more
Off the Network
Ulises Ali Mejias
Comparative Textual Media
N Katherine Hayles and 1 more
Katherine Hayles and 1 more
Nauman Reiterated
Janet Kraynak
A Geology of Media
Jussi Parikka
What Is Information?
Peter Janich
Sensations of History
James J Hodge
Perpetual Motion
Harmony Bench
Radical Secrecy
Clare Birchall
The Digitally Disposed
Seb Franklin
The Little Database
Daniel Scott Snelson
Terry Harpold
Tactical Media
Rita Raley
Games of Empire
Nick DyerWitheford and 1 more
Hypertext and the Female Imaginary
Jaishree Kak Odin
How to Do Things With Videogames
Ian Bogost
Wolfgang Ernst
Summa Technologiae
Stanislaw Lem
Reading Writing Interfaces
Lori Emerson
World Projects
Markus Krajewski
How to Talk About Videogames
On the Existence of Digital Objects
Yuk Hui
Program Earth
Jennifer Gabrys
Mixed Realism
Timothy J Welsh
The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age
Darin David Barney and 4 more
Jonathan Sterne
The Perversity of Things
Hugo Gernsback
Stephanie Boluk and 1 more
Deconstruction Machines
Justin Joque
Internet Daemons
Fenwick McKelvey
Playing Nature
Alenda Y Chang
The Digital and Its Discontents
Aden Evens
Interactive Cinema
Marina Hassapopoulou