Perspectives on the Holocaust
Randolph L. Braham
Not Available
Democracy and Right-Wing Politics in Eastern Europe in the 1990S
Joseph Held
Romania's Communist Takeover
Dinu C. Giurescu
The Third Reich and the Holocaust in German Historiography
Alfred D. Low
The Collapse of American Policy in Russia and Siberia, 1918
Victor M. Fic
Serbs and Russians
David MacKenzie
US-Soviet Relations During the Détente
Anne de Tinguy
Hungary's Historical Legacies
Steven Béla Várdy and 2 more
The Macedonian Question
Victor Roudometof
Studies on the Holocaust
Randolph L. Braham and 2 more
Hungarian Jews During the Holocaust and After the Second World War, 1939-1949
Tamás Stark
From Totalitarian to Democratic Hungary
Mária Schmidt and 1 more
In Search of Legality
William Benton Whisenhunt
Polish Political Emigrés in the United States of America, 1831-1864
Florian Stasik and 1 more
The Semiotics of Visual Languages
Catalina Bogdan
The Ideas of the Hungarian Revolution, Suppressed and Victorious, 1956-1999
Lee Congdon and 1 more
Leaders and Laggards
Lavinia Stan
National Reconciliation in Eastern Europe
Henry F. Carey
Pavel Câmpeanu
Casa Frumoasa
Jan Harold Brunvand
The Eagle & The Cross
John Radzilowski
Sowing the Seeds of Hatred
János Pelle
The Great Shock at the End of a Short Century
Ion Iliescu and 2 more
The Soviet and Hungarian Holocausts
Tamás Krausz and 1 more
Infamy and Revolt
Dean J. Kostantaras
At Home There's Only Speaking in a Whisper
Stelian Tanase
For More Than Bread
William J. Galush
Just One Moment More -
Konstancija Brazeniene and 1 more
Tibor Eckhardt
Katalin Kádár Lynn
The Terror of Illusion
Augustin Buzura and 1 more
Remember Hungary, 1956
Tibor Glant
From Dictatorship to Democracy
Ignác Romsics
From Dissident to Party Politics
Bernard Ivan Tamas
The Impact of Irish-Ireland on Young Poland, 1890-1919
John A. Merchant
Two Nations on Wheels
Evangelos Spyropoulos
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church
James Lindsay Hopkins
Hungary in the Dual Monarchy, 1867-1914
László Katus and 3 more
Committing Community
Elaine Rusinko and 2 more
Public Space in Budapest
András Gero and 4 more
The Novel of Crepuscular Universes
Ion Vlad and 1 more
Essays on World War I
World War One Historical Association
Wolfgang Von Kempelen
Alice Reininger
From the Silver Czech Tolar to a Worldwide Dollar
Petr Vorel
Hungarian-Yugoslav Diplomatic Relations 1918-1927
Árpád Hornyák
The Hungarians of Slovakia in 1938
Attila Simon and 1 more
The Politics of Genocide
Language and National Identity
Anna Plïshkova and 2 more
Mosaic of Fear
Helena Flam
Hungarian-Italian Relations in the Shadow of Hitler's Germany, 1933-1940
György Réti
Imagining an Austrian Nation
Ian Reifowitz
The Greeks of Odessa
John Athanasios Mazis
The Politics of Rite
William O. Oldson
Romania Under the Tyranny of Small Figures
Ilie Serbanescu and 1 more
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Steven OluiÔc
Conrad in Germany
Walter Göbel and 2 more
A Social Bandit in Nineteenth Century Hungary
Shingo Minamizuka
A Possible and Desirable Pension System
József Banyár and 1 more
Hungarian Americans in the Current of History
Steven Béla Várdy and 1 more
Models of Representations in Czech Literary History
Petr A. Bílek and 1 more
Bibliography of the Holocaust in Hungary
Randolph L. Braham and 1 more