Contemporary Water Governance in the Global South
Leila M University of British Columbia and 1 more
Not Available
Water Governance, Policy and Knowledge Transfer
Cheryl De Boer
Sustainable Water and Sanitation Services
India Livelihoods Natural Resource Managment Institute Hyderabad and 1 more
Water for Food Security and Well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean
Bárbara A Willaarts
Water Scarcity, Livelihoods and Food Security
Larry W Harrington
Water, Power and Identity
Rutgerd Wageningen University and 2 more
Catchment and River Basin Management
Laurence Smith
Water Management, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in Developing Economies
M Dinesh Kumar
Governing International Watercourses
Susanne GIZ and 1 more
Transboundary Water Management and the Climate Change Debate
Anton Earle and 3 more
The Mekong
Ben Boer and 4 more
The Mekong: A Socio-legal Approach to River Basin Development
Ben Boer and 5 more
Leila Harris and 2 more
Transferable Groundwater Rights
Andreas N Charalambous
Trans-Jurisdictional Water Law and Governance
Janice Gray and 2 more
Land and Hydropolitics in the Nile River Basin
Emil Sandström and 2 more
Water and Rural Communities
Lia Bryant and 1 more
Legal Frameworks for Transparency in Water Utilities Regulation
Mohamad Mova AlAfghani
Environmental Water Markets and Regulation
Kate Owens
The Politics of Fresh Water
Rutgerd Boelens
Governing Transboundary Waters
Emma S Norman
Laurence Smith and 4 more
Transboundary Water Politics in the Developing World
Naho Kings College London and 1 more
Drip Irrigation for Agriculture
JeanPhilippe Venot and 2 more
Participation for Effective Environmental Governance
Elisa Kochskämper
International Water Law and the Quest for Common Security
BjornOliver Magsig
Water as a Catalyst for Peace
Ahmed Abukhater
Cheryl de Boer and 3 more
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Nile Basin
Zeray Yihdego and 2 more
China's International Transboundary Rivers
Lei Chinese Academy of Sciences and 2 more
Freshwater Ecosystems in Protected Areas
C M Finlayson and 2 more
Adaptation to Climate Change through Water Resources Management
Dominic Sustainability Leaders Network and 1 more
Rules, Norms and NGO Advocacy Strategies
Yumiko Yasuda
Rivers and Society
Malcolm Cooper
Water, Technology and the Nation-State
Filippo The University of Reading and 1 more
Water for Food Security and Well-Being in Latin America and the Caribbean
Bárbara A Willaarts and 2 more
Negotiating for Water Resources
Andrea Haefner
Water, Climate Change and the Boomerang Effect
Larry University of Waterloo and 1 more
Water and Cities in Latin America
Ismael AguilarBarajas
Hydropower Development in the Mekong Region
Nathanial CGIAR Program on Water Land and Ecosystems and 2 more
Trans-jurisdictional Water Law and Governance
Janice Gray
Emil Sandstrom
Katherine Owens
Mohamad Mova Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor and 1 more
Water Regimes
Dominique Lorrain
Catherine M University of New Hampshire University of New Hampshire and 2 more
Global Water Ethics
Rafael Universitaet Greifswald and 1 more
Community Management of Rural Water Supply
Paul Hutchings and 5 more
Water, Knowledge and the Environment in Asia
Ravi Heidelberg University and 1 more
JeanPhilippe Institut de Recherche pour le Développement IRD and 1 more
Elisa Kochskämper and 3 more
Transboundary Water Governance and International Actors in South Asia
Paula Hanasz
Lei Xie and 1 more
Malcolm Cooper and 2 more
Zeray Yihdego
Water Policy, Imagination and Innovation
Robyn Bartel and 3 more
Filippo Menga and 1 more
Larry A Swatuk and 1 more
Water, Creativity and Meaning
Liz Roberts and 1 more
Revitalizing Urban Waterway Communities
Richard C Smardon and 2 more
Legal Rights for Rivers
Erin ODonnell
Urban Water Sustainability
Sarah Bell
The Biopolitics of Water
Sofie Hellberg
Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Water Diplomacy
Shafiqul Tufts University and 1 more
Water Allocation Law in New Zealand
Jagdeepkaur SinghLadhar
Reciprocity and China’s Transboundary Waters
David J Devlaeminck
Water Management in China’s Power Sector
Xiawei University of Oxford and 3 more
Reviving Indigenous Water Management Practices in Morocco
Sandrine Simon
Transnational Corporations in Urban Water Governance
Joyce Valdovinos
Defining Effective Transboundary Water Cooperation
Melissa McCracken
New Perspectives on Transboundary Water Governance
Luis Paulo Batista da Silva
The Role of Law in Transboundary River Basin Disputes
Chukwuebuka Edum
Natural Infrastructure for Achieving Water Security
M C Acreman and 3 more
Gender Dynamics in Transboundary Water Governance
Jenniver Sehring
Desalination and Water Security
Chris Anastasi
Flood Risk and Community Resilience
Lindsey McEwen
Corporatization and the Right to Water in Colombia
Marcela López
Climate Change and Water Scarcity in the Middle East
Mariëlle Snel and 2 more
Water Justice and Groundwater Subsidies in India
Gayathri D Naik
Urban Water Economies
YS Frederick Lee and 2 more
Water Scarcity and Conflict in African River Basins
Mahlakeng Khosi Mahlakeng
River Basins and International Relations
Christian Ploberger
Public Banks and Public Water in the Global South
Thomas Marois and 2 more
Urban Water Ecosystems in Africa and Asia
Shamik Chakraborty and 2 more
Legal Protection of European Inland Waters
Jaroslaw Dobkowski and 2 more
Water Poverty and Justice in the Global South
Nathan John Cooper