The Chinese Communist Party in Transformation
Lance Gore
Not Available
Political Stability in China's Changing Social Landscape
Wei Shan
Rise Of The Regulatory State In The Chinese Health-care System, The
Jiwei Nus and 1 more
Contemporary South Korean Economy: Challenges And Prospects
Minhua Eai and 2 more
China's Economy In Transformation Under The New Normal
Sarah Yueting Eai and 2 more
China's Development: Social Investment And Challenges
Litao Eai and 2 more
Politics, Culture And Identities In East Asia: Integration And Division
Peng Er Eai and 2 more
China's Economic Modernisation And Structural Changes: Essays In Honour Of John Wong
Yongnian The Chinese Univ Of Hong Kong and 2 more
Suzhou Industrial Park: Achievements, Challenges And Prospects
John Eai and 6 more
Chinese Society In The Xi Jinping Era
Chineseness And Modernity In A Changing China: Essays In Honour Of Professor Wang Gungwu
China And East Asian Economic Integration