How Universities Promote Economic Growth
Shahid Yusuf and 1 more
Not Available
Africa's Future, Africa's Challenge
Marito Garcia and 2 more
Youth in Africa's Labor Market
Marito Garcia and 1 more
Linking Education Policy to Labor Market Outcomes
Tazeen Fasih
Youth at Risk in Latin America and the Caribbean
Wendy V. Cunningham
Girls' Education in the 21st Century
Mercy Tembon and 1 more
HIV and AIDS in South Asia
Markus Haacker and 2 more
Faire De l'Enseignement Supérieur Le Moteur Du Développement En Afrique Sub-Saharienne
World Bank
Working in Health
Marko Vujicic and 3 more
The Le Défi D'établir Des Universités De Rang Mondial
Jamil Salmi
Decentralized Decision-Making in Schools
Felipe Barrera Osorio
Rethinking School Feeding
Donald A. P. Bundy
Reforming China's Rural Health System
Adam Wagstaff and 1 more
Skills for the Labor Market in the Philippines
Emanuela Di Gropello and 3 more
Investing in Young Children
Sophie Naudeau and 1 more
Gender and Macroeconomic Policy
Raj Nallari and 2 more
Rethinking School Health
Donald A. P. Bundy and 1 more
Capitalizing on the Demographic Transition
Michael Maurice Engelgau and 1 more
Do Our Children Have a Chance?
José R. Molinas Vega and 3 more
Moving Toward Universal Coverage of Social Health Insurance in Vietnam
Aparnaa Somanathan and 4 more
HIV Epidemics in the European Region
Lucy Platt and 1 more
Une Couverture Sanitaire Universelle Pour Un Développement Durable Inclusif
Akiko Maeda and 5 more
The Health Workforce in Latin America and the Caribbean
Carmen Carpio and 1 more
Workforce Development in Emerging Economies
Jee-Peng Tan and 1 more
Accounting for Mismatch in Low- And Middle-Income Countries
Michael J. Handel and 2 more
An Investment Framework for Nutrition
Meera Shekar and 6 more
From Mines and Wells to Well-Built Minds
Bénédicte de la Brière
Toward More Efficient and Effective Public Social Spending in Central America
Pablo Acosta and 3 more
At a Crossroads
Maria Marta Ferreyra and 4 more
The Last Mile to Quality Service Delivery in Jordan
Tamer Samah Rabie
Un cadre d'investissement pour la nutrition
Meera Shekar and 3 more
Sri Lanka Education Sector Assessment
Halil Dundar and 6 more
Stepping Up Skills in Urban Ghana
Péter Darvas and 2 more
Data for Learning
Husein Abdul-Hamid and 1 more
Developing Socioemotional Skills for the Philippines' Labor Market
Pablo Acosta and 4 more
Hacia la cobertura universal en salud y la equidad en América Latina y el Caribe
Tania Dmytraczenko
Sharing Higher Education's Promise Beyond the Few in Sub-Saharan Africa
Péter Darvas and 4 more
Health and Nutrition in Urban Bangladesh
Ramesh Govindaraj and 5 more
Options for Aged Care in China
Elena E. Glinskaya and 1 more