Democratization and the Media
Vicky Randall
Not Available
The Resilience of Democracy
Peter University of Warwick and 1 more
The Internet, Democracy and Democratization
Peter Ferdinand
Democracy Assistance
Peter Burnell
Opposition and Democracy in South Africa
Roger Southall
Civil Society in Democratization
Peter J Burnell and 1 more
Democratization and the Judiciary
Roberto Gargarella
Siri Gloppen and 2 more
Democratization in the Muslim World
Frederic University of Durham and 1 more
Global Democracy: For and Against
Raffaele LUISS Guido Carli University and 2 more
New Challenges to Democratization
Constructing Democracy in Southern Europe
Lauren M McLaren
The Consolidation of Democracy
Carsten Q Central European University and 1 more
Multiple Democracies in Europe
Paul Blokker
Comparative International Politics of Democracy Promotion
Jonas Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and 1 more
Democratization and Ethnic Minorities
Jacques Bertrand
Democracy Promotion and Conflict-Based Reconstruction
Matthew Alan Hill
Democratic Transitions
Sujian Guo and 2 more
Democracy, Participation and Contestation
Emmanuelle Avril
Ethnic Politics and Democratic Transition in Rwanda
David Kiwuwa
Jacques Bertrand and 1 more
Globality, Democracy and Civil Society
Terrell University of Bristol and 1 more
Emmanuelle Avril and 1 more
Gary A Stradiotto and 1 more
The Conceptual Politics of Democracy Promotion
Christopher Hobson
Democratisation in the 21st Century
MohammadMahmoud Ould Mohamedou
Democratic Transformation and Obstruction
Nelli Babayan
Democratizing Central and Eastern Europe
Luca CEVIPOL and 2 more
Democratization in EU Foreign Policy
Benedetta Ben Gurion University Berti
Politics and Democracy in Microstates
Wouter the Institute of Political Science at Leiden University and 1 more
Causes and Consequences of Democratization
Anastassia V London School of Economic and 3 more
Political Participation, Diffused Governance, and the Transformation of Democracy
Yvette University of Bergen and 1 more
Requisites of Democracy
Jørgen Møller and 1 more
Democratizing Public Governance in Developing Nations
Shamsul Haque
Yvette Peters
When Democracies Collapse
Luca Université Libre de Bruxelles and 1 more
Challenges of Democracy in the 21st Century
Nationalism, Referendums and Democracy
Matt Professor and 1 more
Matt Qvortrup
The Legitimacy of Citizen-led Deliberative Democracy
Didier Vrije Universiteit Brussel and 3 more
Democracy Assistance Bypassing Governments in Recipient Countries
Paulina Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and 1 more
Innovations, Reinvented Politics and Representative Democracy
Agnès AlexandreCollier
International Aid and Democracy Promotion
Bann Seng Ashoka University and 1 more
The Effects of Rebel Parties on Governance, Democracy and Stability after Civil Wars
John University of North Texas and 1 more
How Democracy Survives
Michael Boston University and 1 more
Parties, Politics, Peace
Carrie Georgia State University and 4 more
Elite Origins of Democracy and Development in the Muslim World
Michael T Bryn Mawr College and 3 more
Democracies in Peril?
Hans Keman
Hans Vrije University and 2 more
Neo-militant Democracies in Post-communist Member States of the European Union
Joanna Adam Mickiewicz University and 1 more
Why Neo-Militant Democracies Endure
Joanna Rak
Judges and Democratization
B C BerkinshawSmith
The Effects of Rebel Parties on Governance, Democracy and Stability After Civil Wars
John T Ishiyama and 1 more
Carrie Manning and 2 more
The Global Rise of Autocracy
Barbara Wejnert