Phenomenology and the Understanding of Human Destiny
Stephen Skousgaard and 1 more
Not Available
Interpersonal Communication
Joseph J Pilotta and 2 more
Phenomenology in Rhetoric and Communication
Stanley Deetz and 1 more
Kant and Phenomenology
Thomas M Seebohm and 3 more
The Philosophical Psychology of William James
Michael H DeArmey and 1 more
Dilthey and Phenomenology
Rudolf A Makkreel and 1 more
Rudolf A Makkreel and 2 more
Essays in Memory of Aron Gurwitsch, 1983
Aron Gerwitsch and 1 more
Aron Gurwitsch and 1 more
Pragmatism Considers Phenomenology
Robert S Corrington and 3 more
Robert S Corrington and 4 more
Karl Jaspers Today
Leonard H Ehrlich and 1 more
The Philosophy and Poetics of Gaston Bachelard
Mary McAllester Jones
Worldly Phenomenology
Lester Embree
Leonard H Ehrlich and 2 more
For Marx Against Althusser, and Other Essays
John ONeill
Technique and Enlightenment
Ian H Angus and 1 more
Semiotic Phenomenology of Rhetoric
Richard L Lanigan
A Bergsonian Bridge to Phenomenological Psychology
Helmut R Wagner and 2 more
John Locke on Reflection
J Douglas Rabb
Merleau-Ponty's Philosophy of Language
James M Edie and 1 more
Heidegger and Science
Joseph J Kockelmans
Lukacs's Road to God
Michael Holzman
The Husserlian Foundations of Science
Elisabeth Ströker and 2 more
Elisabeth Ströker and 1 more
Life-World Experience
Rolf Von Eckartsberg
F G Asenjo
Contact and Attention
David Appelbaum
Phenomenology and Sociology
George Psathas
Thoughts on Heidegger
Joan Stambaugh
Heidegger's "Being and Time"
The Work of Felix Kaufmann
Harry P Reeder
Language and Experience
Fichte's Kant-Interpretation and the Doctrine of Science
Chernor Maarjou Jalloh
The Significance of Art
Moritz Geiger and 1 more
Fundamental Anthropology
Michael Landmann and 1 more
Continental Philosophy and the Arts, 1983
Laurence E Winters and 2 more
A Companion to Martin Heidegger's "Being and Time"
Joseph J Kockelmans and 1 more
Husserl's Phenomenology
J N Mohanty and 1 more
Henry Pietersma
Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress
International Kant Congress and 2 more
Marjorie Grene and 1 more
The Knower and the Known
Marjorie Grene
Heidegger, Kant and Time
Charles M Sherover
Nietzsche's Thought of Eternal Return
Joan Stambaugh and 1 more
Theories of Anxiety
William F Fischer and 1 more