The French New Autobiographies
Raylene L Ramsay
Not Available
The Ghosts of Modernity
JeanMichel Rabaté
Roland Barthes on Photography
Nancy M Shawcross
Samuel Beckett's Hidden Drives
J D OHara
Pirandello and His Muse
Daniela Bini
The Writing of War
William J Cloonan
Italo Calvino
Constance Markey
Can the Celtic Tiger Cross the Irish Border?
John Bradley and 1 more
Icarus Fallen
Chantal Delsol
The Becoming of the Body
Amaleena Damlé
Unjust Justice
Writing and Cinema
Jonathan Bignell
Writing and the English Renaissance
William Zunder and 1 more
Writing and Africa
MpaliveHangson Msiska
Writing and Race
Tim Youngs
Writing and America
Gavin CologneBrookes and 2 more
Writing and Fantasy
Ceri Sullivan
Writing and Victorianism
J B Bullen
The Figure of This World
Mathew Abbott
Mallarmé and the Politics of Literature
Robert Boncardo
Russia In Collapse
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Event Universe
Leemon B McHenry
The Desert in Modern Literature and Philosophy
Aidan Tynan
Dostoevsky as Suicidologist
Amy D Ronner
Order and the Virtual
Bill Ross
French Technological Thought and the Nonhuman Turn
Madeleine Chalmers
Saint Paul and Contemporary European Philosophy
GertJan van der Heiden