Public Opinion
Slavko Splichal
Not Available
Redeveloping Communication for Social Change
Karin Gwinn Wilkins
Tabloid Tales
Colin Sparks and 1 more
The Information Society in Europe
Ken Ducatel and 2 more
Deliberation, Democracy, and the Media
Simone Chambers and 1 more
Deregulating Telecommunications
Kevin G Wilson
Privacy and the Information Age
Serge Gutwirth
The Global and the National
Terhi Rantanen
Contesting Media Power
Nick Couldry and 1 more
Many Voices, One World
International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems
Changing Concepts of Time
Harold Adams Innis
Mass Communication and American Social Thought
John Durham Peters and 1 more
Entertaining the Citizen
Liesbet van Zoonen
A Fatal Attraction
Cinzia Padovani
Global Electioneering
Gerald Sussman
The Film Studio
Ben Goldsmith and 1 more
Media, Terrorism, and Theory
Anandam P Kavoori and 1 more
Digital Music Wars
Patrick Burkart and 1 more
A Violent World
Nitzan S BenShaul
Urban Communication
Timothy A Gibson and 1 more
Empire and Communications
Feminist Interventions in International Communication
Katharine Sarikakis and 1 more
Knowledge Workers in the Information Society
Catherine McKercher and 1 more
Democratic Communications
James Frederick Hamilton
Catherine McKercher and 13 more
Punk Record Labels and the Struggle for Autonomy
Alan OConnor
From the Labyrinth of the World to the Paradise of the Heart
Vincenzo Pavone
The Laboring of Communication
Vincent Mosco and 1 more
Patronizing the Public
William J Buxton and 10 more
William Buxton
James F Hamilton
Beyond Monopoly
Michela Ardizzoni and 1 more
Information, Power, and Politics
César Bolaño and 1 more
Feminist Media
Elke Zobl and 1 more
Gendered Media
Karen Ross
Harold Innis's History of Communications. Paper and Printing
Harold A Innis
Corporations and Cultural Industries
Scott W Fitzgerald
Wilbur Schramm and Noam Chomsky Meet Harold Innis
Robert E Babe
Project(ing) Human
Courtney Stanton