Court of Remorse
T Cruvellier
Not Available
Beyond Displacement
Molly Todd
The Politics of Necessity
Elke Zuern
Remaking Rwanda
Scott Straus and 1 more
Torture and Impunity
Alfred W McCoy
How Difficult It Is to Be God
Carlos Iván Degregori and 1 more
Human Rights and Transnational Solidarity in Cold War Latin America
Jessica Stites Mor
Innocence and Victimhood
Elissa Helms
Archiving the Unspeakable
Michelle Caswell
The Human Rights Paradox
Steve J Stern and 1 more
Memory's Turn
Rebecca J Atencio
Historical Justice and Memory
Klaus Neumann and 1 more
The Soviet Union and the Gutting of the UN Genocide Convention
Anton WeissWendt
Amending the Past
Alexander Karn
Prisoner of Pinochet
Sergio Bitar
Inside Rwanda's Gacaca Courts
Bert Ingelaere
Elusive Justice
Donny Meertens
Researching Perpetrators of Genocide
Kjell Follingstad Anderson and 1 more
Long Journey to Justice
After Genocide
Nicole Fox
Practical Audacity
Stanlie M James
Buried Histories
John Roosa
The Unruly Dead
Lia Kent