Daniele Ganser
Not Available
The Political Economy of Peacebuilding in Post-Dayton Bosnia
Timothy Donais
The Rift Between America and Old Europe
Peter H Merkl
Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism
Joseph L Royal Netherlands Military Academy and Tilburg University and 1 more
Nato and Weapons of Mass Destruction
Eric R Terzuolo
The Waning of Major War
Raimo Vayrynen
Raimo Väyrynen
Conflict Prevention and Peace-building in Post-War Societies
T David Mason
Tim Donais
Striving for Military Stability in Europe
Jane M O Sharp
Russian Governance in the 21st Century
Irina Isakova
Missile Defence
Sten Rynning
Propaganda, the Press and Conflict
David R Willcox
The Iraq War
Jan Swedish National Defence College and 1 more
Weapons Proliferation and War in the Greater Middle East
Richard L National Defense University and 1 more
Military Nanotechnology
Jürgen Altmann
Globalization and Conflict
Robert G Patman
Globalization, Civil Conflict and the National Security State
The United States and Europe
John Baylis
Vietnam in Iraq
David Ryan
Disease and Security
Christian Enermark
International Law and the Use of Armed Force
Joel H Westra
Explaining War and Peace
Jack S Levy and 1 more
Jack Levy
Global Security and the War on Terror
Paul University of Bradford and 1 more
Corporate Soldiers and International Security
Christopher Kings College London and 2 more
International Law and International Relations
Thomas J Biersteker
The Political Road to War with Iraq
Nick University of Bradford and 3 more
Security and the War on Terror
Alex J Bellamy
Governance in Post-Conflict Societies
Derick W Research Triangle Institute and 2 more
Punishment, Justice and International Relations
Anthony F Lang
Afghanistan, Arms and Conflict
Michael Vinay Bhatia and 1 more
Understanding Victory and Defeat in Contemporary War
Jan Angstrom
War, Image and Legitimacy
James Gow and 1 more
War, Torture and Terrorism
Jr and 1 more
Joel Southern Methodist University Southern Methodist University and 2 more
Small Arms and Security
Denise Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and 1 more
War Crimes Tribunals and Transitional Justice
Madoka Futamura
America, the EU and Strategic Culture
Asle Toje
America and Iraq
David Ryan and 1 more
Europeanization of National Security Identity
Pernille Rieker
Theoretical Roots of US Foreign Policy
Thomas M Kane
Conflict Prevention and Peace-Building in Post-War Societies
T David Mason and 1 more
Changing Transatlantic Security Relations
Propaganda and Information Warfare in the Twenty-First Century
Scot Macdonald
European Security in the Twenty-First Century
Adrian HydePrice
War as Risk Management
YeeKuang Heng
Military Forces in 21st Century Peace Operations
James V Arbuckle
European Security Governance
Charlotte Wagnsson
Information Strategy and Warfare
John Arquilla
European Union and Strategy
Kjell Department of Political Science and 1 more
Private Contractors and the Reconstruction of Iraq
Anthony F Lang Jr
Christian Enemark
Causes and Consequences of International Conflict
Glenn Palmer
Peace Operations and International Criminal Justice
Majbritt Department of Peace Studies and 2 more
Cyber-Conflict and Global Politics
Athina Karatzogianni
Globalisation and Defence in the Asia-Pacific
Geoffrey Till
Democracy and Security
Matthew Cornell University Evangelista
The Homeland Security Dilemma
Frank P Harvey
Women and Political Violence
Miranda H Alison
European Security in a Global Context
Thierry Geneva Centre for Security Policy and 2 more
Clinton's Foreign Policy
John Dumbrell
NATO, Security and Risk Management
MJ Williams
US Foreign Policy and Iran
Donette Murray
Legitimising the Use of Force in International Politics
Corneliu University of Oxford and 1 more
Global Biosecurity
Peter Katona
US Counter-Terrorism Strategy and al-Qaeda
Joshua A Yale University Geltzer
International Law, Security and Ethics
Aidan University of Westminster and 1 more
Private Security Contractors and New Wars
Kateri Carmola
Russia's Foreign Security Policy in the 21st Century
Marcel De Haas
Justice, Intervention and Force in International Relations
Kimberly A Hudson
Charlotte Wagnsson and 2 more
Legitimacy and the Use of Armed Force
Chiyuki Aoi
Christopher Kinsey
Aggression, Crime and International Security
Page Wilson
Rethinking Security Governance
Christopher Daase
Women, Peace and Security
Funmi Kings College and 2 more
The EU, the UN and Collective Security
Joachim Krause
Justifying America's Wars
Nicholas KertonJohnson
Transforming European Militaries
Gordon Adams and 1 more
The Foreign Office and Finland
Craig Gerrard
War, Ethics and Justice
Annika BergmanRosamond
Russia, NATO and Cooperative Security
Lionel Ponsard
Bosnian Security after Dayton
Michael A University of Leeds and 1 more
Perception and Reality in the Modern Yugoslav Conflict
Brendan OShea
Kennedy, Johnson and NATO
Andrew Priest
Crime-Terror Alliances and the State
Lyubov GrigorovaMincheva and 1 more
Ethics and the Laws of War
Antony Coleg Gwent and 2 more
The EU and the European Security Order
Rikard Department of Political Science and 2 more
Understanding Emerging Security Challenges
Ashok Swain
Prosecuting War Crimes
James Gow
US Hegemony and International Legitimacy
Lavina Rajendram Macquarie University and 1 more
Multipolarity in the 21st Century
Controlling the Weapons of War
Brian Rappert
Aidan Hehir and 2 more
Joachim Krause and 1 more
European Homeland Security
Christian Kaunert
Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century
Erwan Johns Hopkins University and 2 more
Lyubov Mincheva and 1 more
Military Transformation and Strategy
Bernard Nanyang Technological University and 1 more
Understanding NATO in the 21st Century
Graeme P Herd
Strategic Narratives, Public Opinion and War
Beatrice De Graaf
Security Strategies and American World Order
Birthe Hansen and 1 more
Liberal Wars
Alan Reading University and 1 more
Antony Lamb
Militancy and Violence in West Africa
Intra-State Conflict, Governments and Security
Stephen M Saideman
The US, NATO and Military Burden-Sharing
Stephen J Cimbala and 1 more
The NATO Intervention in Libya
Kjell Swedish National Defence College and 1 more
Truth Recovery and Transitional Justice
Iosif City University London Kovras
Reconstructing Afghanistan
William Australian National University and 1 more
Strategic Narratives, Public Opinion, and War
Beatrice de Graaf and 2 more
Quasi-state Entities and International Criminal Justice
Ernst Kings College London and 1 more
Transitional Justice, Peace and Accountability
Jessica Kings College and 2 more
Prosecuting Slobodan Miloševi?
Nevenka University of Amsterdam and 1 more
James Gow and 2 more
Ethics, Law and Justifying Targeted Killings
Jack Kings College London and 1 more
Mechanistic Realism and US Foreign Policy
Johannes Gullestad Rø
Cultures of Counterterrorism
Silvia Leiden University and 1 more
Ethics, Technology and the American Way of War
Reuben E Brigety II
Quasi-State Entities and International Criminal Justice
Ernst Dijxhoorn
Deterring Russia in Europe
Nora Vanaga and 1 more
Power Relations in the Twenty-First Century
Media Strategy and Military Operations in the 21st Century
Michal Shavit
Silvia DAmato
George W. Bush's Foreign Policies
Donette Murray and 2 more
British Defence in the 21st Century
John Louth and 1 more
Russian Imperialism Revisited
Domitilla Sagramoso
Drones and Global Order
Paul Cornell University and 1 more
Understanding Russian Strategic Behavior
Graeme P George C Marshall European Center for Security Studies and 1 more
Transitional Justice in Peacebuilding
Djeyhoun Ostowar
Reconciliation After War
Rachel Kerr and 2 more
Security Cooperation between Western States
Olivier Kings College London Lewis
Contesting Torture
Rory University of St Andrews and 1 more
NATO and Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century
Michele Testoni
Targeted Killings, Law and Counter-Terrorism Effectiveness
Ophir Falk
Militia Order in Afghanistan
Matthew P Dearing
Prosecutorial Discretion in the International Criminal Court
Farid Mohammed Rashid
Paul Lushenko and 2 more
Defending NATO's Northern Flank
Lon Strauss and 1 more
International Legitimacy and the Domestic Use of Force
Megan University of Queensland and 1 more
War Narratives in Post-Conflict Societies
Michal Radboud University and 1 more
Rory Cox and 2 more
Serbian Paramilitaries and the Breakup of Yugoslavia
Iva VukusiÔc
Security Cooperation Between Western States
Olivier Lewis
Reinterpreting Russia's Strategic Culture
Nicolò Fasola
The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict and War Crimes
Patrycja Grzebyk and 1 more