Victor Vitanza
Not Available
Origins of Composition Studies in the American College, 1875–1925, The
John C Brereton
Between Languages and Cultures
Anuradha Dingwaney and 1 more
Reading in Tudor England
Eugene R Kintgen
I Sing for I Cannot Be Silent
June Hadden Hobbs
The Life and Legacy of Fred Newton Scott
Donald C Stewart and 1 more
Introducing English
James Slevin
Politics Of Remediation
Mary Soliday
Language Of Experience
Gwen Gorzelsky
Managing Literacy Mothering America
Sarah Robbins
Who Says?
William DeGenaro
(Re)Writing Craft
Tim Mayers
Local Histories
Patricia Donahue
Buying into English
Catherine Prendergast
Learning from Language
Walter Beale
To Know Her Own History
Kelly Ritter
Networking Arguments
Rebecca Dingo
Producing Good Citizens
Amy Wan
Literate Zeal
Janet Eldred
South Asian in the Mid-South
Iswari Pandey
Reframing the Subject
Shades of Sulh
Rasha Diab
Rhetorics of Resistance
Bryan Trabold
Resounding the Rhetorical
Byron Hawk
A Responsive Rhetorical Art
Elenore Long
Resisting Brown
Candace EppsRobertson
Unruly Rhetorics
Jonathan Alexander and 2 more
Reforming Women
Lisa Shaver
On the End of Privacy
Richard E Miller
Translingual Inheritance
Elizabeth Kimball
Ethics and Representation in Feminist Rhetorical Inquiry
Amy Dayton
Kairotic Inspiration
Sarah Allen
A Society of Outsiders
Ann Jurecic
Writing and Desire
Jonathan Alexander
Making the World a Better Place
Jacqueline Jones Royster
Literacies Of/from the Pluriversal
Damián Baca and 2 more