The Case of Peter Rabbit
Margaret Mackey
Not Available
Children's Films
Ian WojcikAndrews
Utopian and Dystopian Writing for Children and Young Adults
Carrie Hintz
The Poetics of Childhood
Roni Natov
A Critical History of French Children's Literature
Penny Brown
Reading Victorian Schoolrooms
Elizabeth University of North Carolina and 2 more
Ursula K. Le Guin Beyond Genre
Mike Cadden
Ways of Being Male
John Stephens
Critical Approaches to Food in Children's Literature
Kara K Keeling
Carrie Hintz and 1 more
Voracious Children
Carolyn Daniel
The Place of Lewis Carroll in Children's Literature
Jan Illinois State University and 1 more
The Gothic in Children's Literature
Anna Jackson
Enterprising Youth
Monika Elbert
Penelope E University of Manchester and 1 more
The Crossover Novel
Rachel Falconer
New Directions in Picturebook Research
Teresa Colomer
Shakespeare in Children's Literature
Erica Hateley
Russian Children's Literature and Culture
Marina Illinois Wesleyan University and 1 more
Death, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Adolescent Literature
Kathryn Deakin University and 1 more
Constructing Adolescence in Fantastic Realism
Alison Waller
Re-visioning Historical Fiction for Young Readers
Kim Wenona School and 1 more
The Fantasy of Family
Elizabeth Thiel
Neo-Imperialism in Children's Literature About Africa
Yulisa Amadu Maddy and 1 more
Kara K Keeling and 1 more
Once Upon a Time in a Different World
Neal A Lester
Jan Susina
From Nursery Rhymes to Nationhood
Elizabeth A Galway
Representing Africa in Children's Literature
Vivian S YenikaAgbaw
The Family in English Children's Literature
Ann Alston
Empire's Children
M Daphne Kutzer
Fundamental Concepts of Children’s Literature Research
HansHeino Ewers
Irish Children's Literature and Culture
Keith National University of Ireland at Dublin and 2 more
The Children's Book Business
Lissa Brock University and 1 more
Teresa Colomer and 2 more
The Role of Translators in Children's Literature
Gillian Lathey
Power, Voice and Subjectivity in Literature for Young Readers
Maria Nikolajeva
The Making of the Modern Child
Andrew OMalley
The Outside Child, In and Out of the Book
Christine WilkieStibbs
Constructing the Canon of Children's Literature
Anne H Lundin
Brown Gold
Michelle H Martin
Youth of Darkest England
Troy Boone
Retelling Stories, Framing Culture
John Stephens and 1 more
Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults
Balaka Basu
The Feminine Subject in Children's Literature
Ideologies of Identity in Adolescent Fiction
Robyn McCallum
Crossover Picturebooks
Sandra L Beckett
Beatrix Potter
Twice-Told Children's Tales
Betty Greenway
Children's Literature and New York City
Padraic Whyte
Entranced by Story
Hugh Australian Catholic University and University of Western Sydney and 1 more
Janice M Alberghene
A Past Without Shadow
Zohar Shavit
Transcending Boundaries
The Myth of Persephone in Girls' Fantasy Literature
Holly and 1 more
Landscape in Children's Literature
Jane Carroll
Innocence, Heterosexuality, and the Queerness of Children's Literature
Tison Pugh
Humor in Contemporary Junior Literature
Julie Cross
Beyond Pippi Longstocking
Bettina KümmerlingMeibauer
Translation Under State Control
Gaby ThomsonWohlgemuth
Charles Dickens and the Victorian Child
Amberyl Malkovich
Myth, Symbol, and Meaning in Mary Poppins
Giorgia Grilli
Textual Transformations in Children's Literature
Benjamin Lefebvre
Contemporary English-Language Indian Children’s Literature
Michelle Superle
The Nation in Children’s Literature
Kit Kelen
Representations of Technology in Science Fiction for Young People
Noga Roehampton University and 1 more
Peter Pan's Shadows in the Literary Imagination
Kirsten Stirling
Narrating Africa
Mawuena Kossi Logan
Colonial India in Children’s Literature
Supriya Goswami
Balaka Basu and 2 more
National Character in South African English Children's Literature
Elwyn Jenkins
How Picturebooks Work
Maria Nikolajeva and 1 more
Genocide in Contemporary Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Jane Gangi
Hugh Crago
The Presence of the Past
Valerie Krips
Inventing the Child
John Zornado
The Future of the Nineteenth-Century Dream-Child
Amy Christine Billone
Gender(ed) Identities
Tricia Clasen
Rediscoveries in Children's Literature
Suzanne Rahn
More Words about Pictures
Perry Nodelman
Subjectivity in Asian Children’s Literature and Film
Affect, Emotion, and Children’s Literature
Kristine Moruzi
Children's Culture and the Avant-Garde
Marilynn Strasser Olson
Children's Literature and the Posthuman
Zoe Jaques
The Victorian Era in Twenty-First Century Children's and Adolescent Literature and Culture
Sonya Sawyer Fritz and 1 more
Discourses of Postcolonialism in Contemporary British Children's Literature
Blanka Grzegorczyk
Second-Generation Memory and Contemporary Children’s Literature
Anastasia Ulanowicz
Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction
Marek C Oziewicz
Fantasy and the Real World in British Children's Literature
Caroline Webb
Global Perspectives on Death in Children's Literature
Lesley Clement
Re-Visioning Historical Fiction for Young Readers
Kim Wilson
Reading the Adolescent Romance
Amy Pattee
Extracurricular Activity
Elizabeth Marshall
The Early Reader in Children's Literature and Culture
Jennifer Miskec
Amy Billone
Contemporary British Children's Fiction and Cosmopolitanism
Fiona McCulloch
Canon Constitution and Canon Change in Children's Literature
Origin Narratives
Macarena GarciaGonzalez
Tolerance Discourse and Young Adult Holocaust Literature
Rachel DeanRuzicka
Affect, Emotion, and Children's Literature
Kristine Moruzi and 2 more
The Embodied Child
Roxanne Harde
Fictions of Integration
Naomi Holyoke Community College and 1 more
More Words About Pictures
Perry Nodelman and 2 more
Children's Literature and Culture of the First World War
Prizing Children's Literature
Kenneth Kidd
Child Autonomy and Child Governance in Children's Literature
Christopher Kelen and 1 more
New Directions in Children's Gothic
Interactive Books
Jacqueline ReidWalsh
Childhood and Pethood in Literature and Culture
Anna Feuerstein
Tricia Clasen and 1 more
The Beloved Does Not Bite
Debra Dudek
The Big Smallness
Michelle Ann Abate
Embodying Gender and Age in Speculative Fiction
Derek Thiess
Italian Children’s Literature and National Identity
Maria Truglio
Graphic Girlhoods
The Victorian Era in Twenty-First Century Children’s and Adolescent Literature and Culture
Sonya Sawyer Fritz
‘The Right Thing to Read’
Bronwyn Lowe
Postcolonial Approaches to Latin American Children’s Literature
Ann González
Battling Girlhood
Kristen Proehl
Rulers of Literary Playgrounds
Justyna DeszczTryhubczak and 1 more
In Stock
£135.00 £150.00
Out of Reach
Kate Harper
Cyborg Saints
Carissa Smith
Dust Off the Gold Medal
Sara L Schwebel and 1 more
The Arctic in Literature for Children and Young Adults
Heidi Hansson
Children and Cultural Memory in Texts of Childhood
Heather Snell
Terror and Counter-Terror in Contemporary British Children's Literature
ChicaNerds in Chicana Young Adult Literature
Cristina Herrera
Antarctica in British Children’s Literature
Sinead Moriarty
Representations of Children and Success in Asia
ShihWen Sue Chen
The Women Who Invented Twentieth-Century Children’s Literature
Elizabeth West
Historical and Cultural Transformations of Russian Childhood
Marina Balina
Sexuality in Literature for Children and Young Adults
Paul Venzo
Next-Generation Memory and Ukrainian Canadian Children’s Historical Fiction
Mateusz wietlicki
Sara L Schwebel
Poetics and Ethics of Anthropomorphism
Christopher Kit Kelen and 1 more
Pinocchio, Puppets, and Modernity
Katia Pizzi
Age in David Almond’s Oeuvre
Vanessa Joosen and 3 more
Family in Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Eleanor Spencer
Speech and Silence in Contemporary Children’s Literature
Danielle E Price
The Figure of the Child in WWI American, British, and Canadian Children's Literature
Lying, Truthtelling, and Storytelling in Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Anita Tarr
Youth Fiction and Trans Representation
Tom Sandercock
Children’s Literature in Place
Željka Flegar
Marina Balina and 2 more
ShihWen Chen and 1 more
The Women Who Invented Twentieth-Century Children's Literature
Risk in Children's Adventure Literature
Elly McCausland
Detective Fiction for Young Readers
Chris McGee
The Reparative Impulse of Queer Young Adult Literature
Angel Daniel Matos
Next-Generation Memory and Ukrainian Canadian Children's Historical Fiction
Mateusz ÔSwietlicki
Jews and Jewishness in British Children's Literature
Madelyn Travis
Padraic Whyte and 1 more
Age in David Almond's Oeuvre
Vanessa Joosen and 5 more
Family in Children's and Young Adult Literature
Eleanor Spencer and 1 more
Speech and Silence in Contemporary Children's Literature
Narratives for Young Readers on West Asia
Arya Priyadarshini and 1 more
The Biopolitics of Childhood in the Long American 19th Century
Lucia Hodgson and 1 more
Fieldwork in Ukrainian Children's Literature
Mateusz ÔSwietlicki and 1 more
Cultural Perspectives on Sweets in Children's Literature and Media
Sabine Planka and 1 more
The Borders of Empathy in Children's Fiction
Macarena GarcíaGonzález
Teaching Creative Writing in Schools
Mick Gowar
African American Children in American Political Life
Myisha Priest
Children's Fiction About 9/11
Jo Lampert
Holly Virginia Blackford
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