Aristocratic Redoubt
William D Godsey
Not Available
The Ambivalence of Identity
Peter Thaler
Staging the Past
Maria Bucur and 1 more
Through Bosnian Eyes
Mirko PejanoviÔc
The Pomp and Politics of Patriotism
Daniel L Unowsky
The Politics of Ethnic Survival
Gary B Cohen
Silesia and Central European Nationalisms
Tomasz Kamusella
Serbia's Great War, 1914-1918
Andrej MitroviÔc
The Germans and the East
Charles W Ingrao and 1 more
State Collapse in South-Eastern Europe
Lenard J Cohen and 1 more
Balkan Anschluss
Srdja Pavlovic
Empire and Identity
Fredrik Lindström
Habsburg Lemberg
Markian Prokopovych
Dejan JoviÔc
Of Mind and Matter
Hugo von Hofmannsthal and the Austrian Ideal
David S Luft
The Peace of Passarowitz, 1718
Charles W Ingrao and 2 more
The Memory Factory
Julie M Johnson
Confronting the Yugoslav Controversies
United States Institute of Peace
The Charmed Circle
Rebecca GatesCoon
Lemberg, Lwów, Lviv, 1914-1947
Christoph Mick
Universities in Imperial Austria, 1848-1918
Jan Surman
A History of Yugoslavia
MarieJanine Calic
Croatian Radical Separatism and Diaspora Terrorism During the Cold War
Mate Nikola TokiÔc
On Many Routes
Annemarie Steidl
Balkan Legacies
John Paul Newman and 1 more
Unlikely Allies
Pawel Markiewicz
Transleithanian Paradise
Howard N Lupovitch
Przemysl, Poland
John E Fahey
Combating the Hydra
Stephan Steiner
PrzemyÔsl Poland
Imagining Slovene Socialist Modernity
Veronica E Aplenc
Women, Nationalism, and Social Networks in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1848-1918
Marta Verginella and 8 more
Ethnicizing Europe
Éva Kovács and 2 more
Flowing Progress
Stefan Dorondel and 1 more