Realism and the Progress of Science
Peter Smith
Not Available
Mind and Meaning
Brian Loar
Portraying Analogy
J F Ross
Reason and Value
E J Bond
Theory and Measurement
Henry E Kyburg
Justifying Historical Descriptions
Christopher Behan McCullagh
C Behan McCullagh
William Lyons
Trials and Punishments
Antony Duff
Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind
Paul M Churchland
B F Loar
The Theory and Practice of Autonomy
Gerald Dworkin
Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics
David Owen Brink
Knowledge and Evidence
Paul K Moser
A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility
D M Armstrong
Propositional Attitudes
Mark Richard
On Action
Carl Ginet
Value and Justification
Gerald F Gaus
The Structure of Emotions
Robert M Gordon
Christopher S Hill
Knowledge in Perspective
Ernest Sosa
R A Duff
Paul K Professor and Chair of Philosophy and 2 more
The Nature of True Minds
John Heil
Supervenience and Mind
Jaegwon Kim
Morality and Action
Warren Quinn
Explaining Attitudes
Lynne Rudder Distinguished Professor and 2 more
Barry Maund
Coming to our Senses
Michael University of Maryland and 1 more
The First-Person Perspective and Other Essays
Sydney Shoemaker
Valuing Emotions
Michael Syracuse University and 3 more
Sydney Cornell University and 1 more
What Minds Can Do
Pierre Jacob
Practical Reasoning about Final Ends
Henry S Georgetown University and 1 more
A World of States of Affairs
D M University of Sydney Armstrong
Utilitarianism, Hedonism, and Desert
Fred University of Massachusetts and 1 more
Fred Feldman
Cartesian Psychology and Physical Minds
Robert Andrew Queens University and 1 more
Papers in Philosophical Logic: Volume 1
David Princeton University and 1 more
The Grammar of Meaning
Mark Norris Georgetown University and 3 more
In Defense of Pure Reason
Laurence University of Washington BonJour
Faces of Intention
Michael E Stanford University and 1 more
Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology: Volume 2
Papers in Ethics and Social Philosophy: Volume 3
Persons and Bodies
Perception, Knowledge and Belief
Fred Stanford University and 1 more
On Clear and Confused Ideas
Ruth Garrett University of Connecticut Millikan
Ontology, Identity, and Modality
Peter University of Notre Dame and 1 more
Morals, Motivation, and Convention
Francis University of Sydney Snare
Thought and World
Christopher S University of Arkansas Hill
Facts, Values, and Norms
Peter University of Michigan and 1 more
Mind, Reason and Imagination
Jane St Johns College and 1 more
Truth and Truthmakers
Ethics and the A Priori
Michael Princeton University and 1 more
Living without Free Will
Derk University of Vermont Pereboom
Subjects of Experience
E J University of Durham Lowe
Theories of Vagueness
Rosanna University of Sheffield Keefe
Practical Rules
Alan H University of Miami Goldman
Uneasy Virtue
Julia Dartmouth College and 1 more
Other Times
David University of Wales and 1 more
Consciousness and the Origins of Thought
Norton Nelkin
The Myth of Morality
Richard University of Sheffield Joyce
The Correspondence Theory of Truth
Andrew University of Nebraska and 1 more
The Physical Basis of Predication
Andrew Newman
Wayne A Georgetown University and 1 more
The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding
Jonathan L University of Missouri and 1 more
Morality in a Natural World
David University of Florida Copp
Scientific Essentialism
Brian La Trobe University and University of Melbourne Ellis
Mind and Supermind
Keith The Open University and 1 more
A Physicalist Manifesto
Andrew University of Missouri and 1 more
Belief Policies
Paul Kings College London Helm
Seeing through Self-Deception
Annette University of Maryland and 1 more
The Mundane Matter of the Mental Language
J Christopher Maloney
Emotional Reason
Bennett W Franklin and Marshall College and 1 more
Intellectual Trust in Oneself and Others
Richard New York University Foley
Deontic Morality and Control
Ishtiyaque University of Minnesota Haji
Substance among Other Categories
Joshua University of North Carolina and 3 more
Meaning, Expression and Thought
The Concept of Moral Obligation
Michael J University of North Carolina and 1 more
Brute Rationality
Joshua Florida State University Gert
Object and Property
Arda Bogaziçi University and 1 more
Making Moral Sense
Logi HumboldtUniversität zu Berlin Gunnarsson
Putting Skeptics in their Place
John Fordham University and 1 more
Language in the World
M J Cresswell
Causes and Coincidences
David Owens
Commitment, Value, and Moral Realism
Marcel S Lieberman
The Body in Mind
Mark University College Cork Rowlands
The World Without, the Mind Within
André University of Queensland Gallois
Raymond University of Maryland and 1 more
Music and Conceptualization
Mark Professor and 2 more
Laws of Nature
John W Carroll
Natural Agency
John Bishop
Fiction and Metaphysics
Amie L Texas Tech University Thomasson
Science and Necessity
John Bigelow and 1 more
Analyzing Love
Robert Brown
The Ontology of Physical Objects
Mark Heller
Assertion and Conditionals
Anthony Appiah
Evidence and Assurance
N M L Nathan
The Engines of the Soul
W D Hart
Moral Legislation
Conrad D Johnson
Intrinsic Value
Noah M DePauw University and 1 more
Ontology, Modality and the Fallacy of Reference
Michael Jubien
Jr and 1 more
David Heyd
James Cargile
Barry University of Western Australia and 1 more
Peter James Smith
James F Ross
Deeper into Pictures
Flint Schier
Matter and Sense
Howard Robinson
The Metaphysics of Mind
Michael Tye
Moral Disagreement
Folke Stockholms Universitet Tersman
The Metaphysics of Everyday Life
Understanding Phenomenal Consciousness
William S Iowa State University Robinson
Common Sense
Noah DePauw University and 1 more
Living with Uncertainty
Sanford C University of Kentucky Goldberg
The Principle of Sufficient Reason
Alexander R Georgetown University and 1 more
Goodness and Justice
Joseph University of Nebraska and 1 more
Familiar Objects and their Shadows
Crawford L University of Connecticut Elder
Knowledge, Thought, and the Case for Dualism
Richard University of Iowa Fumerton
The Primitivist Theory of Truth
Jamin Lingnan University and 1 more
Sharing Knowledge
Christoph University of Glasgow Kelp and 1 more
Resistance to Evidence
Mona Simion
The Neural Structure of Consciousness
Joseph Mendola