The ANZUS Crisis, Nuclear Visiting and Deterrence
Michael Pugh
Not Available
The Hierarchy of States
Ian Clark
Nationalism and International Society
James London School of Economics and Political Science Mayall
South Africa's Foreign Policy
James University of Durham Barber and 1 more
Formal Theories in International Relations
Michael Nicholson
Robert H Jackson
Peace and War
Kalevi J University of British Columbia and 1 more
Rules, Norms, and Decisions
Friedrich V Kratochwil
Rival States, Rival Firms
John M London Business School Stopford and 3 more
American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission
Stephen York University and 1 more
Governance without Government
James N George Washington University and 1 more
Rationality and the Analysis of International Conflict
Michael London Centre for International Relations and 2 more
From Cold War to Collapse
Mike Bowker
R B J Walker
Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations
Robert H University of British Columbia and 1 more
Personal Identity, National Identity and International Relations
William Bloom
Traditions of International Ethics
Terry University of Wisconsin and 1 more
United States Foreign Policy toward Africa
Peter J Loyola University and 1 more
Feminist Theory and International Relations in a Postmodern Era
Christine Northern Arizona University Sylvester
Asymmetric Conflicts
T V McGill University and 1 more
Strategic Studies and World Order
Bradley S Trinity College and 1 more
Simulating Sovereignty
Cynthia University of Leeds Weber
Crisis Diplomacy
James L Australian National University and 1 more
Contexts of International Politics
Gary University of Arizona Goertz
Producing Hegemony
Mark Syracuse University and 1 more
A Genealogy of Sovereignty
Jens University of Copenhagen Bartelson
Arms and the State
Keith York University and 1 more
Justice and the Genesis of War
David A University of Toronto Welch
The Restructuring of International Relations Theory
Mark A Trent University and 2 more
Bringing Transnational Relations Back In
Thomas RisseKappen
Governing Global Networks
Mark W University of British Columbia and 2 more
Ethics in International Relations
Mervyn University of Kent and 1 more
Approaches to World Order
Robert W York University and 2 more
State Sovereignty as Social Construct
Thomas J Brown University and 1 more
Rediscoveries and Reformulations
Hayward R Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alker
Political Realism in International Theory
Roger D Monash University and 1 more
Promoting Polyarchy
William I University of Tennessee and 1 more
The State, War, and the State of War
Africa and the International System
Christopher Lancaster University Clapham
The Retreat of the State
Susan University of Warwick Strange
The Wealth of States
John M University of Sydney Hobson
Along the Domestic-Foreign Frontier
The Internationalization of Environmental Protection
Miranda A University of Maryland and 1 more
Theories of International Regimes
Andreas EberhardKarlsUniversität Tübingen and 3 more
The International Organization of Credit
Randall D University of Newcastle upon Tyne Germain
Dealing with Britain
N Piers University of Oxford Ludlow
The Republican Legacy in International Thought
Nicholas Greenwood Florida International University Onuf
Nations at War
Daniel S University of Mississippi Geller and 2 more
Domestic Society and International Cooperation
Jeffrey W Monterey Institute of International Studies and 1 more
E. H. Carr and International Relations
Charles University of Cambridge Jones
Security Communities
Emanuel Hebrew University of Jerusalem Adler
The Power of Power Politics
John A Vanderbilt University and 1 more
The Dynamic of Secession
Viva Ona Bartkus
The Power of Human Rights
Thomas European University Institute and 1 more
The Sanctions Paradox
Daniel W University of Chicago Drezner
Social Theory of International Politics
Alexander University of Chicago Wendt
Security, Identity and Interests
Bill Irish School of Ecumenics and 1 more
Normative Theory in International Relations
Molly Georgia Institute of Technology Cochran
Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics
Roland University of Queensland Bleiker
Contesting Global Governance
Robert McMaster University and 3 more
Perfect Deterrence
Frank C State University of New York and 3 more
Theory of the Global State
Martin University of Sussex Shaw
Justice and Fairness in International Negotiation
Cecilia University of Reading Albin
US Foreign Policy and the Iran Hostage Crisis
David Patrick University of Essex Houghton
Democracy and Coercive Diplomacy
Kenneth A Princeton University and 1 more
The Social Construction of the Ocean
Philip E Florida State University Steinberg
Justice, Community and Dialogue in International Relations
Richard Deakin University and 1 more
Regions of War and Peace
Douglas University of Michigan and 1 more
Constructivism in International Relations
Maja University of Warwick Zehfuss
Argument and Change in World Politics
Neta C Brown University and 1 more
State Identities and the Homogenisation of Peoples
Heather Australian National University and 1 more
The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance
Rodney Bruce Hall
States in the Global Economy
Linda University of Sydney Weiss
The Democratic Peace and Territorial Conflict in the Twentieth Century
Paul K University of Michigan and 3 more
Deterrence Now
Patrick M University of California and 1 more
Private Power, Public Law
Susan K George Washington University and 1 more
Private Power and Global Authority
A Claire University of Victoria and 1 more
European Conquest and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Paul Australian National University and 1 more
Institutions for the Common Good
Bruce City College and 1 more
Regions and Powers
Barry London School of Economics and Political Science Buzan and 1 more
Taming the Sovereigns
K J University of British Columbia and 1 more
From International to World Society?
Barry London School of Economics and Political Science Buzan
The Politics of International Law
Christian Australian National University and 1 more
Remapping Global Politics
Yale H Rutgers University and 2 more
Power in Global Governance
Michael University of Minnesota Barnett
The Realist Tradition and the Limits of International Relations
Michael C University of Wales and 1 more
How the Weak Win Wars
Ivan Harvard University and 1 more
The English School of International Relations
Andrew University of Wales and 3 more
Agents, Structures and International Relations
Colin University of Sheffield Wight
Classical Theory in International Relations
Beate University of Sussex Jahn
States, Nations, and the Great Powers
Benjamin University of Haifa and 1 more
The Nuclear Taboo
Nina Brown University and 1 more
Theory of World Security
Ken University of Wales and 1 more
The Strategic Defense Initiative
Edward University of Bradford Reiss
From Polaris to Trident
Graham University of Edinburgh Spinardi
Systems in Crisis
Charles F The Johns Hopkins University Doran
The Domestic Analogy and World Order Proposals
Hidemi Keele University Suganami
The Refugee in International Society
Emma Queen Elizabeth House and 1 more
Causation in International Relations
Milja Dr and 2 more
National Choices and International Processes
Zeev University of Haifa and 1 more
Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics
Richard M University of British Columbia and 1 more
Central Banking as Global Governance
Rodney Bruce St Cross College and 1 more
Interstate Crisis Behavior, 1816–1980
Russell J Middlebury College and 1 more
The War Puzzle Revisited
John A University of Illinois and 1 more
Diplomatic Theory of International Relations
Paul University of Minnesota and 1 more
Justifying Ballistic Missile Defence
Columba University of Bristol Peoples
Britain's Policy for West German Rearmament 1950–1955
Saki Professor of Contemporary History and International Security and 1 more
Soviet Policy Towards Japan
Myles L C Robertson
International Security in Practice
Vincent McGill University and 1 more
Who Governs the Globe?
Deborah D University of California and 1 more
The Trouble with the Congo
Séverine Assistant Professor of Political Science and 2 more
Moral Movements and Foreign Policy
Joshua W Assistant Professor and 2 more
War, Religion and Empire
Andrew Australian National University and 1 more
After Defeat
Aye Washington and Lee University and 1 more
Isolated States
Deon Geldenhuys
International Practices
Emanuel University of Toronto Adler
Ideas, Interests and Foreign Aid
A Maurits College of William and Mary and 1 more
Trust in International Cooperation
Brian C University of Southern California Rathbun
The Great Powers and the International System
Bear F Ohio State University Braumoeller
The Persistent Power of Human Rights
Thomas Freie Universität Berlin Risse
The Return of Geopolitics in Europe?
Stefano Guzzini
Global Shell Games
Michael G University of Texas and 4 more
Political Self-Sacrifice
K M University of St Andrews and 1 more
The Status of Law in World Society
Friedrich European University Institute and 1 more
Theory of Unipolar Politics
Nuno P Yale University and 1 more
Democratic Militarism
Jonathan D Northwestern University and 1 more
The Social in the Global
Jonathan University of Kent and 1 more
Legitimate Targets?
Janina University of Oxford Dill
The Cartographic State
Jordan Brown University and 1 more
The Global Transformation
International Order in Diversity
Andrew University of Queensland Phillips and 2 more
Diplomacy and the Making of World Politics
Ole Jacob Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt and 1 more
Narrative and the Making of US National Security
Ronald R University of Minnesota Krebs
Responsibility for Human Rights
David Jason University of Sussex Karp
Economy of Force
Patricia University of Sussex Owens
State Strategies in International Bargaining
Heather Elko University of California and 1 more
Nuclear Politics
Alexandre Yale University and 3 more
Global Norms with a Local Face
Lisbeth GoetheUniversität Frankfurt Am Main Zimmermann
Hierarchies in World Politics
Aye University of Cambridge Zarakol
Protean Power
Peter J Cornell University and 1 more
Peter J Katzenstein and 1 more
A Theory of World Politics
Mathias Universität Bielefeld and 1 more
Affective Communities in World Politics
Emma University of Queensland Hutchison
Scientific Cosmology and International Orders
Bentley B The Johns Hopkins University Allan
Justice and Reconciliation in World Politics
Catherine McGill University and 1 more
Reasoning of State
World Ordering
Restraint in International Politics
Brent J University of Utah Steele
Wrestling with God
Cecelia University of California and 1 more
Secrets in Global Governance
Allison Columbia University and 2 more
The Closure of the International System
Lora Anne Freie Universität Berlin Viola
Practice Theory and International Relations
Silviya Kings College London Lechner and 1 more
Law and Sentiment in International Politics
David California State University and 1 more
Environmentalism and Global International Society
Robert London School of Economics and Political Science Falkner
Uncertainty and Its Discontents
Peter J Katzenstein
Ascending Order
Rohan London School of Economics and Political Science Mukherjee
Right and Wronged in International Relations
Bureaucracies at War
Tyler Jost
Systems, Relations, and the Structures of International Societies
Jack Donnelly
On Global Learning
Jason Ralph
Britain's Policy for West German Rearmament 1950-1955
Saki Dockrill
K J Holsti
Ayse Zarakol
Lora Anne Viola
Global Policymaking
Vincent Pouliot and 1 more
Brian C Rathbun
Making Global Society
Barry Buzan
Terry Nardin and 1 more
Governance Without Government
James N Rosenau and 1 more
Keith Krause
Mike Bowker and 1 more
Christine Sylvester
T V Paul
Bradley S Klein
James L Richardson
Gary Goertz
Mark Rupert
Jens Bartelson
Robert W Cox and 1 more
Mervyn Frost
William I Robinson
Stephen Gill
Miranda A Schreurs and 1 more