Dynamics of Contention
Doug Stanford University and 4 more
Not Available
Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious Politics
Ronald R Aminzade and 5 more
States, Parties, and Social Movements
Jack A University of California and 1 more
The Politics of Collective Violence
Charles Columbia University and 1 more
Contention and Democracy in Europe, 1650–2000
Political Movements and Violence in Central America
Charles D University of the South and 2 more
Contesting Citizenship in Latin America
Deborah J Princeton University and 1 more
Social Movements and Organization Theory
Gerald F University of Michigan and 1 more
The Marketing of Rebellion
Clifford Duquesne University and 1 more
The New Transnational Activism
Sidney Cornell University and 1 more
Rightful Resistance in Rural China
Kevin J University of California and 2 more
Routine Politics and Violence in Argentina
Javier State University of New York and 1 more
Political Disaffection in Cuba's Revolution and Exodus
Silvia Pedraza
Silvia University of Michigan and 1 more
Religion and War Resistance in the Plowshares Movement
Sharon Erickson University of Southern Maine Nepstad
Catastrophe and Contention in Rural China
Jr and 2 more
Contentious Performances
Contention and Corporate Social Responsibility
Sarah A Stanford University and 1 more
Challenging Neoliberalism in Latin America
Eduardo University of Missouri and 1 more
The Civil Rights Movement and the Logic of Social Change
Joseph E Yeshiva University and 1 more
NAFTA and the Politics of Labor Transnationalism
Tamara Harvard University and 1 more
Collective Killings in Rural China during the Cultural Revolution
Yang University of California and 1 more
Defeating Authoritarian Leaders in Postcommunist Countries
Valerie J Cornell University and 3 more
Activists, Alliances, and Anti-U.S. Base Protests
Andrew Assistant Professor and 2 more
Valerie Bunce and 1 more
The Global Right Wing and the Clash of World Politics
Putting Social Movements in their Place
Informal Labor, Formal Politics, and Dignified Discontent in India
Rina The Johns Hopkins University Agarwala
The Political Power of Protest
Daniel Q University of Pennsylvania Gillion
The Logic of Connective Action
W Lance Bennett and 1 more
Clandestine Political Violence
Donatella European University Institute and 1 more
The Language of Contention
Politics, Identity, and Mexico’s Indigenous Rights Movements
Todd A Eisenstadt
W Lance University of Washington Bennett and 1 more
Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War
LarsErik Cederman and 2 more
Ethnic Struggle, Coexistence, and Democratization in Eastern Europe
Sherrill University College London Stroschein
Direct Action, Deliberation, and Diffusion
Lesley J York University and 1 more
The U.S. Women's Jury Movements and Strategic Adaptation
Holly J Vanderbilt University and 1 more
Building Transnational Networks
Marisa Universidade de Brasília von Bülow
Race, Nation, and Citizenship in Postcolonial Africa
Ronald University of Minnesota Aminzade
How Social Movements Die
Christian University of Michigan and 1 more
Party in the Street
Michael T University of Michigan and 3 more
Networks in Contention
Jennifer University of Maryland and 1 more
Violent Conjunctures in Democratic India
Amrita Amherst College and 1 more
When States Come Out
Phillip Ayoub
Phillip M Drexel University and 1 more
Meaningful Resistance
Erica S University of Wisconsin and 1 more
Force and Contention in Contemporary China
Where Did the Revolution Go?
Donatella Scuola Normale Superiore and 1 more
Religious War and Religious Peace in Early Modern Europe
Wayne P State University of New York and 1 more
Sandinista Nicaragua's Resistance to US Coercion
Egypt in a Time of Revolution
Neil Kings College London Ketchley
Mobilizing without the Masses
Diana University of Toronto Fu
Parties, Movements, and Democracy in the Developing World
Nancy Princeton University and 1 more
Political Translation
Nicole University of Copenhagen Doerr
Labor and the Class Idea in the United States and Canada
Barry McGill University and 1 more
Solidarity in Practice
Chandra Colgate University and 1 more
Playing by the Informal Rules
Yao Harvard University and 1 more
Protectors of Pluralism
Róbert Braun
Robert University of California and 1 more
Street Citizens
Marco Giugni and 1 more
The Poor's Struggle for Political Incorporation
Federico M Rossi
Labor and Politics in Indonesia
Teri L University of Minnesota Caraway and 1 more
Resisting Redevelopment
Eleonora University of California and 1 more
Youth Movements and Elections in Eastern Europe
Olena Fordham University and 1 more
Ruling by Other Means
Grzegorz Harvard University and 1 more
Grassroots Environmentalism
Suzanne University of Pittsburgh Staggenborg
Colonial Institutions and Civil War
Shivaji University of Toronto Mukherjee
Movements and Parties
The Advantage of Disadvantage
LaGina University of California and 1 more
LaGina Gause
Proletarian Lives
Marcos E Washington and Lee University and 1 more
Activists Forever?
Erik Neveu and 1 more
The Arab Spring Abroad
Dana M Moss
Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity
Abel Bojar and 3 more
Marcos E Pérez
The Rise, Fall, and Influence of the Tea Party Insurgency
Patrick Rafail and 1 more
The Making of Leaderful Mobilization
Wei Zheng and 1 more
Invisible Revolutionaries
Olena Nikolayenko