Structuring Politics
Sven University of Colorado and 1 more
Not Available
Sven Steinmo
The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State
Thomas Duke University and 3 more
The Transformation of European Social Democracy
Herbert Duke University and 1 more
Social Revolutions in the Modern World
Theda Harvard University and 1 more
State Power and Social Forces
Joel Samuel University of Washington Migdal
Theda Skocpol
Democracy, Development and the Countryside
Ashutosh Varshney
Between States
Yossi TelAviv University Shain and 2 more
Yossi Shain and 2 more
Dismantling the Welfare State?
Paul Harvard University and 1 more
Comparing Policy Networks
David University of Minnesota Knoke and 3 more
David Knoke
Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements
Doug University of Arizona McAdam
Challenging the State
Merilee S Harvard University and 1 more
Internationalization and Domestic Politics
Robert OKeohane and 1 more
Robert O Harvard University and 1 more
Heroic Defeats
Miriam A University of California and 1 more
Miriam Golden
Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America
Scott University of Notre Dame and 1 more
Democratic Experiments in Africa
Michael Bratton and 1 more
Michael Michigan State University Bratton and 1 more
Interests, Ideals and Institutions
Mark I Lichbach and 1 more
Postsocialist Pathways
David Cornell University and 3 more
Partisan Politics in the Global Economy
Geoffrey Yale University and 1 more
Political Parties, Growth and Equality
Carles Ohio State University Boix
Democracy, Development, and the Countryside
Ashutosh Harvard University and 1 more
Making Race and Nation
Anthony W Columbia University and 1 more
Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism
Subversive Institutions
Valerie Cornell University and 1 more
Contemporary Capitalism
J Rogers University of Wisconsin and 1 more
Post-Communist Party Systems
Herbert Duke University and 4 more
Policy, Office, or Votes?
Wolfgang C Universität Wien and 1 more
Contested Economic Institutions
Torben Harvard University and 1 more
Paths toward Democracy
Ruth Berins University of California and 1 more
Unions, Employers, and Central Banks
The Political Mobilization of the European Left, 1860-1980
Stefano Bartolini
Forging Democracy from Below
Elisabeth Jean Professor and 1 more
Labor Unions, Partisan Coalitions, and Market Reforms in Latin America
Maria Victoria Yale University and 1 more
No Other Way Out
Jeff New York University Goodwin
Public Support for Market Reforms in New Democracies
Susan C University of Chicago Stokes
Unemployment in the New Europe
Nancy Princeton University and 1 more
State in Society
Joel S University of Washington Migdal
Mandates and Democracy
Clientelism, Interests, and Democratic Representation
Simona Universitetet i Tromsø and 1 more
Susan Stokes
The European Parliament and Supranational Party System
Amie University of Florida Kreppel
Crony Capitalism
David C Dartmouth College and 1 more
Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State
Mark R University of Wisconsin and 1 more
Macroeconomic Policies of Developed Democracies
Jr and 2 more
Global Capital, Political Institutions, and Policy Change in Developed Welfare States
Duane Marquette University and 1 more
Legislative Politics in Latin America
Scott Duke University and 1 more
Redeeming the Communist Past
Anna M Yale University and 1 more
Governing from Below
Jefferey M University of Southern California Sellers
Why Women Protest
Lisa Washington University and 1 more
Understanding Ethnic Violence
Roger D Massachusetts Institute of Technology Petersen
Deliberate Discretion?
John D Columbia University and 2 more
Global Capital and National Governments
Layna University of Notre Dame and 1 more
Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences
James Brown University and 1 more
Sustaining Abundance
Lyle University of Connecticut Scruggs
Forces of Labor
Beverly J The Johns Hopkins University Silver
Democracy and Redistribution
Carles University of Chicago Boix
The Politics of Social Risk
Isabela Stanford University and 1 more
Insurgent Collective Action and Civil War in El Salvador
Race and Regionalism in the Politics of Taxation in Brazil and South Africa
Evan S Princeton University and 1 more
Political Topographies of the African State
Catherine University of Texas and 1 more
The Nationalization of Politics
Daniele Universität Mannheim and 1 more
How Institutions Evolve
Kathleen Northwestern University and 1 more
Public Opinion, Democracy, and Market Reform in Africa
Michael Michigan State University Bratton and 2 more
Capitalism, Democracy, and Welfare
Trust and Rule
Charles Columbia University and 1 more
Democracy Derailed in Russia
M Steven University of California and 1 more
Hamilton's Paradox
Jonathan A Massachusetts Institute of Technology Rodden
Taxation, Wage Bargaining, and Unemployment
Regional Economic Voting
Joshua A Princeton University and 1 more
The Logic of Violence in Civil War
Stathis N Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science and 2 more
Politics after Neoliberalism
Richard Brown University and 1 more
Age in the Welfare State
Julia Janice and Julian Bers Assistant Professor in the Social Sciences and 1 more
Stathis N Kalyvas
Inside Rebellion
Jeremy M Stanford University and 1 more
Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State
Donatella Università degli Studi and 1 more
Merchant Capital and the Roots of State Power in Senegal
Presidentialism, Parliamentarism, and Democracy
Jose Antonio University of Illinois and 1 more
Votes and Violence
Steven I Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and 2 more
The Puzzle of Strikes
Roberto Rutgers University and 1 more
Stuffing the Ballot Box
Fabrice E Centro de Investigación y Docencia Economicas and 3 more
Money, Markets, and the State
Ton Universitetet i Tromsø and 1 more
Language Repertoires and State Construction in Africa
David D Stanford University and 1 more
Traditional Politics and Regime Change in Brazil
Frances Tufts University and 1 more
Uncertain Boundaries
Marino Università degli Studi di Trento and 1 more
Why Ethnic Parties Succeed
Kanchan Massachusetts Institute of Technology Chandra
The Political Mobilization of the European Left, 1860–1980
Stefano European University Institute and 1 more
Reconstructing the State
Gerald M Boston College and 1 more
Imagined Economies
Yoshiko M Associate Professor and 2 more
Rebuilding Leviathan
Anna University of Michigan and 1 more
Cultural Contestation in Ethnic Conflict
Marc Howard Bryn Mawr College and 1 more
The Architecture of Government
Daniel University of California and 1 more
Accountability without Democracy
Lily L Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tsai
Selected Works of Michael Wallerstein
David Northwestern University and 1 more
Institutional Change and Political Continuity in Post-Soviet Central Asia
Pauline Yale University and 1 more
The Foundations of Ethnic Politics
Henry E George Washington University and 1 more
Welfare and Capitalism in Postwar Japan
Margarita Harvard University and 1 more
Voting for Autocracy
Beatriz Stanford University and 1 more
Crude Democracy
Thad Assistant Professor and 2 more
Legislative Voting and Accountability
John M Wentworth Professor in the Social Sciences and 2 more
Comparative Politics
Mark Irving University of Maryland and 3 more
Political Competition, Partisanship, and Policy Making in Latin American Public Utilities
Maria Victoria Columbia University and 1 more
Party Competition between Unequals
Bonnie M University of Rochester and 1 more
Presidential Impeachment and the New Political Instability in Latin America
Aníbal University of Pittsburgh PérezLiñán
Skeletons in the Closet
Monika University of Notre Dame and 1 more
Latin American Party Systems
Herbert Kitschelt and 3 more
The Politics of Welfare State Reform in Continental Europe
Silja Universität Zürich Häusermann
Building States and Markets after Communism
Timothy Columbia University and 1 more
Regressive Taxation and the Welfare State
Junko University of Tokyo Kato
Post-Imperial Democracies
Stephen E College of William and Mary and 1 more
The Market and the Masses in Latin America
Andy University of Colorado and 1 more
The Evolution of Modern States
Sven European University Institute and 1 more
Fiscal Governance in Europe
Mark Hallerberg and 3 more
Oil Is Not a Curse
Pauline Brown University and 3 more
State Repression and the Domestic Democratic Peace
Christian University of Maryland and 1 more
Ordering Power
Dan University of Chicago Slater
Immigration and Conflict in Europe
Rafaela M Princeton University and 1 more
Representation through Taxation
Scott University of Wisconsin and 1 more
Labor Rights and Multinational Production
Layna University of North Carolina and 1 more
Quiet Politics and Business Power
Pepper D European University Institute and 1 more
Electoral Systems and the Balance of Consumer-Producer Power
Eric C C Michigan State University Chang and 4 more
Eric C C Chang
Citizens and Community
Allan Duke University and 2 more
Western Intervention in the Balkans
The Political Construction of Business Interests
Cathie Jo Boston University Martin and 2 more
The Political Economy of Trust
Henry George Washington University and 1 more
Candidate Strategies and Electoral Competition in the Russian Federation
Regina Pennsylvania State University Smyth
Crucibles of Political Loyalty
Jason University of California and 1 more
Courts under Constraints
Gretchen University of Rochester and 1 more
Procedural Politics
Joseph Associate Professor and 1 more
The Politics of Authoritarian Rule
Milan W Assistant Professor and 2 more
Multi-Ethnic Coalitions in Africa
Leonardo R Assistant Professor and 2 more
Waves of War
Andreas Princeton University and 1 more
Boundary Control
Edward L Northwestern University and 1 more
Globalization and Austerity Politics in Latin America
Stephen B George Washington University and 1 more
The Promise and Limits of Private Power
Richard M Massachusetts Institute of Technology Locke
Hierarchical Capitalism in Latin America
Ben Ross Massachusetts Institute of Technology Schneider
Brokers, Voters, and Clientelism
Susan C Yale University and 4 more
Alien Rule
Michael Arizona State University Hechter
Perils of Centralization
Ken University of Michigan and 1 more
Voting for Policy, Not Parties
Orit Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kedar
From the Ballot to the Blackboard
Ben W University of Minnesota Ansell
Framing the Race in South Africa
Karen E University of California and 1 more
Informal Institutions and Citizenship in Rural Africa
Lauren M Assistant Professor and 2 more
Property and Political Order in Africa
Catherine London School of Economics and Political Science Boone
Making Markets in the Welfare State
Jane R University of Minnesota Gingrich
Varieties of Liberalization and the New Politics of Social Solidarity
Kathleen Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thelen
The Political Geography of Inequality
Pablo Duke University and 1 more
Popular Movements in Autocracies
Guillermo Duke University and 1 more
Nontaxation and Representation
Kevin M University of Pittsburgh Morrison
Inequality and Democratization
Ben W University of Oxford Ansell and 1 more
Changing Course in Latin America
Kenneth M Cornell University and 1 more
Political Order and Inequality
Carles Princeton University and 1 more
From Open Secrets to Secret Voting
Isabela Columbia University and 1 more
Autocracy and Redistribution
Michael University of Chicago Albertus
The Paradox of Traditional Chiefs in Democratic Africa
Kate Yale University and 1 more
Information for Autocrats
Melanie Duke University and 1 more
Networks and Institutions in Europe's Emerging Markets
Roger University of California and 1 more
Federalism, Fiscal Authority, and Centralization in Latin America
Alberto Stanford University and 1 more
Risk Inequality and Welfare States
Philipp Ohio State University Rehm
Philipp Benjamin Rehm
Tying the Autocrat's Hands
Yuhua University of Pennsylvania Wang
Elite Parties, Poor Voters
Tariq Yale University and 1 more
Globalization and Mass Politics
Timothy Indiana University and 1 more
Making Autocracy Work
Rory Princeton University and 1 more
Ana Northwestern University and 1 more
Institutions on the Edge
How Solidarity Works for Welfare
Prerna Brown University and 1 more
Exclusion by Elections
John D Columbia University and 1 more
Forbearance as Redistribution
Alisha Holland
Alisha C Princeton University and 1 more
Organized Violence after Civil War
Sarah Zukerman University of Notre Dame and 1 more
Warlords and Coalition Politics in Post-Soviet States
Jesse University of California and 1 more
Who Speaks for the Poor?
Karen Long Stanford University and 1 more
The Price of a Vote in the Middle East
Daniel Columbia University and 1 more
Rivalry and Revenge
Laia Duke University and 1 more
Political Branding in Cities
Eleonora University of California and 1 more
Authoritarian Legality in China
Mary Elizabeth Gallagher
Deadly Clerics
Richard A Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nielsen
Making Peace in Drug Wars
Benjamin University of Chicago Lessing
The Political Logic of Poverty Relief
Alberto Stanford University and 4 more
Votes for Survival
Simeon University of California and 1 more
Homicidal Ecologies
Deborah J Princeton University and 1 more
Why Bother?
S Erdem Koç University and 2 more
Ideological Representation: Achieved and Astray
The Historical Roots of Political Violence
Ignacio SánchezCuenca
Information, Accountability, and Cumulative Learning
Thad University of California and 1 more
The Private Sector in Public Office
Yue University of Pennsylvania Hou
Who Wants What?
David University of Oxford Rueda and 2 more
Demanding Development
Adam Michael American University and 1 more
From Pews to Politics
Gwyneth H New York University McClendon and 2 more
When Movements Become Parties
Santiago Dickinson College and 1 more
The Art of Political Control in China
Daniel C Yale University and 1 more
Regime Threats and State Solutions
Mai University of Michigan and 1 more
Electoral Politics and Africa's Urban Transition
Noah L University of Michigan and 1 more
Politics for Profit
David George Washington University and 1 more
How Insurgency Begins
Janet I George Washington University and 1 more
Votes, Drugs, and Violence
Guillermo University of Notre Dame and 2 more
The Political Economy of Development
Robert H Harvard University and 1 more
Authoritarian Police in Democracy
Yanilda María Harvard University and 1 more
Inward Conquest
Ben W University of Oxford Ansell and 2 more
The Comparative Politics of Immigration
Antje Ellermann
Antje University of British Columbia and 1 more
Indebted Societies
The American Political Economy
Jacob S Hacker and 3 more
Jacob S Yale University and 1 more
Big Data and the Welfare State
Torben Iversen and 1 more
Power in Movement
Sidney Cornell University and 1 more
Recognition Politics
Lorenza Belinda Fontana
The Governance Cycle in Parliamentary Democracies
Scott De Marchi and 1 more
The Scarce State
Noah L Nathan
Noah L Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nathan
Fair Enough?
Charlotte Cavaillé
The Patriarchal Political Order
Soledad Artiz Prillaman
Soledad Artiz Stanford University and 1 more
Inequality and Political Cleavage in Africa
Catherine Boone
Volha Charnysh
Crime, Insecurity, and Community Policing
Graeme Blair and 2 more
The Welfare Workforce
Isabel M Perera
Inside Criminalized Governance
Nicholas Barnes
Inside Parties
Georgia Kernell
States Against Nations
Nicholas Kuipers
The Birth of Democracy in South America
Raúl L Madrid
Incumbency Bias
Luis Schiumerini