African American Theatre
Samuel A Hay
Not Available
American Drama
Susan Harris Smith
Demons of Disorder
Dale Vanderbilt University and 1 more
The Theatre of Sam Shepard
Stephen J University of Glasgow Bottoms
John Barrymore, Shakespearean Actor
Michael A Morrison
Chicano Drama
Jorge University of California and 1 more
Congressional Theatre
Brenda University of Connecticut Murphy
A History of African American Theatre
Errol G Dartmouth College and 2 more
The Revisionist Stage
Amy S Green
Susan Harris University of Pittsburgh Smith
Performing the American Frontier, 1870–1906
Roger A James Madison University and 1 more
Early American Theatre from the Revolution to Thomas Jefferson
Heather S University of Maryland and 1 more
Theatre Culture in America, 1825–1860
Rosemarie K Kent State University and 1 more
The American Stage and the Great Depression
Mark Pennsylvania State University Fearnow
The Theatre in America during the Revolution
Jared Illinois Wesleyan University Brown
The New York Concert Saloon
Brooks New York University McNamara
Theatre, Society and the Nation
S E Trinity College and 1 more
Drama, Theatre, and Identity in the American New Republic
Jeffrey H Old Dominion University and 1 more
Theatre, Culture and Temperance Reform in Nineteenth-Century America
John W University of Virginia Frick
The Federal Theatre Project
Barry B University of Washington Witham
Expressionism and Modernism in the American Theatre
Julia A University of Illinois and 1 more
Sisters in Sin
Katie N Miami University Johnson
Censorship of the American Theatre in the Twentieth Century
John H Boston College and 1 more
The Provincetown Players and the Culture of Modernity
Remaking American Theater
Scott T Boston College and 1 more
A History of Asian American Theatre
Esther Kim University of Illinois and 1 more
Slavery and Sentiment on the American Stage, 1787–1861
David Mamet and American Macho
Arthur Brandeis University and 1 more
Stephen J Bottoms