Privacy, Property and Personality
Huw BeverleySmith and 3 more
Not Available
The Legal Protection of Databases
Mark J Monash University and 1 more
Copyright and Multimedia Products
Irini A University of Leicester Stamatoudi
The Commercial Appropriation of Personality
Huw Kings College London BeverleySmith
The Making of Modern Intellectual Property Law
Brad Griffith University and 2 more
Gene Patents and Collaborative Licensing Models
Geertrui van Overwalle
The Internationalisation of Copyright Law
Catherine University of Cambridge Seville
Copyright Exceptions
Robert Australian National University and 2 more
The Protection of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in International Law of Intellectual Property
Jonathan Curci
Copyright and Piracy
Lionel University of Cambridge Bently
Trade Marks and Brands
Software and Patents in Europe
Philip Queens University Belfast Leith
Fashioning Intellectual Property
Megan University of Melbourne Richardson and 2 more
The Law of Reputation and Brands in the Asia Pacific
Andrew T University of Melbourne Kenyon
Concepts of Property in Intellectual Property Law
Helena University of Sussex Howe
Internet Privacy Rights
Paul University of East Anglia Bernal
Emerging Challenges in Privacy Law
Normann Monash University and 1 more
Intellectual Property at the Edge
Rochelle Cooper New York University Dreyfuss
New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property
Annabelle Associate Professor of Normative Political Theory and 1 more
The Evolution and Equilibrium of Copyright in the Digital Age
Susy Victoria University of Wellington Frankel
The British Patent System during the Industrial Revolution 1700–1852
Sean Bottomley
Law and Creativity in the Age of the Entertainment Franchise
Kathy University of New South Wales and 1 more
Media Freedom as a Fundamental Right
Jan Universiteit Leiden Oster
Test Tubes for Global Intellectual Property Issues
The General Exception Clauses of the TRIPS Agreement
Jr and 1 more
Conflicts in the Knowledge Society
Sebastian Universität Bremen Haunss
Exclusions from Patentability
Sigrid Universiteit Gent and 2 more
Relocating the Law of Geographical Indications
Dev London School of Economics and Political Science Gangjee
International Copyright and Access to Knowledge
Sara McMaster University and 1 more
Film Copyright in the European Union
Pascal Université de FrancheComté Kamina
The Commercial Appropriation of Fame
David National University of Singapore Tan
Copyright and International Negotiations
Ge Chen
In Stock
£90.00 £100.00
The Copyright/Design Interface
Estelle University of Nottingham Derclaye
Comparative Defamation and Privacy Law
Property Aspects of Intellectual Property
OleAndreas Universitetet i Oslo Rognstad
The Internet, Warts and All
Ge Mercator Institute for China Studies and 1 more
Trademark and Unfair Competition Conflicts
Tim W Leuphana Universität Lüneburg and 1 more
Copyright and Collective Authorship
Daniela University College London Simone
The Intellectual Property Holding Company
Jeffrey A Maine and 1 more
Public Rights
Graham University of New South Wales and 2 more
The Right to Privacy
Megan University of Melbourne Richardson
Across Intellectual Property
Graeme W Victoria University of Wellington Austin
Patent Cultures
Graeme University of Leeds Gooday
Intellectual Property, Indigenous People and their Knowledge
Peter Australian National University and 1 more
Global Mandatory Fair Use
Tanya Kings College London Aplin and 1 more
Transition and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law
Niklas Bruun
Copyright Exhaustion
Péter Mezei
Drafting Copyright Exceptions
Emily Kings College London Hudson
Digital Data Collection and Information Privacy Law
Mark Queensland University of Technology Burdon
Adventures in Childhood: Volume 60
Jose University of Kent and 3 more
Intellectual Property Ordering Beyond Borders
Henning Grosse RuseKhan and 1 more
Music Contracts in the Streaming Age
Jozefien Vanherpe
Annabelle Lever
Graeme Gooday and 1 more
Sam Ricketson
Annette Kur
Tanya Frances Aplin and 1 more
A Critique of the Ontology of Intellectual Property Law
Alexander Peukert
Negotiating Copyright in the American Theatre
Brent Salter
IP Accidents
Patrick Russell Goold
Adventures in Childhood
Jose Bellido and 1 more
Intangible Intangibles
Brad Sherman