The Dyirbal Language of North Queensland
R M W Dixon
Not Available
Transformational Grammar as a Theory of Language Acquisition
Bruce L Derwing
Linguistic Evolution
M L Samuels
The Generative Interpretation of Dialect
Brian Newton
The Grammar of Case
John M Anderson
Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English
David University of Reading Crystal
Phonological Rules and Dialect Variation
Gillian Brown
Inflectional Morphology
P H Matthews
A Grammar of Yidin
Robert M W Dixon
Principles of Diachronic Syntax
The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich
Peter Trudgill
A Functional Approach to Child Language
Annette and 1 more
Functional Syntax and Universal Grammar
William A and 3 more
Predication Theory
Donna Jo Napoli
The Syntax of Noun Phrases
Alessandra Università degli Studi di Venezia Giorgi and 1 more
From Etymology to Pragmatics
Eve University of California and 1 more
Modern Irish
Mícheál ósiadhail
Theory and Description in Generative Syntax
Liliane Haegeman
A-Morphous Morphology
Stephen R The Johns Hopkins University Anderson
Discourse Structure and Anaphora
Barbara A University of Colorado and 1 more
The Lexicon in Acquisition
Eve V Clark
Grammatical Theory in the United States
P H University of Cambridge Matthews
R M W Australian National University and 1 more
A Performance Theory of Order and Constituency
John A University of Southern California Hawkins
John A Hawkins
Eve V Stanford University and 1 more
The Syntax of Negation
Historical Syntax in Cross-Linguistic Perspective
Alice C Vanderbilt University and 2 more
A Theory of Aspectuality
Henk J Universiteit Utrecht and 1 more
Information Structure and Sentence Form
Knud University of Texas and 1 more
Historical Linguistics and Language Change
Roger University of Cape Town Lass
Phonology and Language Use
Joan University of New Mexico Bybee
Lexical Categories
Mark C Rutgers University and 1 more
Relevance and Linguistic Meaning
Diane University of Salford Blakemore
Regularity in Semantic Change
Elizabeth Closs Stanford University and 3 more
Negative and Positive Polarity
Ljiliana Progovac
Principles of English Stress
Luigi The Johns Hopkins University Burzio
On Definiteness
Andrew University of Helsinki Chesterman
Quantity Adjustment
Nikolaus Universität Wien and 1 more
Italian Syntax and Universal Grammar
Guglielmo Università degli Studi di Venezia Cinque
The Lexical Field of Taste
A E Hokkaido University and 1 more
Switch-Reference and Discourse Representation
Lesley University of Melbourne Stirling
Liliane Université de Genève Haegeman
Lexical Strata in English
Heinz J University of Edinburgh Giegerich
Grammatical Voice
M H Klaiman
Phonological Representations
John University of Oxford Coleman
Derivations in Minimalism
Samuel David University of Michigan and 2 more
Conditions on Phonological Government
Monik University of London Charette
Bernd Universität zu Köln Heine
Conditionals and Prediction
Barbara University of British Columbia and 1 more
The Dynamics of Focus Structure
Nomi BenGurion University of the Negev and 1 more
Gregory T University of Kentucky Stump
The Acquisition of Aspect and Modality
Ayhan Bogaziçi University and 1 more
Syntax and Parsing
Paul Universität Potsdam and 1 more
The Acquisition of Two Languages from Birth
Annick de Houwer
Morpheme Order and Semantic Scope
Keren University of Toronto Rice
Morphological Productivity
Laurie Victoria University of Wellington Bauer
The Raising of Predicates
Andrea Professor and 2 more
Creole Genesis and the Acquisition of Grammar
Claire Université du Québec and 1 more
Slavic Prosody
Christina Y State University of New York Bethin
Form and Meaning in Word Formation
Rudolf P Botha
Restrictiveness in Case Theory
Henry Yale University and 1 more
The Syntax of Adjuncts
Thomas University of Massachusetts and 1 more
Relevance Relations in Discourse
Regina Blass
Alliteration and Sound Change in Early English
Donka Professor and 2 more
A Notional Theory of Syntactic Categories
John M University of Edinburgh Anderson
Lexical Phonology and the History of English
April University of Cambridge McMahon
Syntactic Relations
Tone Sandhi
Matthew Y City University of Hong Kong Chen
The Syntax and Pragmatics of Anaphora
Yan University of Reading Huang
The Syntax of Agreement and Concord
Functional Categories
Pieter Professor of Linguistics and 1 more
Linguistics and the Formal Sciences
Marcus University of Cambridge Tomalin
Children's Discourse
Maya Université de Paris V Hickmann
Syntactic Change
Ian University of Cambridge Roberts and 2 more
Intonational Phonology
D Robert University of Edinburgh Ladd
Quantity in Historical Phonology
Kristján Árnason
Foundations of Theoretical Phonology
James Simon Fraser University and 1 more
The Urbanization of Rural Dialect Speakers
Stella Maris BortoniRicardo
The Limits to Debate
Noel BurtonRoberts
Morphology and Lexical Semantics
Rochelle University of New Hampshire Lieber
The Phonetic Description of Voice Quality
John Laver
Parallel Structures in Syntax
Grant Goodall
Syntactic Chains
Kenneth J Safir
The Syntax of Welsh
G M Awbery
The Syntax-Morphology Interface
Matthew University of Surrey Baerman and 2 more
Infinitival Complements in German
Terence McKay
Referential-Semantic Analysis
Torben Thrane
Mental Spaces in Grammar
Barbara University of British Columbia and 3 more
Studies in the Acquisition of Deictic Terms
Christine Tanz
Psychological Reality in Phonology
Per Linell
The Synchrony and Diachrony of the Balkan Infinitive
Brian D Joseph
The Future in Thought and Language
Suzanne Fleischman
English Auxiliaries
Anthony R Warner
The Syntax and Semantics of Middle Constructions
Sarah M B Fagan
The Acquisition of Complex Sentences
Holger FriedrichSchillerUniversität and 2 more
Fluent Aphasia
Susan University of Reading Edwards
Mass Terms and Model-Theoretic Semantics
Harry C Bunt
Phonological Variation and Change
John Harris
Young People's Dyirbal
Annette Schmidt
Metrical Phonology and Phonological Structure
Heinz J Giegerich
Syntactic Theory in the High Middle Ages
Michael A Covington
Linguistic Realities
Philip Carr
Liliane M V Haegeman
Semantics and Syntax
J Miller
Accent and Rhythm
W Sidney University of Cambridge Allen
Universal Grammar and Language Learnability
Anjum P Saleemi
Georgian Syntax
Alice C Harris
Socio-Historical Linguistics
Suzanne Romaine
Principles of Dependency Phonology
John Mathieson Anderson and 1 more
English Phonology and Phonological Theory
Roger Lass
The Sentence in Written English
Rodney D Huddleston
Sharon University of California and 2 more
The Development of English Aspectual Systems
Laurel J Brinton
English Focus Constructions and the Theory of Grammar
Michael Shaun Rochemont and 1 more
Variation in an English Dialect
Jenny Cheshire
On Explaining Language Change
Modes of Discourse
Carlota S University of Texas and 1 more
Subjects and Universal Grammar
Yehuda N Hebrew University of Jerusalem Falk
Coordination in Syntax
Niina Ning Associate Professor and 3 more
Old English Phonology
Roger Lass and 1 more
Paul Rutgers University and 1 more
The Linguistic Theory of Numerals
James R University of Lancaster Hurford
The Syntax of Argument Structure
Leonard H Princeton University and 1 more
The Contrastive Hierarchy in Phonology
B Elan University of Toronto Dresher
Syntactic Anchors
Juan University of Maryland and 1 more
Verb Meaning and the Lexicon
Gillian Catriona Universitetet i Tromsø and 1 more
The Grammar of Polarity
Michael University of Maryland and 1 more
Mirrors and Microparameters
David Queen Mary University of London Adger and 2 more
The Modular Architecture of Grammar
Jerrold M University of Chicago Sadock
The Emergence of Meaning
Stephen Macquarie University and 1 more
Control as Movement
Cedric Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Boeckx and 3 more
Nina Aristotle University and 1 more
Acquiring Phonology
Neil University College London Smith
Objects and Information Structure
Mary Professor of Syntax and 2 more
The Universal Structure of Categories
Martina University of British Columbia and 1 more
Categorial Features
Phoevos University of Cyprus Panagiotidis
Mark Rutgers University and 1 more
The Phonology of Consonants
Wm G Rhodes University and 1 more
Vowel Patterns in Language
Rachel University of Southern California Walker
Symmetry Breaking in Syntax
Hubert Universität Salzburg Haider
Morphosyntactic Change
Bettelou Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Los and 3 more
Null Subjects
José A Rutgers University and 1 more
Morphological Typology
Gregory University of Kentucky Stump and 1 more
The Acquisition of Syntactic Structure
Misha University of North Carolina and 1 more
Morphological Complexity
Compounds and Compounding
Colloquial English
Andrew University of Essex Radford
English Nouns
Inflectional Defectiveness
Andrea D Ohio State University Sims
Universal Semantic Syntax
Egbert Universiteit Leiden Fortuin and 1 more
Relative Clauses
Voice Quality
John H University of Victoria and 4 more
Third Language Acquisition and Linguistic Transfer
Jason Rothman and 2 more
Mixed Categories
Irina School of Oriental and African Studies and 2 more
The Minimalist Program
Fahad Rashed University of Essex AlMutairi
Output-Driven Phonology
Bruce Rutgers University and 1 more
Grammatical Categories
M Rita Università degli Studi di Firenze and 3 more
The Syntax of Relative Clauses
Deriving Syntactic Relations
John Cornell University and 1 more
Gemination, Lenition, and Vowel Lengthening
Kurt University of South Carolina Goblirsch
Direct Objects and Language Acquisition
Ana Teresa University of Toronto PérezLeroux and 2 more
Interfaces and Domains of Contact-Driven Restructuring: Volume 168
Sandro University of Texas and 1 more
The Compositional Nature of Tense, Mood and Aspect
H J Verkuyl
German Syntax
Gereon Müller
David Crystal
Bruce Derwing
Early Syntactic Development
Melissa Bowerman
W Sidney Allen
The Syntax of Imperatives
Asier Alcázar and 1 more
Martina Wiltschko
Mark C Baker
Wm G Bennett
Inflectional Paradigms
Gregory T Stump
Presupposition and the Delimitation of Semantics
Ruth M Kempson
Communicative Functions and Linguistic Forms in Speech Interaction
Klaus J Kohler
James R Hurford
Interfaces and Domains of Contact-Driven Restructuring
Sandro Sessarego
Optimal Linking Grammar
Daniel Galbraith
Voice and Argument Structure in Basque
Ane Berro Urrizelki and 1 more
James Foley
Italian Syntax
Andrew Radford
David Lightfoot
Annette KarmiloffSmith
Ngiyambaa, the Language of the Wangaaybuwan
Tamsin Donaldson
Explanations in the Study of Child Language Development
Martin Atkinson
William A Foley and 1 more
J E Miller
Natural Syntax
John Haiman
John M Anderson and 1 more
Barbara A Fox
Michael S Rochemont and 1 more
Stephen R Anderson
Anthony Warner
Alice C Harris and 1 more