An Introduction to Narrative
H Porter Abbott
Not Available
The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction, 1950–2000
Dominic Brunel University Head
The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Fiction 1950-2000
Dominic Head
The Cambridge Introduction to Early American Literature
Emory University of California and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Spanish Poetry
D Gareth University of Exeter Walters
The Cambridge Introduction to French Poetry
Mary Rutgers University and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Poetry
Christopher Claremont Graduate School and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Poetry
Michael Princeton University and 1 more
Michael Wachtel
The Cambridge Introduction to English Theatre, 1660-1900
Peter University of Exeter Thomson
The Cambridge Introduction to Virginia Woolf
Jane Goldman
The Cambridge Introduction to W.B. Yeats
David University of North Texas Holdeman
The Cambridge Introduction to T. S. Eliot
John Xiros University of British Columbia and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to the American Short Story
Martin University of Kent and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Joseph Conrad
John G University of North Texas Peters
The Cambridge Introduction to Jane Austen
Janet M Todd
The Cambridge Introduction to Samuel Beckett
Ronan University of Reading McDonald
The Cambridge Introduction to Herman Melville
Kevin J University of Central Oklahoma Hayes
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare
Emma University of Oxford Smith
The Cambridge Introduction to Walt Whitman
M Jimmie Texas A M University Killingsworth
The Cambridge Introduction to Mark Twain
Peter University of Nottingham Messent
The Cambridge Introduction to F. Scott Fitzgerald
Kirk Troy State University Montgomery and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Emily Dickinson
Wendy and 2 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's Tragedies
Janette University of Nottingham Dillon
The Cambridge Introduction to Harriet Beecher Stowe
Sarah Robbins
The Cambridge Introduction to Ezra Pound
Ira B University of British Columbia and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne
Leland S University of Cincinnati Person
The Cambridge Introduction to Modernism
Pericles Yale University and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Creative Writing
David Morley
David University of Warwick Morley
The Cambridge Introduction to Tragedy
Jennifer Peterhouse and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to The Nineteenth-Century American Novel
Gregg University of Michigan and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's History Plays
Warren Kings College London Chernaik
Warren L Chernaik
The Cambridge Introduction to Jacques Derrida
Leslie University of Warwick Hill
The Cambridge Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures in English
C L University of Kent and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Francophone Literature
Patrick Roehampton University and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to the Short Story in English
Adrian University of Stirling Hunter
The Cambridge Introduction to William Faulkner
Theresa M Towner
The Cambridge Introduction to George Eliot
Nancy State University of New York and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Modern Irish Poetry, 1800–2000
Justin Charles University and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's Comedies
Penny University of Sydney Gay
The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Literature
Caryl Princeton University and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Michel Foucault
Lisa University of Exeter Downing
The Cambridge Introduction to Robert Frost
Robert Claremont McKenna College and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Walter Benjamin
David S University of Colorado and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Sylvia Plath
Jo University of Exeter Gill
The Cambridge Introduction to Zora Neale Hurston
Lovalerie Pennsylvania State University King
The Cambridge Introduction to Edgar Allan Poe
Benjamin F University of Mississippi Fisher
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Studies
Christopher B Balme
Caryl Emerson
The Cambridge Introduction to J. M. Coetzee
Dominic University of Nottingham Head
The Cambridge Introduction to Edith Wharton
Pamela University of Durham Knights
The Cambridge Introduction to J.M. Coetzee
The Cambridge Introduction to Jean Rhys
Elaine New School University and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Comedy
Eric Trinity College and 1 more
Eric Weitz
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Historiography
Thomas University of Washington Postlewait
The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodern Fiction
Bran University of Portsmouth Nicol
The Cambridge Introduction to Scenography
Joslin University of Leeds McKinney and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Theatre
Simon Shepherd
The Cambridge Introduction to Victorian Poetry
Linda K Texas Christian University Hughes
The Cambridge Introduction to Chekhov
James N Loehlin
The Cambridge Introduction to Edward Said
Conor National University of Ireland and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to William Wordsworth
Emma Mason
Emma University of Warwick Mason
The Cambridge Introduction to Samuel Taylor Coleridge
John University of Nottingham Worthen
The Cambridge Introduction to Charles Dickens
Jon Professor and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Margaret Atwood
Heidi Slettedahl De Montfort University and 1 more
James N University of Texas and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's Poetry
Michael University of Michigan and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to the Old Norse-Icelandic Saga
Margaret University of Sydney Clunies Ross
The Cambridge Introduction to Thomas Mann
Todd University of California and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to the Novel
Marina Washington University and 1 more
Marina MacKay
The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and the Environment
Timothy University of Durham Clark
The Cambridge Introduction to Marcel Proust
Adam A Watt
Adam Royal Holloway and 1 more
Timothy Clark
The Cambridge Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Literature
Hugh Queens University Belfast Magennis
Hugh Magennis
The Cambridge Introduction to Eighteenth-Century Poetry
John University of Notre Dame and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to American Literary Realism
Phillip J University of Texas and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Modernist Poetry
Peter Queen Mary University of London Howarth
The Cambridge Introduction to Milton
Stephen B Georgia State University Dobranski
The Cambridge Introduction to Christopher Marlowe
Tom Rutter
Tom Lecturer in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Byron
Richard James Cook University and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to the Eighteenth-Century Novel
April University of Ottawa London
The Cambridge Introduction to Gabriel García Márquez
Gerald University of Pittsburgh Martin
The Cambridge Introduction to British Romantic Poetry
Michael University of New Hampshire Ferber
The Cambridge Introduction to George Orwell
John University of Texas and 3 more
The Cambridge Introduction to German Poetry
Judith Harvard University and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Tom Stoppard
William Louisiana State University Demastes
The Cambridge Introduction to Toni Morrison
Tessa University of Oxford Roynon
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Directing
Christopher York University and 3 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Franz Kafka
Carolin University of Oxford Duttlinger
The Cambridge Introduction to Travel Writing
Tim Youngs
The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Philosophy
Anthony J University of California and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Early Modern Drama, 1576–1642
Julie University of Nottingham Sanders
The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Psychoanalysis
JeanMichel University of Pennsylvania Rabaté
The Cambridge Introduction to Chaucer
Alastair Yale University and 1 more
A J Minnis
Janet University of Cambridge Todd
Janet Todd
The Cambridge Introduction to French Literature
Brian Emeritus Professor and 2 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodernism
Brian McHale
Brian Ohio State University McHale
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre and Literature of the Absurd
Michael Y University of Wisconsin and 1 more
Michael Y Bennett
The Cambridge Introduction to British Poetry, 1945-2010
Eric Falci
The Cambridge Introduction to Performance Theory
Simon Central School of Speech and Drama and 1 more
The Cambridge Introduction to Satire
Jonathan Montclair State University and 1 more
Jonathan Daniel Greenberg
The Cambridge Introduction to British Fiction, 1900–1950
Robert L Pennsylvania State University Caserio
The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative
The Cambridge Introduction to Mikhail Bakhtin
Ken University of Waterloo and 1 more
Ken Hirschkop
The Cambridge Introduction to American Poetry Since 1945
Andrew Epstein
The Cambridge Introduction to Literary Posthumanism
Joseph Tabbi