The Media and Social Theory
David Hesmondhalgh
Not Available
David Hesmondhalgh and 1 more
Culture, Class, Distinction
Tony University of Western Sydney and 4 more
Cultural Analysis and Bourdieu’s Legacy
Elizabeth Silva
Material Powers
Tony University of Western Sydney and 1 more
Migrating Music
Jason Toynbee and 1 more
Inventive Methods
Celia Lury
Understanding Sport
John Horne and 5 more
Milk, Modernity and the Making of the Human
Richie Nimmo
Sport and the Transformation of Modern Europe
Alan Tomlinson
Theorizing Cultural Work
Mark The Open University and 1 more
Celia Lury and 1 more
Andrew Barry
Shanghai Expo
Tim Winter
Diasporas and Diplomacy
Marie Gillespie
Objects and Materials
Penny Harvey
The Provoked Economy
Fabian Muniesa
Comedy and Distinction
Sam Friedman
Devising Consumption
Liz The Open University and 1 more
Topologies of Power
John Allen
Speculative Research
Alex Wilkie
Jennifer Gabrys
Mark Banks and 2 more
Unpacking Ikea
Pauline Garvey
Film Criticism as a Cultural Institution
Huw WalmsleyEvans
Distinctions in the Flesh
Dieter Vandebroeck
Studio Studies
Ignacio Farías
The Known Economy
Colin Danby
A World Laid Waste?
Francis Dodsworth
The Persistence of Taste
Malcolm University of the Arts and 2 more
Cultural Pedagogies and Human Conduct
Megan Watkins and 2 more
Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism
Victoria Goddard
Huw University of Queensland and 1 more
Lived Economies of Default
Joe Deville
The Routledge Companion to Bourdieu's 'Distinction'
Philippe Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS and 1 more
Markets and the Arts of Attachment
Franck Cochoy
Infrastructures and Social Complexity
Penelope Harvey
Culture as a Vocation
Vincent Dubois
Rio de Janeiro
Beatriz Jaguaribe
Fields, Capitals, Habitus
Tony Bennett
Imitation, Contagion, Suggestion
Christian Borch
Enter Culture, Exit Arts?
Semi Purhonen and 3 more
Assembling and Governing Habits
Tony Bennett and 3 more
For State Service
Paul Du Gay
Tony Western Sydney University and 1 more
Unbecoming Things
Mike Crang
Culture and Economy in the New Shanghai
Justin OConnor and 1 more