The World of Kate Roberts
Joseph Clancy
Not Available
Dennis Potter
Peter Stead
Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Donald Hunt
Bruce Chatwin
Nicholas Murray
Rites of Assent
Abdal Qasim
Ethos Of Pluralization
William Connolly
Beyond Sovereign Territory
Thom Kuehls
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Barbara Dennis
Sovereigns, Quasi Sovereigns, and Africans
Siba N'Zatioula Grovogui
Imperial Encounters
Roxanne Doty
Critical Geopolitics
Gearoid O'Tuathail
On The Way To Diplomacy
Costas M. Constantinou
John Cowper Powys
Herbert Williams
Francis Brett Young
Michael Hall
Margiad Evans
Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan
Gerard Hopkins in Wales
Norman White
Uses Of The Other
Iver B. Neumann
Oh, Say, Can You See
Kathy E. Ferguson
States And Strangers
Nevzat Soguk
Constructing National Interests
Jutta Weldes
Re-Envisioning Peacekeeping
François Debrix
Managing Displacement
Jennifer Hyndman
Whose Hunger?
Jenny Edkins
Emlyn Williams
John Russell Stephens
Identities, Borders, Orders
Mathias Albert and 2 more
Civilization and Violence
Cristina Rojas
Environmental Security
Simon Dalby
W.H. Davies
Lawrence Normand
Politics Of The Global
Himadeep Muppidi
The Politics of the Global
Native to the Nation
Allaine Cerwonka
Virtue, Fortune, and Faith
Marieke de Goede
In the Space of Theory
Matthew Sparke
Toward a Global Idea of Race
Denise Ferreira da Silva
The Subject of Coexistence
Louiza Odysseos
Prem Kumar Rajaram and 1 more
Geopolitical Exotica
Dibyesh Anand
Dinesh S. Anand
Divided Korea
Roland Bleiker
Fluid Bodies and Bodily Fluids in Premodern Europe
Anne M. Scott and 1 more
Milton's Scriptural Theology
John K. Hale
Icelandic Folklore and the Cultural Memory of Religious Change
Eric Shane Bryan
Writing Old Age and Impairments in Late Medieval England
Will Rogers
Volcanoes in Old Norse Mythology
Mathias Nordvig
John Miles Foley's World of Oralities
Mark Amodio
Medieval Perceptions of Magic, Science, and the Natural World
Carolina Escobar-Vargas and 1 more
Negotiating Childlessness in the Middle Ages
Regina Toepfer
Postcolonial Insecurities
Sankaran Krishna
Contingent States
William A. Callahan