Post-Soviet Civil Society
Anders Uhlin
Not Available
Television, Democracy and Elections in Russia
Sarah University of Glasgow and 1 more
Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union
Lavinia Stan
Chechnya - Russia's 'War on Terror'
John University of Bradford and 1 more
Democracy and Myth in Russia and Eastern Europe
Alexander Wöll
Russian and Soviet Film Adaptations of Literature, 1900-2001
Stephen Hutchings
Conscience, Dissent and Reform in Soviet Russia
Philip University of Kent and 1 more
Late Stalinist Russia
Juliane Fürst
Russian Constitutionalism
Andrei Higher School of Economics and 2 more
The Transformation of Urban Space in Post-Soviet Russia
Isolde Brade and 3 more
Katyn and the Soviet Massacre of 1940
George University of Durham and 1 more
Literature in Post-Communist Russia and Eastern Europe
Rajendra Anand Chitnis
Russian Literary Culture in the Camera Age
News Media and Power in Russia
Olessia Higher School of Economics and 2 more
Political and Social Thought in Post-Communist Russia
Axel Cardiff University and 5 more
Defending Human Rights in Russia
Emma Gilligan
Peopling the Russian Periphery
Nicholas Breyfogle
Western Intellectuals and the Soviet Union, 1920-40
Ludmila University of New South Wales and 1 more
The Dilemmas of De-Stalinization
Polly Jones
Narrating Post/Communism
Natasa Kovacevic
The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920–24
Simon Pirani
The Making of Modern Lithuania
Tomas University of Manchester and 1 more
Between Stalin and Hitler
Geoffrey Swain
Russian Society and the Orthodox Church
Zoe Knox
Soviet Music and Society Under Lenin and Stalin
Neil Edmunds
Federalism and Local Politics in Russia
Cameron Ross
Transitional Justice in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Lavinia Stan and 2 more
Globalization and the State in Central and Eastern Europe
Jan Drahokoupil
Local Politics and Democratization in Russia
Television and Culture in Putin's Russia
Stephen C Hutchings and 3 more
Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe
Bernd University of Birmingham and 1 more
Critical Theory in Russia and the West
Alastair Renfrew
Soviet State and Society Under Nikita Khrushchev
Melanie Ilic
The Germans of the Soviet Union
Irina Assumption College and 2 more
The Post-Soviet Russian Media
Birgit Beumers
Promoting Democracy and Human Rights in Russia
Sinikukka Saari
Reinventing Poland
Martin Myant
The Emancipation of the Serfs in Russia
Roxanne Central Washington University and 1 more
Russian Policy towards China and Japan
Natasha Kings College London and 2 more
Democratization and Gender in Contemporary Russia
Suvi Salmenniemi
The New Right in the New Europe
Seán Hanley
The Collapse of Communist Power in Poland
Jacqueline Trinity College Dublin and 1 more
Russia and Islam
Roland Dannreuther and 1 more
Tomas Balkelis
Re-Constructing the Post-Soviet Industrial Region
Adam University of Nottingham and 1 more
Building Big Business in Russia
Yuko Sophia University and 1 more
Democratic Elections in Poland, 1991-2007
Frances Millard
Communism, Nationalism and Ethnicity in Poland, 1944–1950
Michael Polish University Abroad and 2 more
The Baltic States from the Soviet Union to the European Union
Richard Mole
Energy Dependency, Politics and Corruption in the Former Soviet Union
Margarita M Balmaceda
Russian Legal Culture Before and After Communism
Frances University of St Andrews and 1 more
The Demise of the Soviet Communist Party
Atsushi Ogushi
Putin as Celebrity and Cultural Icon
Helena Ohio State University and 1 more
Russian Transformations
Leo McCann
The Limits of Russian Democratisation
Alexander Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law and 1 more
State Building in the Ukraine
Sarah Whitmore
The Communist Youth League and the Transformation of the Soviet Union, 1917-1932
Matthias Neumann
Khrushchev in the Kremlin
Jeremy Smith
Russia as a Great Power
Jakob Hedenskog
Putin's United Russia Party
S P Roberts
Richard C M Mole and 2 more
Television and Presidential Power in Putin’s Russia
Tina Burrett
The European Union and its Eastern Neighbours
Elena Korosteleva
The Economic Sources of Social Order Development in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe
Richard University of Birmingham and 1 more
Dostoevsky and The Idea of Russianness
Sarah Hudspith
The Socialist Alternative to Bolshevik Russia
Elizabeth White
Russia's Identity in International Relations
Raymond Taras
Small-Town Russia
Anne White
The Capitalist Transformation of State Socialism
David Lane
Citizens in the Making in Post-Soviet States
Olena Nikolayenko
The Myth of the Russian Intelligentsia
Inna Kochetkova
Putin's Preventive Counter-Revolution
Robert La Trobe University and 1 more
Civil Society in Putin's Russia
Elena University of Lincoln and 1 more
Disease, Health Care and Government in Late Imperial Russia
Charlotte E Independent lecturer and 2 more
Post-Communist Poland – Contested Pasts and Future Identities
Ewa Ochman
Learning to Labour in Post-Soviet Russia
Charles Walker
Constitutional Bargaining in Russia, 1990-93
Edward MorganJones
Soviet Economic Management Under Khrushchev
Nataliya Kibita
The Transition to Democracy in Hungary
Dae Soon Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and 1 more
The Politics of HIV/AIDS in Russia
Ulla Pape
Political Theory and Community Building in Post-Soviet Russia
Oleg Kharkhordin
Disability in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Michael University of Lincoln and 1 more
Eastern Europe and the Challenges of Modernity, 1800-2000
Stefano Bianchini
East European Diasporas, Migration and Cosmopolitanism
Ulrike Ziemer
Democracy versus Modernization
Vladislav Inozemtsev
The EU-Russia Borderland
Heikki Eskelinen
Russia’s Federal Relations
The Making and Breaking of Soviet Lithuania
Violeta Vilnius University and 1 more
Ideologies of Eastness in Central and Eastern Europe
Tomasz Zarycki
Russia-China Relations in the Post-Crisis International Order
Marcin University of Warsaw and 1 more
Freedom of Speech in Russia
Daphne Formerly a journalist and consultant working in Moscow and 1 more
New Europe's New Development Aid
Balázs SzentIványi and 1 more
Cinema, State Socialism and Society in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1917-1989
Sanja Bahun
Ethnic Relations in Post-Soviet Russia
Andrew Foxall
The South Caucasus - Security, Energy and Europeanization
Meliha B Altunk
Nation, Ethnicity and Race on Russian Television
Stephen Hutchings and 2 more
Communicating Climate Change in Russia
Marianna Nottingham Trent University and 1 more
Russian Foreign Policy under Dmitry Medvedev, 2008-2012
Valerie School of Slavonic and East European Studies and 1 more
The EU's Eastern Neighbourhood
Ilkka Liikanen
Georgia after Stalin
Ronald Grigor Suny
The Radical Right in Late Imperial Russia
George University of Southampton and 1 more
The Decline of Regionalism in Putin's Russia
J Paul Goode
Politicising the Communist Past
Aleks University of Sussex and 1 more
Local Communities and Post-Communist Transformation
Simon Smith
Repression and Resistance in Communist Europe
Jason Sharman
Political Elites and the New Russia
Anton Steen
Political Parties in the Russian Regions
Derek S Hutcheson
Russian Nationalism
Marlène Laruelle
Security, Society and the State in the Caucasus
Kevork Oskanian
Putin's Olympics
Robert W Orttung and 1 more
Soviet Postcolonial Studies
Epp Annus
Post-Soviet Armenia
Irina Ghaplanyan
Memory, the City and the Legacy of World War II in East Central Europe
Uilleam University of Oxford and 1 more
Meliha B Altunisik and 1 more
Oil and the Economy of Russia
Nat Moser
Rethinking the Russian Revolution as Historical Divide
Russia's Economy in an Epoch of Turbulence
Vladimir Mau
Russian Environmental Politics
Ellie Martus
Political Catholicism and Euroscepticism
Bartosz Napieralski
Social Rights in Russia
Eleanor The University of Manchester and 1 more
Understanding Central Europe
Marcin Moskalewicz and 1 more
Social Media and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe
Pawe Surowiec
Aleks Szczerbiak
Belarus - Alternative Visions
Simon Lewis
Ukraine's Foreign and Security Policy 1991-2000
Roman Wolczuk
Class Cultures in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe
ažen Cepi
The Russian State and Russian Energy Companies, 1992-2018
Ingerid M Opdahl
Belarus Under Lukashenka
Matthew Frear
Kevork Oskanian and 1 more
Russian Culture in the Age of Globalization
Vlad Strukov
Translating Great Russian Literature
Cathy McAteer
In Stock
£135.00 £150.00
Uilleam Blacker
US Foreign Policy Towards Russia in the Post-Cold War Era
David Parker
Tolstoy's Political Thought
Alexandre J M E Christoyannopoulos
Labour, Mobility and Informal Practices in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
Rano Turaeva and 1 more
Rano Turaeva
Freedom of Expression in Russia's New Mediasphere
Mariëlle University of Helsinki and 1 more
Azerbaijan and the European Union
Eske van Gils
Ideology and Social Protests in Eastern Europe
Veronika Stoyanova
Inside the East European Planned Economy
Voicu Ion Sucala
Moscow and the Non-Russian Republics in the Soviet Union
Li BennichBjörkman
Siberian Exile and the Invention of Revolutionary Russia, 1825–1917
Ben Phillips
The Making of Kropotkin's Anarchist Thought
Richard Morgan and 2 more
From German Königsberg to Soviet Kaliningrad
Jamie Freeman
Putin's Fascists
Robert Horvath
Governing the Soviet Union's National Republics
Saulius Grybkauskas
The Russian State and Russian Energy Companies, 1992–2018
Building Communism and Policing Deviance in the Soviet Union
Mirjam Galley
Researching in the Former Soviet Union
Jasmin DallAgnola
The Economics of Growth in Russia
Ararat L George Washington University and 2 more
The Donbas Conflict in Ukraine
Daria Platonova
Business Culture in Putin's Russia
John Kennedy
Religious Life in the Late Soviet Union
Barbara Martin
Li BennichBjörkman and 1 more
Projecting Russia in a Mediatized World
Stephen C Hutchings and 2 more
Siberian Exile and the Invention of Revolutionary Russia, 1825-1917
Conservatism and Memory Politics in Russia and Eastern Europe
Katalin Miklóssy
Mikhail Suslov
Russia's Regional Museums
Sofia Gavrilova
The Russian Revolution of 1917
Carol S Leonard and 2 more
Modern Russian Cinema as a Battleground in Russia's Information War
Alexander Rojavin and 1 more
Jasmin DallAgnola and 2 more
The Political Economy of Hungarian Authoritarian Populism
Samuel Rogers
Belarus in the Twenty-First Century
Elena A Korosteleva and 2 more
Ararat L Osipian
Barbara Martin and 1 more
Independent Music in Russia
Marco Biasioli
The Development Trajectory of Communism in Poland
Bartlomiej Kapica
Remembering the Soviet Past in Putin's Russia
Sergey Toymenstev
Slavonic and 1 more
Drazen CepiÔc
The Dilemmas of De-Stalinisation
Konstantin Axenov and 2 more
Nicholas B Breyfogle and 2 more
The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24
Narrating Post/communism
Natasa KovaceviÔc and 1 more
Cameron Ross and 1 more
Stephen C Hutchings and 1 more
Celebrity and Glamour in Contemporary Russia
Helena Goscilo and 1 more
John Charles Walker
Olena Nikolayenko and 2 more
Helena Goscilo
Soviet Consumer Culture in the Brezhnev Era
Natalya Chernyshova and 2 more