Averaging of Meteorological Fields
R L Kagan and 2 more
Not Available
Applications of Seasonal Climate Forecasting in Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems
G L Hammer and 2 more
Dynamics of Internal Gravity Waves in the Ocean
IU Z Miropolskii
Variability of Air Temperature and Atmospheric Precipitation During a Period of Instrumental Observations in the Arctic
Rajmund Przybylak
Handbook of Micrometeorology
Xuhui Lee and 2 more
Aeronomy of the Middle Atmosphere
Guy Brasseur and 1 more
Nonlinear Topographic Effects in the Ocean and Atmosphere
L J Pratt and 1 more
Polar Oceans from Space
Josefino C Comiso
IU Z Miropolskii and 1 more
Air-Sea Exchange
G L Geernaert
Arctic Climate Change
Peter Lemke and 1 more
The Climate of the Arctic
Atmospheric Turbulence and Air Pollution Modelling
FT Nieuwstadt and 1 more
Air-Sea Exchange of Heat and Moisture During Storms
R S Bortkovskii and 1 more
RS Bortkovskii
Statistical Models of the Temperature and Gaseous Components of the Atmosphere
V E Zuev and 1 more
Atmospheric Tidal and Planetary Waves
Hans Volland
An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology
Roland B Stull
Prediction and Regulation of Air Pollution
M E Berliand
ME Berlyand
Climate in Human Perspective
Ferdinand Baer and 2 more
Monsoons Over China
Yihui Ding
RL Kagan
Cloud Dynamics
LT Matveev
Graeme L Hammer and 2 more
Variability of Air Temperature and Atmospheric Precipitation in the Arctic
Radar Meteorology
S Raghavan
Carbonaceous Aerosol
András Gelencsér
Light Absorption in Sea Water
Bogdan WoÔzniak and 1 more
An Introduction to Global Spectral Modeling
T N Krishnamurti and 2 more
The Oceanic Thermohaline Circulation
Hendrik Mattheus van Aken
High-Power Laser Radiation in Atmospheric Aerosols
VE Zuev and 3 more
Surface-Based Remote Sensing of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Stefan Emeis
Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes
Nicole Mölders
Quasi-Geostrophic Theory of Oceans and Atmosphere
Fabio Cavallini and 1 more
The Application of Neural Networks in the Earth System Sciences
V M Krasnopolsky
Vladimir M Krasnopolsky
Dynamics of Vortex Structures in a Stratified Rotating Fluid
Mikhail A Sokolovskiy and 1 more
M A Sokolovskii and 1 more
The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean
Alexander Soloviev and 1 more
Climate Time Series Analysis
Manfred Mudelsee
Radiation in a Cloudy Atmosphere
EM Feigelson
An Introduction to the Theory of Climate
Climate Dynamics of the Tropics
Stefan Hastenrath
S Hastenrath
Climate and Circulation of the Tropics
The Evolution of the Biosphere
MI Budyko