Wave Instabilities in Space Plasmas
Peter J Palmadesso and 2 more
Not Available
Language of the Stars
Zdenek Kopal
Radio Recombination Lines
P A Shaver
Cosmic Plasma
Hannes Alfvén
Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics
International Astronomical Union and 2 more
Relation Between Laboratory and Space Plasmas
Hiroshi Kikuchi
Physical Processes in Red Giants
Icko Iben and 1 more
X-Ray Astronomy With the Einstein Satellite
Riccardo Giacconi and 1 more
Effects of Mass Loss on Stellar Evolution
C Chiosi and 2 more
Investigating the Universe
F D Kahn and 1 more
Stellar Paths
Peter Van de Kamp
Regions of Recent Star Formation
R S Roger and 1 more
High Precision Earth Rotation and Earth Moon Dynamics
International Astronomical Union and 3 more
Instrumentation for Astronomy With Large Optical Telescopes
Colin M Humphries and 1 more
The Nature of Symbiotic Stars
Michael Friedjung and 2 more
Automated Data Retrieval in Astronomy
Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
Activity in Red-Dwarf Stars
Astrophysical Jets
A Ferrari and 1 more
Solar-Terrestrial Physics
R L Carovillano and 1 more
Astronomy With Schmidt-Type Telescopes
International Astronomical Union and 1 more
Cataclysmic Variables and Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
Donald Q Lamb and 1 more
Cool Stars With Excesses of Heavy Elements
Strasbourg Observatory Colloquium and 2 more
Radio Stars
Robert M Hjellming and 1 more
Mass Loss from Red Giants
Mark Morris and 1 more
Birth and Evolution of Massive Stars and Stellar Groups
Adriaan Blaauu and 2 more
The Sun and the Heliosphere in Three Dimensions
ESLAB Symposium and 1 more
Space Dynamics and Celestial Mechanics
K B Bhatnagar
Hydrogen Deficient Stars and Related Objects
Late Stages of Stellar Evolution
S Kwok and 1 more
Interstellar Processes
David J Hollenbach and 1 more
Planetary and Proto-Planetary Nebulae
Frascati Workshop 1986 and 1 more
Instabilities in Luminous Early Type Stars
Henny J G L M Lamers and 2 more
The Internal Solar Angular Velocity
National Solar Observatory Summer Symposium and 2 more
Multivariate Data Analysis
Fionn Murlágh and 1 more
Physics of Formation of FeII Lines Outside LTE
Towards Understanding Galazies at Large Redshift
Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture and 2 more
Mass Outflows from Stars and Galactic Nuclei
Torino Workshop and 2 more
Accretion Disks and Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics
European Physical Society and 1 more
Submillimetre Astronomy
Kona Symposium on Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy and 2 more
The Interstellar Medium in Galaxies
Harley A Thronson and 1 more
The Cosmic Microwave Background
N Mandolesi and 1 more
The Theory of Cosmic Grains
Fred Hoyle and 1 more
Astronomical Masers
Moshe Elitzur
Radiation in Astrophysical Plasmas
V V Zhelezniakov
The Westerbork Observatory, Continuing Adventure in Radio Astronomy
Ernst Raimond and 1 more
The Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky Surveys
F Garzon
Gravitation and Cosmology
ICGC95 Conference and 2 more
The Letters and Papers of Jan Hendrik Oort
Jan Hendrik Oort and 2 more
SCORe '96
SCORe 96 Conference and 3 more
Observational Cosmology
Observational Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys Workshop and 3 more
Remembering Edith Alice Müller
I Appenzeller
Optical Detectors for Astronomy
James W Beletic and 2 more
B[e] Stars
Anne Marie Hubert and 1 more
Laboratory Astrophysics and Space Research
P Ehrenfreund
International Conference on Substorms and 2 more
Millimeter-Wave Astronomy
INAOE Summer School of MillimeterWave Astronomy
Solar Polarization
International Workshop on Solar Polarization and 2 more
Large Scale Structure Formation
Robert Brandenberger and 1 more
Cosmic Plasma Physics
Boris V Somov
Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy
A Heck
Stellar Astrophysics
KwongSang Cheng
The Evolution of the Milky Way
F Matteucci and 1 more
Stellar Pulsation
M Takeuti and 1 more
The Dynamic Sun
Arnold Hanslmeier and 2 more
Electrohydrodynamics in Dusty and Dirty Plasmas
The Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy
F Matteucci
Whistler Phenomena
Csaba Ferencz
The Influence of Binaries on Stellar Population Studies
D Vanbeveren
New Horizons of Computational Science
International Symposium on Supercomputing and 3 more
Astronomy-Inspired Atomic and Molecular Physics
A R P Rau
Plasma Astrophysics
A O Benz
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics
Miguel Chávez
M A Gordon and 1 more
André Heck
History of Oriental Astronomy
S M Razaullah Ansari and 1 more
Light Pollution
International Conference on Light Pollution and 1 more
Astronomy Communication
A Heck and 1 more
Dynamical Systems and Cosmology
A Coley
Pacific Rim Stellar Conference and 4 more
Multiwavelength Cosmology
International Conference Multiwavelength Cosmology and 1 more
Supermassive Black Holes in the Distant Universe
Amy J Barger
Cosmic Rays in the Earth's Atmosphere and Underground
L I Dorman
Polarization in Spectral Lines
Egidio Landi DeglInnocenti and 1 more
Solar and Space Weather Radiophysics
Dale E Gary and 1 more
High-Velocity Clouds
Hugo van Woerden
The Sun and the Heliosphere as an Integrated System
G Poletto and 1 more
Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust
David L Block
Transfer of Polarized Light in Planetary Atmospheres
Joop W Hovenier and 2 more
Solar Magnetic Phenomena
Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Plasmas
A Surjalal Sharma and 1 more
The Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later
Edvige Corbelli and 2 more
Cores to Clusters
M S N Kumar and 2 more
An Introduction to Plasma Astrophysics and Magnetohydrodynamics
Marcel Goossens
Ultraviolet Radiation in the Solar System
M Vázquez and 1 more
Solar Journey
Priscilla C Frisch
The Astrophysics of Emission-Line Stars
T Kogure and 1 more
Hydromagnetic Waves in the Magnetosphere and the Lonosphere
Leonid S Alperovich and 1 more
Short-Period Binary Stars
E F Milone and 2 more
The Sun Recorded Through History
J M Vaquero and 1 more
B V Somov
Under the Radar
W M Goss and 1 more
Stellar Pulsation-Nonlinear Studies
G P Horedt
H Kikuchi
Stellar Collapse
Chris L Fryer
Motions in the Solar Atmosphere
Arnold Hanslmeier and 1 more
Open Issues in Local Star Formation
Jacques Raymond Daniel Lépine and 1 more
The Sun and the Heliopsphere as an Integrated System
A A Coley
Soft X-Ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies and Related Phenomena
Richard Lieu and 1 more
Exploring the History of New Zealand Astronomy
D Wayne Orchiston
Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis
Olga E Malandraki and 1 more
The Solar Spectrum
C de Jager
Physics of the Magnetosphere
RL Carovillano and 2 more
Kinematics, Dynamics and Structure of the Milky Way
WLH Shuter
M Livio and 1 more
PB Byrne and 1 more
Surveys of the Southern Galaxy
WB Burton and 1 more
Dynamical Trapping and Evolution in the Solar System
Vassilis V Markellos and 1 more
Planetary Nebulae
Stuart R Pottasch
Galactic and Extragalactic Infrared Spectroscopy
MF Kessler and 1 more
Stellar Nucleosynthesis
C Chiosi and 1 more
M Capaccioli
Clusters and Groups of Galaxies
F Mardirossian and 2 more
Physics of Thermal Gaseous Nebulae
Lawrence H Aller
DQ Lamb and 1 more
C Jaschek and 1 more
Dynamics of Comets: Their Origin and Evolution
A Carusi and 1 more
Early History of Cosmic Ray Studies
Yataro Sekido and 1 more
Properties and Interactions of Interplanetary Dust
L Giese and 1 more
Meteorite Research
PM Millman
Wilfried Boland and 1 more
RG Marsden
Light on Dark Matter
FP Israël
Solar Wind — Magnetosphere Coupling
Y Kamide and 1 more
K Hunger and 2 more
Exploring the Universe With the IUE Satellite
Y Kondo and 7 more
Mass Loss from Stars
M Hack
DJ Hollenbach and 1 more
Planetary and Proto-Planetary Nebulae: From IRAS to ISO
Andrea Preite Martinez
Henny JGLM Lamers and 1 more
Resolute and Undertaking Characters
AH Batten
Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshift
Richard G Kron and 1 more
Activity in Cool Star Envelopes
O Havnes and 3 more
Bioastronomy - The Next Steps
George Marx
The Symbiotic Phenomenon
Joanna Mikolajewska and 3 more
Rate Coefficients in Astrochemistry
TJ Millar and 1 more
Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy
RD Wolstencroft and 1 more
Pulsation and Mass Loss in Stars
R Stalio and 1 more
Experiments on Cosmic Dust Analogues
E Bussoletti and 2 more
Space Engineering
GA Partel
Dynamics and Structure of Quiescent Solar Prominences
ER Priest
Large Scale Structure and Motions in the Universe
Marino Mezzetti and 3 more
Energetic Phenomena on the Sun
M R Kundu and 2 more
Reference Frames
Jean Kovalevsky and 2 more
Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics
Michele Caffo and 3 more
G Belvedere
Physics of Luminous Blue Variables
Kris Davidson and 2 more
Graeme D Watt and 1 more
Inside the Sun
Gabrielle Berthomieu and 1 more
Manned Laboratories in Space
SF Singer
Windows on Galaxies
Giuseppina Fabbiano and 2 more
Harley A Thronson Jr and 1 more
Physical Processes in Fragmentation and Star Formation
Roberto CapuzzoDolcetta and 2 more
Radio Recombination Lines: 25 Years of Investigation
MA Gordon and 1 more
The Cosmic Microwave Background: 25 Years Later
Dusty Objects in the Universe
E Bussoletti and 1 more
Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond
Y Kondo
NC Wickramasinghe and 1 more
Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Evolution of Early Universe
Katsuhiko Sato and 1 more
Particles and Fields in the Magnetosphere
Billy McCormac
Databases & On-Line Data in Astronomy
MA Albrecht and 1 more
Origin and Evolution of Interplanetary Dust
AC LevasseurRegourd and 1 more
Digitised Optical Sky Surveys
HT MacGillivray and 1 more
The Andromeda Galaxy
Paul W Hodge
The Realm of Interacting Binary Stars
J Sahade and 2 more
Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies
Osservatorio astronomico di Capodimonte and 3 more
Experimental Astronomy
JeanClaude Pecker
The Center, Bulge, and Disk of the Milky Way
Leo Blitz
Intelligent Information Retrieval
Andre Heck and 1 more
Physics of Solar and Stellar Coronae: G.S. Vaiana Memorial Symposium
Jeffrey L Linsky and 1 more
Stability of Collisionless Stellar Systems
P L Palmer
Frontiers Of Space And Ground-Based Astronomy
Willem Wamsteker and 2 more
The Environment and Evolution of Galaxies
JM Shull and 1 more
Solar Magnetic Fields
J O Stenflo
Jan Olof Stenflo
Intercorrelated Satellite Observations Related to Solar Events
V Manno and 1 more
Infrared Astronomy With Arrays
Ian S McLean
Fundamentals of Cosmic Electrodynamics
BV Somov
Dusty and Self-Gravitational Plasmas in Space
P V Bliokh and 2 more
Magnetic Fields of Celestial Bodies
Ye Shihui
The Nature of Solar Prominences
E TandbergHanssen
C de Jager and 1 more
Introduction to Solar Terrestrial Relations
J Ortner and 1 more
Earthquake Displacement Fields and the Rotation of the Earth
L Mansinha and 2 more
Polarization Spectroscopy of Ionized Gases
S A Kazantsev and 1 more
Modulational Interactions in Plasmas
Sergey V Vladimirov
Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy
D Egret and 1 more
VV Zheleznyakov
Cataclysmic Variables
A Bianchini and 2 more
A Evans and 1 more
New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa
David L Block and 1 more
Space Observatories
F Garzón and 4 more
Sanjeev Dhurandhar and 1 more
Wide-Field Spectroscopy
E Kontizas and 3 more
JK KatgertMerkelijn
White Dwarfs
J Isern and 2 more
Infrared Space Interferometry: Astrophysics & The Study of Earth-Like Planets
C Eiroa and 4 more
Nonequilibrium Processes in the Planetary and Cometary Atmospheres
Mikhail Ya Marov and 3 more
Structure and Evolution of the Galaxy
LN Mavridis
An Atlas of Local Group Galaxies
Paul W Hodge and 2 more
Immo Appenzeller and 5 more
Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy
Andre Heck
FP Pijpers and 2 more
MN Bremer and 2 more
James W Beletic and 1 more
Observational Plasma Astrophysics
Tetsuya Watanabe and 2 more
The Magellanic Clouds
AB Muller
The Impact of Near-Infrared Sky Surveys on Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy
N Epchtein
The Evolving Universe
Donald Hamilton
The Brightest Binaries
D Vanbeveren and 2 more
Observational Evidence for Black Holes in the Universe
Sandip K Chakrabarti
Astrophysical Plasmas and Fluids
VINOD Balakrishnan
Post-Hipparcos Cosmic Candles
The Radiating Atmosphere
Millimeter-Wave Astronomy: Molecular Chemistry & Physics in Space
WF Wall and 3 more
Cosmic Perspectives in Space Physics
S Biswas
The Universe
Naresh Dadhich and 1 more
Waves in Dusty Space Plasmas
Frank Verheest
The Legacy of J.C. Kapteyn
Piet C van der Kruit and 1 more
Reza Mansouri and 1 more
The Neutral Upper Atmosphere
S N Ghosh
Information Handling in Astronomy
Optical Detectors For Astronomy II
Paola Amico and 1 more
Francesca Matteucci
KS Cheng and 3 more
The Evolution of The Milky Way
Francesca Matteucci and 1 more
A Hanslmeier and 2 more
Selected Exercises in Galactic Astronomy
I Atanasijevic
Toshikazu Ebisuzaki and 1 more
Post-AGB Objects as a Phase of Stellar Evolution
R Szczerba and 1 more
The Nature of Unidentified Galactic High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources
Alberto Carramiñana and 2 more
Multielement System Design in Astronomy and Radio Science
Lazarus E Kopilovich and 1 more
Physics of the Solar Corona
CJ Macris
Merging Processes in Galaxy Clusters
L Feretti and 2 more
Lunar Gravimetry
Rune Floberghagen
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics: The Link Between Stars and Cosmology
Miguel Chávez and 3 more
S M Razaullah Ansari
Modern Theoretical and Observational Cosmology
Manolis Plionis and 1 more
The Environment of the Earth
F Delobeau
The IGM/Galaxy Connection
Jessica L Rosenberg and 1 more
Mass-Losing Pulsating Stars and Their Circumstellar Matter
Y Nakada and 2 more
Searching the Heavens and the Earth
Agustín Udías Vallina
Solar-Terrestrial Physics/1970
Whatever Shines Should Be Observed
Susan M P McKennaLawlor
M Goossens
Radiation Hazard in Space
L I Miroshnichenko
Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics and 4 more
Proceedings of the Plasma Space Science Symposium
CC Chang and 1 more
Infrared Detection Techniques for Space Research
Scientific Detectors for Astronomy
Scientific Detectors for Astronomy Workshop and 3 more
Cosmic Gamma-Ray Sources
KwongSang Cheng and 1 more
P Ehrenfreund and 11 more
M Landi DeglInnocenti and 1 more
AJ Barger
Gravitational N-Body Problem
M Lecar
The New Rosetta Targets
Luigi Colangeli and 2 more
Hugo van Woerden and 3 more
DE Gary and 1 more
How Does the Galaxy Work?
E J Alfaro and 2 more
Emilio Javier Alfaro and 2 more
David L Block and 4 more
Earth's Magnetospheric Processes
Recollections of "Tucson Operations"
MA Gordon
Maps of Lunar Hemispheres
A Rükl
The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory
Andre HECK
E Sion and 2 more
The New Astronomy: Opening the Electromagnetic Window and Expanding Our View of Planet Earth
Wayne Orchiston
Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy 6
Scientific Detectors for Astronomy 2005
Jenna E Beletic and 2 more
Astrophysical Disks
A M Fridman and 3 more
PC Frisch
Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy 7
Space Weather
Jean Lilensten
The Sun and Space Weather
Arnold Hanslmeier
The Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna in Radio Astronomy and Communication
Jacob W M Baars
Lasers, Clocks and Drag-Free Control
Hansjörg Dittus and 2 more
Physics and Chemistry of Upper Atmosphere
High Time Resolution Astrophysics
Don Phelan and 2 more
Eugene F Milone and 2 more
Black Hole Gravitohydromagnetics
Brian Punsly
Neutron Stars and Pulsars
Werner Becker
Physics of Relativistic Objects in Compact Binaries
Monica Colpi
Monica Colpi and 4 more
Variable Stars in Globular Clusters and in Related Systems
JD Fernie
Nonlinear Cosmic Ray Diffusion Theories
Andreas Shalchi
M Goss and 1 more
Thermal Design and Thermal Behaviour of Radio Telescopes and Their Enclosures
Albert Greve and 1 more
Planets in Binary Star Systems
Nader Haghighipour
General Relativity and John Archibald Wheeler
Ignazio Ciufolini and 1 more
Water in the Universe
Jacobi Dynamics
S V Ferronskii and 1 more
VI Ferronsky and 2 more
Photon and Particle Interactions With Surfaces in Space
RJL Grard
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Sabino Matarrese
Sabino Matarrese and 3 more
Linear Isentropic Oscillations of Stars
P Smeyers and 1 more
Paul Smeyers and 1 more
Fine Structure of Solar Radio Bursts
Gennady Pavlovich Chernov
Hot Interstellar Matter in Elliptical Galaxies
DongWoo Kim and 1 more
The Spiral Galaxy M33
P Hodge
Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology
W Israel
The Astronomer Jules Janssen
Françoise Launay
Taking the Back Off the Watch
Thomas Gold
A Brief History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR
S Y Braude and 13 more
Fundamental Questions of Practical Cosmology
Yurij Baryshev and 1 more
Eta Carinae and the Supernova Impostors
Kris Davidson and 1 more
Nanodust in the Solar System
Ingrid Mann and 2 more
Fifty Years of Quasars
Mauro DOnofrio and 2 more
The Synthesis of the Elements
Giora Shaviv
Carl Størmer
Alv Egeland and 1 more
The First Galaxies
Tommy Wiklind and 2 more
Le Verrier—Magnificent and Detestable Astronomer
James Lequeux
The Stars of Galileo Galilei and the Universal Knowledge of Athanasius Kircher
Roberto Buonanno
AGW Cameron
The Coronas-F Space Mission
Vladimir Kuznetsov
50 Years of Brown Dwarfs
Viki Joergens
Dynamics of Magnetically Trapped Particles
Juan G Roederer and 2 more
Juan G Roederer and 1 more
Advanced Interferometers and the Search for Gravitational Waves
Massimo Bassan
Solar Cosmic Rays
Eclipses, Transits, and Comets of the Nineteenth Century
Stella Cottam and 1 more
Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media
Alexander Lazarian and 2 more
Giants of Eclipse
Thomas B Ake and 1 more
Camille Flammarion's The Planet Mars
Camille Flammarion
Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments
Helmut Lammer and 1 more
Very Massive Stars in the Local Universe
Jorick S Vink
Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars
Henri M J Boffin and 2 more
The Formation and Disruption of Black Hole Jets
Ioannis Contopoulos and 2 more
Solar Prominences
JC Vial and 1 more
JeanClaude Vial and 1 more
Jacobus Cornelius Kapteyn
Pieter C van der Kruit
Physics of Magnetic Flux Tubes
Margarita Ryutova
Galactic Bulges
Eija Laurikainen and 2 more
The Starlight Night
David H Levy
Correlated Interplanetary and Magnetospheric Observations
DE Page
Tidal Streams in the Local Group and Beyond
Heidi Newberg and 1 more
François Arago
Understanding the Epoch of Cosmic Reionization
Andrei Mesinger
The Birth of Star Clusters
Steven Stahler
Lunar and Planetary Cartography in Russia
Vladislav Shevchenko and 2 more
Low Frequency Radio Astronomy and the LOFAR Observatory
George Heald and 2 more
Magnetic Reconnection
Walter Gonzalez and 1 more
Methods of Detecting Exoplanets
Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science
X-Ray Astronomy
R Giacconi and 1 more
Gas Accretion Onto Galaxies
Andrew Fox and 1 more
Outskirts of Galaxies
Johan Hendrik Knapen and 2 more
From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of Galaxies
Oscillations of Disks
Shoji Kato
Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
G M Simnett
Astronomy at High Angular Resolution
H Boffin and 3 more
Magnetospheric Physics
Astrophysics of Black Holes
Cosimo Bambi
The Lidov-Kozai Effect
Ivan I Shevchenko
A Dirty Window
Loris Alberto Magnani and 1 more
The Three-Body Problem and the Equations of Dynamics
Henri Poincaré
Formation, Evolution, and Dynamics of Young Solar Systems
Martin Pessah and 1 more
Modelling Pulsar Wind Nebulae
Diego F Torres
Radio Telescope Reflectors
Jacob WM Baars and 1 more
First Ten Years of Hinode Solar On-Orbit Observatory
Toshifumi Shimizu and 2 more
In Stock
£125.99 £139.99
Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
CB Cosmovici
Astrophysics of Exoplanetary Atmospheres
Valerio Bozza and 2 more
Laboratory Astrophysics
Guillermo M Muñoz Caro and 1 more
Magnetohydrodynamics in Binary Stars
C G Campbell
Jan Hendrik Oort
Ionospheric Effects of Solar Flares
Hermine Vloemans
Astronomical Polarisation from the Infrared to Gamma Rays
Roberto Mignani and 3 more
Roberto Mignani
Kappa Distributions
Marian Lazar
Millisecond Pulsars
Sudip Bhattacharyya
Demographics of Exoplanetary Systems
Katia Biazzo
Rosaly M C Lopes and 2 more
Neutron Stars, Black Holes and Binary X-Ray Sources
H Gursky and 1 more
Catalog of Solar Particle Events 1955-1969
Zdenek Svestka and 1 more
Radiation Trapped in the Earth's Magnetic Field
Mapping of the Moon
Zdenek Kopal and 1 more
Atmospheres of Earth and the Planets
The Magnetospheres of the Earth and Jupiter
V Formisano
The Solar Chromosphere and Corona
RG Athay
Image Processing Techniques in Astronomy
Solid State Astrophysics
Detection and Spectrometry of Faint Light
J Meaburn
The Scientific Satellite Programme During the International Magnetospheric Study
K Knott and 1 more
Magnetospheric Particles and Fields
Spallation Nuclear Reactions and Their Applications
BSP Shen and 1 more
Multiple Periodic Variable Stars
WS Fitch
Atmospheric Physics from Spacelab
JJ Burger and 2 more
Scientific Applications of Lunar Laser Ranging
JD Mulholland
Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy
GG Fazio
Compilation, Critical Evaluation and Distribution of Stellar Data
Carlos Jaschek and 1 more
Novae and Related Stars
Yozo Yokota
David N Schramm
CNO Isotopes in Astrophysics
J Audouze
Dynamics of Close Binary Systems
Illustrated Glossary for Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
A Bruzek and 1 more
Introduction to Celestial Mechanics
Jean Kovalevsky
Topics in Interstellar Matter
Study of Travelling Interplanetary Phenomena 1977
MA Shea and 2 more
Dynamics of Planets and Satellites and Theories of Their Motion
VG Szebehely
PJ Palmadesso and 1 more
Stars and Star Systems
BE Westerlund
Image Formation from Coherence Functions in Astronomy
C van Schooneveld
Dynamics of the Magnetosphere
SyunIchi Akasofu
Measure of the Moon
PA Shaver
Astrophysics from Spacelab
PL Bernacca and 1 more
P Kamp
EM Gaposchkin and 1 more
R Giacconi
I Iben and 1 more
Electromagnetic Radiation in Space
JG Emming
The Orion Complex
CD Goudis
CM Humphries
RS Bohn and 1 more
M Friedjung and 1 more
Sun and Planetary System
W Fricke and 1 more
Binary and Multiple Stars as Tracers of Stellar Evolution
Progress in Cosmology
AW Wolfendale