China's Unequal Treaties
Dong Wang
Not Available
Precious Steppe
Ole Bruun
The Culture of Fengshui in Korea
Hong-key Yoon
Managing God's Higher Learning
Yoko Tawada
Hiltrud Arens and 2 more
Douglas Slaymaker and 10 more
Binayak Ray
Tommy's Sunset
Hisako Tsurushima and 1 more
Hisako Tsurushima
Lake of Heaven
Michiko Ishimure and 1 more
Bruce Allen
Windows on the Chinese World
Clara Wing-chung Ho
The Chinese in Cuba, 1847-Now
Mauro García Triana and 1 more
Imperial Subjects as Global Citizens
Mark Lincicome
Mark Elwood Lincicome
Japan in the World
Klaus Schlichtmann
Rising from the Flames
Samuel L. Leiter
Filling the Hole in the Nuclear Future
Robert Jacobs
Robert A. Jacobs
Radicalism, Revolution, and Reform in Modern China
Catherine Lynch and 2 more
The "Other" Karen in Myanmar
Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung
A Localized Culture of Welfare
Kwok-shing Chan
Malay Kingship in Kedah
Maziar Mosaffari Falarti
Refining Nature in Modern Japanese Literature
Nanyan Guo
Heritage Politics
Tze May Loo
Yokohama Street Life
Tom Gill
The Bonin Islanders, 1830 to the Present
David Chapman
Neonationalist Mythology in Postwar Japan
Nariaki Nakazato
Memory, Reconciliation, and Reunions in South Korea
Nan Kim
Ethnic Capital in a Japanese Brazilian Commune
Nobuko Adachi
Peace in the East
T'ae-jin Yi and 2 more
Poetry and Terror
Peter Dale Scott and 1 more
Overcoming Ptolemy
Geoffrey C. Gunn
Yi Tae-Jin and 8 more