The Biological and Social Analyses of a Mississippian Cemetery from Southeast Missouri
Thomas K. Black
Not Available
An Early Woodland Community at the Schultz Site 20SA2 in the Saginaw Valley and the Nature of the Early Woodland Adaptation in the Great Lakes Region
Doreen Ozker
Lulu Linear Punctated
George Irving Quimby and 2 more
Paleoethnobotany of the Kameda Penninsula Jomon
Gary W. Crawford
The Archaeology of the Sierra Blanca Region of Southeastern New Mexico
Jane Holden Kelley
Primitive Polluters
A. Terry Rambo
Prehistoric Food Production in North America
Richard I. Ford
Jumano and Patarabueye
J. Charles Kelley
The Foxie Otter Site
Christopher C. Hanks
Protohistoric Yamato
Gina Lee Barnes
The Bridgeport Township Site
John M. O'Shea and 1 more
Vertebrate Faunal Remains from Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona
John W. Olsen
Living in a Lean-to
Navin K. Rai
Debating Oaxaca Archaeology
Joyce Marcus and 1 more
Maguey Utilization in Highland Central Mexico
Jeffrey R. Parsons and 1 more
The Behavioral Ecology of Efe Pygmy Men in the Ituri Forest, Zaire
Robert Converse Bailey
Profiles in Cultural Evolution
Elman R. Service and 2 more
Elements for an Anthropology of Technology
Pierre Lemonnier
Wari Imperialism in Middle Horizon Peru
Katharina Jeanne Schreiber
Caciques and Their People
Joyce Marcus and 2 more
The Last Saltmakers of Nexquipayac, Mexico
Jeffrey R. Parsons
Engaged Anthropology
Michelle Hegmon and 2 more
The Last Pescadores of Chimalhuacán, Mexico
Prehistoric Copper Mining in Michigan
John R. Halsey