Technological Change, Economic Development and Space
C S Bertuglia and 2 more
Not Available
Telematics and Transport Behaviour
Gerard Pepping and 3 more
The Economics of Industrial Location
Philip McCann
Understanding and Interpreting Economic Structure
Geoffrey JD Hewings and 3 more
Information, Place, and Cyberspace
Regional Competition
Peter WJ Batey and 1 more
National Transport Models
Lars Lundqvist and 1 more
Trade, Networks and Hierarchies
Geoffrey JD Hewings and 2 more
Planning Support Systems in Practice
Stan Geertman and 1 more
European Regional Growth
Bernard Fingleton
Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition
J Bröcker and 2 more
Spatial Interaction Modelling
John R Roy
Transport Developments and Innovations in an Evolving World
Michel Beuthe and 1 more
Fifty Years of Regional Science
Raymond Florax and 1 more
The Emerging Digital Economy
B Johansson and 2 more
Critical Infrastructure
Alan T Murray and 1 more
European Metropolitan Housing Markets
Âke E Andersson and 2 more
Modelling Regional Scenarios for the Enlarged Europe
Roberta Capello
Road Pricing, the Economy and the Environment
Christopher JensenButler
Tool Kits in Regional Science
Michael Sonis and 1 more
New Directions in Regional Economic Development
Charlie Karlsson
Progress in Spatial Analysis
Antonio Páez
Cost-Minimizing Choice Behavior in Transportation Planning
Sven Erlander
Modeling Spatial and Economic Impacts of Disasters
Yasuhide Okuyama and 1 more
Globalization and Urban Development
Harry W Richardson and 1 more
Regional Disparities in Small Countries
Daniel Felsenstein and 1 more
Methods and Models in Transport and Telecommunications
Aura Reggiani and 1 more
Innovation System Frontiers
Brian Wixted
Ake E Andersson and 2 more
Globalization and Regional Economic Modeling
Russel Cooper and 2 more
Roberta Capello and 3 more
Growth and Innovation of Competitive Regions
Ugo Fratesi and 1 more
C JensenButler and 4 more
Börje Johansson and 2 more
Social Capital in the Knowledge Economy
Hans Westlund
Sustainable Cities and Energy Policies
Roberta Capello and 2 more
Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering
Daniel A Griffith
John Roy
R J G M Florax and 1 more
Regional Science in Business
Graham Clarke and 1 more
Metropolitan Innovation Systems
Manfred M Fischer and 2 more
Recent Developments in Spatial Analysis
Manfred M Fischer and 1 more
Geographical Information and Planning
John C H Stillwell and 2 more
Peter W J Batey and 2 more
Michel Beuthe
Seminar on National Transport Models and 2 more
Advances in Spatial Econometrics
Luc Anselin and 2 more
Donald G Janelle and 1 more
Johannes Bröcker and 2 more
In Stock
£161.99 £179.99
Geocomputational Modelling
The Emergence of the Knowledge Economy
Zoltán J Ács and 2 more
Mathematical Location and Land Use Theory
Tönu Puu
Geoffrey Hewings
B Fingleton
Knowledge, Complexity and Innovation Systems
Geoffrey Hewings and 2 more
Regional Convergence in the European Union
Juan R Cuadrado Roura and 1 more
Theories of Endogenous Regional Growth
Intelligent Spatial Decision Support Systems
Yee Leung
Spatial Economic Science
Aura Reggiani
Spatial Dynamics of European Integration
Innovative Behaviour in Space and Time
Cristoforo S Bertuglia and 2 more
Overcoming Isolation
Harry Coccossis and 1 more
New Directions in Spatial Econometrics
Luc Anselin and 1 more
Information and Pricing in Road Transportation
Richard HM Emmerink
Competitive European Peripheries
Heikki Eskelinen and 1 more
Infrastructure and the Complexity of Economic Development
David F Batten and 1 more
Recent Advances in Spatial Equilibrium Modelling
Jeroen CJMvan den Bergh and 2 more
Network Infrastructure and the Urban Environment
Lars Lundqvist and 2 more
Peter Nijkamp and 2 more
Is Transport Infrastructure Effective?
Piet Rietveld and 1 more
Knowledge Discovery in Spatial Data
Antonio Páez and 3 more
Charlie Karlsson and 3 more
Complexity and Spatial Networks
Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis
Sven B Erlander
Regional Development Reconsidered
Gündüz Atalik and 1 more
Innovation, Networks and Localities
Residential Location Choice
Francesca Pagliara and 2 more
Financial Networks
Anna Nagurney and 1 more
Employment Location in Cities and Regions
Francesca Pagliara
Innovation, Growth and Competitiveness
Peter Nijkamp and 1 more
Service Industries and Regions
Juan R CuadradoRoura
Cooperation, Clusters, and Knowledge Transfer
Joao J M Ferreira
Metropolitan Regions
Johan Klaesson and 2 more
Globalization and Regional Growth in Europe
Drivers of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Regional Dynamics
Karima Kourtit and 2 more
Innovation and Regional Growth in the European Union
Riccardo Crescenzi and 1 more
Regional Problems and Policies in Latin America
Congestion-Prone Services Under Quality Competition
DongJoo Moon
Convergence Clubs and Spatial Externalities
Stilianos Alexiadis
Spatial Microsimulation for Rural Policy Analysis
Cathal ODonoghue and 4 more
Francesca Pagliara and 3 more
Geography, Institutions and Regional Economic Performance
Juan R Cuadrado Roura
João J M Ferreira and 3 more
Defining the Spatial Scale in Modern Regional Analysis
Esteban Fernández Vázquez and 1 more
Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling
Roberto Patuelli and 1 more
The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations
Thomas Scherngell
Applied Regional Growth and Innovation Models
European Metropolitan Commercial Real Estate Markets
Ed F Nozeman and 1 more
Juan R CuadradoRoura and 1 more
Names, Ethnicity and Populations
Pablo Mateos
Regional Economic Impacts of Terrorist Attacks, Natural Disasters and Metropolitan Policies
Harry W Richardson and 3 more
Sampling Spatial Units for Agricultural Surveys
Roberto Benedetti and 2 more
Regional Research Frontiers. Volume 1 Innovations, Regional Growth and Migration
Randall Jackson and 1 more
Regional Research Frontiers. Volume 2 Methodological Advances, Regional Systems Modeling and Open Sciences
Collaborative Approach to Trade
Francesca Romana Medda and 3 more
Regional Upgrading in Southern Europe
Madalena Fonseca and 1 more
Demographic Transition, Labour Markets and Regional Resilience
Cristina Martinez and 2 more
Knowledge Spillovers in Regional Innovation Systems
Jan Stejskal and 2 more
The Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Spatial Panel Data
Michael Beenstock and 1 more
Advances in Spatial and Economic Modeling of Disaster Impacts
Yasuhide Okuyama
Territorial Impact Assessment
Eduardo Medeiros
Transportation Systems for Tourism
M R Dileep and 1 more
Cultural Heritage and Territorial Identity
Elisa Panzera
The Colombian Economy and Its Regional Structural Challenges
Eduardo A Haddad
Rethinking Input-Output Analysis
Jan Oosterhaven
Eduardo A Haddad and 2 more