Programmierbare Taschenrechner in Der Elektrotechnik
Vaske and 2 more
Not Available
Optimization Theory and Applications
Jochen Werner
Asymptotic Distribution Theory in Nonparametric Statistics
Manfred Denker
Regular Solids and Isolated Singularities
Klaus Lamotke
Kähler Differentials
Ernst Kunz
Stable Solution of Inverse Problems
Johann Baumeister
Topics on Real and Complex Singularities
Alexandru Dimca
Stochastic Integrals
Heinrich von Weizsäcker
Topics in the Calculus of Variations
Martin Fuchs
Wavelets — Eine Einführung
Christian Blatter
Variational Principles for Discrete Surfaces
Junfei Dai and 2 more
Handbook of Geometric Analysis, No. 1
Lizhen Ji and 3 more
Geometry, Analysis and Topology of Discrete Groups
Superstring Theory
Kefeng Liu and 2 more
Asymptotic Theory in Probability and Statistics With Applications
Tze Leung Lai and 2 more
Recent Developments in Algebra and Related Areas
Chongying Dong and 1 more
Algebraic Geometry
Ulrich Görtz and 1 more
Handbook of Geometric Analysis, No. 2
Handbook of Geometric Analysis, No. 3
Differential Geometry
Yibing Shen and 2 more
Lattices and Codes
Wolfgang Ebeling
Handbook of Moduli
Gavril Farkas and 1 more
Number Theory and Related Areas
Yi Ouyang and 3 more
Selected Expository Works of Shing-Tung Yau With Commentary 2 Volume Set
Automorphic Forms and L-Functions
Jianya Liu
Handbook of Group Actions
Lizhen Ji and 2 more
The Legacy of Bernhard Riemann After One Hundred and Fifty Years. Volume I
The Legacy of Bernhard Riemann After One Hundred and Fifty Years. Volume II
The Legacy of Bernhard Riemann After One Hundred and Fifty Years
Some Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Applications
Junfeng Li and 2 more
Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Volume 1
ChangShou Lin
Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Volume 2
Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, 2 Volume Set
Hodge Theory and L2-Analysis
Hodge Theory and L2cohomology Conference and 1 more
Handbook of Group Actions, Four Volume Set
Handbook of Group Actions. Volume IV
ShingTung Yau
Handbook of Group Actions. Volume III
Complex Geometry from Riemann to Kähler-Einstein and Calabi-Yau
Lizhen Ji
Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Volume I
Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Volume II
Tsinghua Lectures in Mathematics
Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (2-Volume Set)
Open Problems in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
Frans Oort
Handbook of Group Actions. V
Handbook for Mirror Symmetry of Calabi-Yau and Fano Manifolds
Computational Conformal Geometry
Xianfeng David Gu and 1 more
Handbook of Group Actions. Volume 1
Handbook of Group Actions. Volume II
Uniformization, Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence, Calabi-Yau Manifolds & Picard-Fuchs Equations
Lizhen Ji and 1 more