Understanding Stellar Evolution
Henny J G L M University of Amsterdam Lamers and 1 more
Not Available
Astrophysics of Red Supergiants
Emily M Levesque
Hubble Deep Field and the Distant Universe
Robert Williams
Creating the Molecules of Life
Richard N Boyd and 1 more
Simulating Large-Scale Structure for Models of Cosmic Acceleration
Baojiu Li
Modeling and Analysis of Eclipsing Binary Stars
Andrej Prsa
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Andrew J Levan
Astrophysical Recipes
Simon Portegies Zwart and 1 more
Gas-Phase Chemistry in Space
François Lique and 1 more
Extragalactic Novae
Allen Wayne Shafter and 1 more
Time-Domain Studies of the Andromeda Galaxy
ChienHsiu Lee
Extreme Solar Particle Storms
Fusa Miyake and 2 more
The Cosmic 21-Cm Revolution
Professor Andrei Mesinger and 7 more
The Doppler Method for the Detection of Exoplanets
Professor Artie Hatzes
The Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Dr Belinda J Wilkes and 8 more
Life With Hubble
Dr David S NASA and 1 more
Essentials of Nucleosynthesis and Theoretical Nuclear Astrophysics
Thomas Adjunct Lecturer and 1 more
The NASA Kepler Mission
William NASA Ames Reseach Center Borucki and 2 more
Foundations of Quantum Cosmology
Martin Bojowald
Seeing the Unseen
Harold A McAlister
Common Envelope Evolution
Natalia University of Alberta Ivanova and 2 more
Introductory Notes on Planetary Science
Colette Salyk and 1 more
Elementary Cosmology (Second Edition)
James J University of Notre Dame and 1 more
Planetary Diversity
Elizabeth Tasker
Introduction to Stars and Planets
Alan University of Massachusetts United States Hirshfeld
The Cosmic Evolution of Galaxy Structure
Christopher J Conselice
Radio Pulsar Statistics
D R Lorimer
Magnetic Fields in O, B, and A Stars
Dr Swetlana AIP and 3 more
Principles of Multimessenger Astronomy
Miroslav Filipovic and 1 more
Experimental Astrophysics
Elia Stefano Professor and 1 more
Nikku University of Cambridge United Kingdom Madhusudhan and 2 more
Active Galactic Nuclei
Françoise Professor and 2 more
Planetary Habitability
Professor Stephen R University of California Kane
Gravitational Waves in Physics and Astrophysics
M Professor and 3 more
An Introduction to Stellar Magnetic Activity
Gibor Basri
Origins of Giant Planets, Volume 1
Professor Sarah University of Delaware and 1 more
Galaxy Morphology
Benne Professor and 1 more
Multimessenger Astronomy in Practice
Miroslav D FilipoviÔc and 1 more
Accreting Binaries
Sylvain Chaty
Dust in the Galactic Environment (Third Edition)
Douglas Whittet
Great Mysteries in Astrophysics
Nicole LloydRonning
Electrostatic Phenomena on Planetary Surfaces
Carlos I Calle and 1 more
Stellar Populations
Ata Sarajedini
New Windows on the Universe
Saeqa Dil Vrtilek
Vignettes from General Relativity
B Berger
Dust in Planetary Systems
Joshua Colwell
Inside the Stars
Hugh University of Rochester United States Van Horn
Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology
I R Kenyon
Lithium Across the Universe
Eduardo Martín
Accreting White Dwarfs
Edward M Sion
Climate Change for Astronomers
Travis A Rector
Astronomical Python
Imad Pasha
An Astronomical Inclusion Revolution
Dara Norman and 2 more
Student Exoplanet Projects Using Data from the Kepler-Mission
Michael C LoPresto
An Introduction to Brown Dwarfs
John Gizis
Triton and Pluto
Adrienn LuspayKuti and 1 more
Kathryn Volk and 2 more
Astrosphere Environments and Exoplanet Habitability
Vladimir Airapetian
Cloud Computing in Astronomy
G Bruce Berriman
An Introduction to Solar Variability
Dr Scott McIntosh
Geology of Titan
Professor Jason Barnes and 1 more
Fast Radio Bursts and the Dynamic Radio Sky
Shami Chatterjee and 1 more
The Ringed Planet: Cassini's Voyage of Discovery of Saturn (Third Edition)
The Solar Wind
Leon Ofman
Interstellar Flow and Star Formation
Enrique VázquezSemadeni
Evolution and Seismology of Red Giant Stars
Andrea Miglio and 1 more
Asteroseismology for the Nonspecialist
Derek Buzasi
An Introduction to Astrophysics With Python. Volume 1 Stars and Planets
James Aguirre
Polarization in Astrophysics
David Chuss and 1 more
Molecules Outside the Earth
Laurent Wiesenfeld
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Jason Wright and 1 more
Origins of Giant Planets. Volume 2 Cores, Atmospheres, and Migration
Sarah DodsonRobinson and 1 more
Handbook of nanoHz Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Bhal Chandra Joshi
Observing Molecules With Radio Telescopes
Brett A McGuire
Understanding the Universe
Yen Chin Ong
Simon Portegies Zwart and 3 more
Radio Telescope Instrumentation for Teaching
Timothy Dolch
Cosmic Voids
Alice Pisani and 2 more
Tidal Disruption Events
Suvi Gezari
Galactic Atmospheres
G Mark Voit
Polarimetry of Explosive Transients
Justyn Maund and 1 more