Byzantine Infantryman
Timothy Dawson
Not Available
The Alamo 1836
Stephen L Hardin
Privateers & Pirates 1730–1830
Angus Konstam
Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560–1605
French Armies of the Hundred Years War
Dr David Nicolle
Armies of Medieval Russia 750–1250
Pirates 1660–1730
Granada 1492
Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1775–1820
Highland Clansman 1689–1746
Stuart Author Reid
Germanic Warrior AD 236–568
Simon MacDowall
Republican Roman Army 200–104 BC
Nicholas Sekunda
Lake Peipus 1242
Byzantine Armies AD 1118–1461
Ian Heath
Zulu 1816–1906
Ian Knight
The Border Reivers
Keith Durham
Samurai 1550–1600
Anthony J Bryant
Mughul India 1504–1761
The Mamluks 1250–1517
Armies of the Muslim Conquest
Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th–9th Centuries
New Kingdom Egypt
Mark military historian and 1 more
Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec Armies
John Pohl
Early Samurai AD 200–1500
French Medieval Armies 1000–1300
Rome's Enemies (5)
The Ancient Assyrians
Attila and the Nomad Hordes
Soldiers of the English Civil War (2)
John Tincey
Soldiers of the English Civil War (1)
Keith Roberts
The Samurai
The Zulus
Rome's Enemies (4)
Rafael Treviño Martinez
The Army of Alexander the Great
Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars
Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300–1774
The Special Air Service
James Shortt
Ancient Armies of the Middle East
Terence Wise
Marlborough's Army 1702–11
Michael Barthorp
The Mongols
Dr Stephen Turnbull
The Conquistadores
Women at War 1939–45
Jack CassinScott