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Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java With JUnit
Jeff Langr
In Stock
£38.69 £42.99
Engineering Resilient Systems on AWS
Kevin Schwarz and 2 more
£50.39 £55.99
Test-Driven React
Trevor Burnham
£33.29 £36.99
Inside Cyber Warfare
Jeffrey Caruso
£40.49 £44.99
Learning Kali Linux
Ric Messier
£43.19 £47.99
Policy as Code
Jimmy Ray
£57.59 £63.99
Learning DevSecOps
Steve Suehring
Becoming SRE
David N BlankEdelman
Clean Code Cookbook
Maximiliano Contieri
£47.69 £52.99
Software Testing Foundations, 5th Edition
Andreas Spillner and 1 more
£37.80 £42.00
iOS Unit Testing by Example
Jon Reid
£34.65 £38.50
A Scrum Book
Jeff Sutherland and 1 more
£46.79 £51.99