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Unity Development Cookbook
Paris ButtfieldAddison and 2 more
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£47.69 £52.99
Programming Android With Kotlin
PierreOlivier Laurence and 3 more
Head First Swift
Anthony Gray and 2 more
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£57.59 £63.99
Head First Android Development
Dawn Griffiths and 1 more
£64.79 £71.99
Kotlin and Android Development Featuring Jetpack
Michael Fazio
£35.99 £39.99
Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies
Tammy Coron
£37.35 £41.50
Creative Selection
Ken Kocienda
£11.69 £12.99
Practical Deep Learning for Cloud and Mobile, and Edge
Anirudh Koul and 2 more
RxJava for Android Developers
Timo Tuominen
£32.39 £35.99
Introducing Microsoft Flow
Vijai Anand Ramalingam
£49.49 £54.99
Learning Swift
Jon Manning and 2 more
React Native Cookbook
Jonathan Lebensold
£28.79 £31.99