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Data Visualization With Microsoft Power BI
Alex Kolokolov and 1 more
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£43.19 £47.99
Learning Microsoft Power Apps
Arpit Shrivastava
Azure OpenAI Service for Cloud Native Applications
Adrián González Sánchez
Programming C# 12
Ian Griffiths
£57.59 £63.99
Excel Cookbook
Dawn Griffiths
£47.69 £52.99
Clean Architecture With .Net
Dino Esposito
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£26.99 £29.99
Artificial Intelligence With Microsoft Power BI
Jen Stirrup and 1 more
£50.39 £55.99
Architecting IoT Solutions on Azure
Blaize Stewart
Learning Microsoft Power BI
Jeremey Arnold
PowerShell Cookbook
Lee Holmes
£64.79 £71.99
PowerShell Pocket Reference
£21.59 £23.99
Essential Excel 2019
David Slager and 1 more
£58.49 £64.99